Search results

  1. R

    1.5 - 2 mile wifi link

    This takes stealing wireless to a whole new level. xD
  2. R

    Grandma Uses 40Gb/sec Connection To Dry Laundry

    She must have sucked some serious dick.
  3. R

    post count Or click someone's username and view public profile. :cool:
  4. R

    Best processor for a gaming PC

    95% of the time you wouldn't notice the difference..
  5. R

    heated mouse? my hands = Freezing

    I would follow up on this.
  6. R

    Homebrew Electric Pyramid Car

  7. R

    Feedback on the updates

    *cough* Well I like the improvements xD
  8. R

    Comcast Defends Internet Practices

    If you don't like it change ISP's. FFS I should have a medal.
  9. R

    First Post!

    This is a new sub-forum right? :cool:
  10. R

    Levitating Lounge Chair

    Just don't expect to be able to use your laptop on it. :cool:
  11. R

    Countdown to 1000 new borgs/addition

    Q6600 @ 2.4ghz (stock cooler :() 968
  12. R

    What’s Behind Warner’s Blu-ray Switch

    I don't know, do you?
  13. R

    What’s Behind Warner’s Blu-ray Switch

    I'll put something else in your mouth soon...
  14. R

    Your online pseudonym; your life or your mood?

    Whatever name I use it will have RoBo at the end (ie, [aZ]RoBo)
  15. R

    Power consumption question...

    Buy a kill-a-watt meter. :)
  16. R

    The *Official* Post Pics Of Your Network Thread

    Thread forwarded to FBI.
  17. R

    new Puget system

    I think that score is pathetic. Run the 06 version tho.
  18. R

    creating a large, multiroom 200 person network... help!

    Use AD if all the computers are running XP Pro which will enable users to log onto any computer and access only their files. Say you have a single server with 3*75gb Drives which would give you 225gb, give each student 1gb of storage and have another 75gb drive running the OS and programs...
  19. R

    Quick Question about the future..

    This is now Post Of The Month. It's really that crap.
  20. R

    Build for parents + what OS/bit?

    Well you could always disable Aero if the Video card isn't up to the job, also I think Vista should be more reliable than XP once Service Pack 1 has been released.
  21. R

    The *Official* Post Pics Of Your Network Thread

    Your answer should come soon. :eek:
  22. R

    Build for parents + what OS/bit?

    Well I would go for Vista it's not /that/ much different than XP. Also 32bit. :)
  23. R

    creating a large, multiroom 200 person network... help!

    Don't make me attack you.... :eek: :p
  24. R

    The *Official* Post Pics Of Your Network Thread

    Lets see if Bob can clear this mess up...
  25. R

    The *Official* Post Pics Of Your Network Thread

    You got lucky. :eek:
  26. R

    The *Official* Post Pics Of Your Network Thread

    This thread is hardly a "gallery" anymore. :(
  27. R

    creating a large, multiroom 200 person network... help!

    Huge, really. :eek: $10,000 wouldn't be unheard of. :(
  28. R

    The *Official* Post Pics Of Your Network Thread

    You haven't already seen it? :eek: That's months old. :D
  29. R

    creating a large, multiroom 200 person network... help!

    It isn't unknown for a school of 400 to saturate a T3 (45mb) however so long as you run some form of access control you could get away with 10mb Symetrical.
  30. R

    creating a large, multiroom 200 person network... help!

    2 x 32 Port switches with gig uplinks should be a good start What internet connection do you have?
  31. R

    The *Official* Post Pics Of Your Network Thread

    What's with the 56k?
  32. R

    The *Official* Post Pics Of Your Network Thread

    :confused: No quite that bored.
  33. R

    The *Official* Post Pics Of Your Network Thread

    I like the Ms Paint diagram. :cool:
  34. R

    Inspiron Display Issues

    There should be a key combination to change between monitors, find it.
  35. R

    Pc hardware unrealible compared to Macs?

    They all come from the same factory in China. No, Macs are no more reliable.
  36. R

    8GB RAM - The Final Thread.

    4gb and you get a large e-penis :cool: 8gb and your e-penis gets so big it dies. :eek: