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  1. D

    Can Your Self-Driving Car Chose Between Killing You Or Pedestrians?

    THIS. My niece was crippled and her friend killed by a soccer mom who literally mistook the accelerator pedal for the brake and all she got was a ticket for "not yielding to a pedestrian in a crosswalk". I still fantasize about returning the favor.
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    Motion Sickness In Autonomous Cars: Don't Read And Ride

    Seriously THE stupidest thing I've ever heard, unless you were joking. :confused:
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    iPhone Buying Interest Continues To Drop

    The difference between the Samsung Galaxy S5 and the iPhone 5s - hell even the S4 - is brutally apparent. One feels like a toy, the other a portable computer. Hell the 5s STILL records mono audio when you shoot video. But thankfully for Apple people are still going to line up for iPhones...
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    One in Three Americans Still Text and Drive

    If willfully distracted/drunk drivers only killed themselves in the wrecks they caused the problem would just take care of itself eventually. Unfortunately these belligerent fuckwits invariably end up killing others with their stupidity.
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    Judge Rules Speed Cameras Are A Scam

    Driving is indeed a privilege, not a right. Sorry for those confused few who continue to think otherwise. People get behind the wheel and will do all manner of shit that is against the law every day - everything but drive responsibly. Now that technology has finally caught up with those...
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    Cool Morphing Touchscreen Keyboard

    I don't know if it was just the look on his face or what but I literally spit coffee all over my desk when he did that. :D
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    Saudi Arabia Implements Electronic Tracking System for Women

    QFT! "Religion is the most malevolent of all mind viruses." - Arthur C. Clarke "In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point." - Friederich Nietzsche "Religions vary in their degree of idiocy, but I reject them all. For most people, religion...
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    Most Cyberlocker Uploaders Not Driven by Cash

    I seriously have issue with with that term/word "cyberlocker". Sounds like it belongs in that horrible 1995 Hackers movie.
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    Anonymous Wades into the Gaza Conflict

    That's an understatement if I've ever heard one. If Israel wants someone dead it's only a matter of time before they "justify" it in some way.
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    Taliban Official's Email Blunder Leaks 400+ Contacts

    The Taliban has a navy, right? I mean, why would we be investing billions of dollar in exotic railguns and gauss rifle systems for an enemy that had no naval presence? Or perhaps that's all stuff for an "enemy to be named later"?
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    Apple Pays Up for Swiss Railway Clock Design

    Your argument makes no sense in its present form, could you please try to elaborate on it?
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    ACLU Sues Police for Seizing Man’s Phone

    This. The cops in the city I live in have a bad habit of beating homeless people to death, shooting unarmed black people in the back, and blasting 12-year-old girls with shotgun beanbag rounds because the rode the MAX when they weren't supposed to. Not to mention all the off duty road raging...
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    Nikola Tesla Docudrama in the Works

    Edison had an army of engineers working for him who did most of the actual research and inventing.
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    Election 2012 on Xbox Live Turns Gamers Into Voters

    Yup, sounds like some "librul" conspiracy to me. :rolleyes:
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    First Beer in Space

    "Nothing that can be considered beer was harmed in the making of this video". ;)
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    Apple Gets Patent for 5D Technology

    Wake me when they get 34Ds. ;)
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    Donate Your Old Hardware To Help Needy Children

    Captain Obvious is obvious. :rolleyes:
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    FBI Expands Anti-Piracy Logo Use to All Copyright Holders

    While we are on the subject, what does "Homeland Security" have to do with the shit? Started noticing these warnings on Redbox movies a couple months ago.
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    DotCom Case Sees Tears, FBI, Claims of Betrayal

    Watching fat people cry comes in at a close second to watching fat people eat; both being disturbing and hard to stomach.
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    Microsoft, Yahoo Execs Finally Meet

    EU lawsuit in 3...2...1...
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    NY Governor Linked to Prostitution Ring

    You'd think at $5000+ and hour the whores could keep their mouth shut. On the plus side he's a democrat, I was getting sick of the endless stream of toe-tappin', bathroom bandit, prostitute rings involving republicans. It's nice to see a democrat being just as much of a hypocrite and his...
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    DIY USB Personal Fan

    Cools! Need for stitches in 3...2...1
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    RIAA Keeping Settlement Money From Artists

    Take that you indentured servants! No soup for you!
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    PS3 Headtracking Using Camera Only

    Sony's Blue-Ray player keeps getting better. I heard someday you might actually be able to play games on it. :rolleyes:
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    EU Fines Microsoft Record $1.3B

    Dear EU, Die in a fire. This is completely out of hand.
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    $17k Blu-ray Player

    Slap an Apple logo on it and a lowercase "i" in the name. People will be lining up to hemorrhage cash at the thing and high-fiving one another after their purchases.