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  1. C

    Why are blower cooling bad ?

    Nice project but it would be nice to see the final results. Also I was expecting to see dryer vent hoses everywhere... At least that's how I would do that. Oh well, all I can tell is that living in cold area doesn't help much and I still need AC anyway.
  2. C

    Stay Inside Bundle is $19.96

    Thanks for posting indeed, but I have almost every McMillen's game.
  3. C

    Games that you have replayed the most

    I would say Fallout and Grand Theft Auto series. As for the first, I mean the classic ones: F1, F2, Tactics and New Vegas at some point. I have various editions from the worldwide and tested almost any build you can imagine. Thanks to the modding community there are tons of mods which expand the...
  4. C

    ION Fury

    That's the Duke Nukem we deserve. Pre-ordered it when it was called Ion Maiden.
  5. C

    Can a Steam account be recovered with first email or credit card information?

    That's true. One of my friends convinced Valve and Blizzard staff to give him accounts he didn't own. He was just having an email and that's all.
  6. C

    For Honor (Standard Edition) [Ubisoft] Free Till [DEAD]

    Got it on Steam and EGS. No need to bother with ubi store.