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  1. CommanderFrank

    Forum Suggestion

    There is a long running thread there now Home Improvement Thread that catches all things home improvement. Specific questions about financing or advice are posted in GenMay proper.
  2. CommanderFrank

    “Rogue One” Reviewed: Is It Time To Abandon The “Star Wars” Franchise?

    I'm a little late to the party, but I just picked up the BluRay on Tuesday when it was released. I watched it last night and again tonight.....long story short, I thought it was great. The story fills in the gaps of where the original movie starts out and now I understand the emotion of Mon...
  3. CommanderFrank

    WTS: DOOM Key (PC)

    A PM would be the appropriate instead of open forum.
  4. CommanderFrank

    List of subjects and wht forum they belong in

    That's kinda like standing at the mouth of a river and tracing the waters back upstream to the tributaries headwaters. Too many variables, but like Kyle said, love to see the list.
  5. CommanderFrank

    VR headsets at sale

    A little too sketchy for this website.
  6. CommanderFrank

    Fire Department Faces $73K Fee From Verizon To Move Phone Cable

    Price doesn't sound too out of line from my experience. I made an inquiry on the cost of relocating a main trunk line no further than 25' off one of our lots when I was a project manager. Slam dunk since the soil is sandy, no obstructions and on top of that it was a main junction terminal. The...
  7. CommanderFrank

    How can I get marked as an official company rep?

    Resend.....he gets a lot of correspondence and it is the holiday season so time off is a real possibility. Be sure to put Official Company Rep Status for the title.
  8. CommanderFrank

    “Rogue One” Reviewed: Is It Time To Abandon The “Star Wars” Franchise?

    Star Wars VII reminded me a lot of The Hobbit I and Deathly Hallows I......a whole lot of talk, movement, but no real plot. They were there to bring you up to speed and to set the stage for the upcoming sequels and when you look back on them now, they look more like money grabs than anything...
  9. CommanderFrank

    “Rogue One” Reviewed: Is It Time To Abandon The “Star Wars” Franchise?

    When Star Wars was first introduced to the public, it was called 'a cowboy and indian movie set in space' giving no significance, just an enjoyable 'park your brain at the entrance' movie. It was fun because no one tried to analyze it for something it wasn't (until the sequels started rolling out).
  10. CommanderFrank

    Elon Musk’s Latest Plan Is To Dig Underground Tunnels To Avoid Traffic Jams

    Super highways no matter where they are located, above ground or in tunnels, are only as good as their ability to exit traffic to their destinations. A bottleneck anywhere will affect the entire system. Vehicles have to move as quickly ramping off as they ramp on, which would affect all terminal...
  11. CommanderFrank


    Pertetual Freebies Thread
  12. CommanderFrank

    Vega GPU announced with some details, HPC so far

    Address the issue at hand, not each other. Personal attacks on members are not tolerated and will result in administrative actions.
  13. CommanderFrank

    Is 'Phubbing' Ruining Your Relationship?

    Phubbing just sounds down and dirty sex with a midget. :D
  14. CommanderFrank

    How can I get marked as an official company rep?

    Contact and he will verify your company association and identify you as a Rep
  15. CommanderFrank

    WTFast don't try it. It is snake oil

    So much fail in this thread
  16. CommanderFrank

    Case standoff holes stripped

    Thread is now off topic and beyond redemption.
  17. CommanderFrank

    Veteran's Forum?

    It was moved behind the GenMay paywall where it was initially set to go with the other paywall sub-forums.
  18. CommanderFrank

    'Hacker' That Stole Celebrity Nudes Gets Prison Time

    He'll probably take a few more before his 18 months are up. :D
  19. CommanderFrank

    FS: Dell Latitude E5420 - 14" - i7 2.80 GHz - 4GB RAM

    We don't interfere in FS/T matters, you should have all of his contact info like his phone number, call him.