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    New Study Claims Piracy is Driven by Availability and Price

    So would I. Even Origin Access has some games I've played in a month of subbing.
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    New Study Claims Piracy is Driven by Availability and Price

    I would not be surprised if in the future Valve allows renting of games on Steam that allows you to beat a game in an allotted time period then it expires and you no longer have access to it. There's many on my Library I wont play again, like so many movies I've streamed that I wont ever watch...
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    Hackers Use Smart TVs to Promote PewDiePie

    As a new chromecast user, is there something special I need to do to block users from accessing my device?
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    MSI GeForce RTX 2080 GAMING X TRIO Review @ [H]

    Did you purposely not compare to a 1080ti because it's so similar to a 2080?