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  1. N

    Just pulled the trigger on a no review monitor(New Asus Model)

    I Just got my 2nd monitor yesterday.... its awesome I have so omuch room now, now I just need a Ergotran Stand and im Good..
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    Just pulled the trigger on a no review monitor(New Asus Model)

    I have trouble finding goooood dual screen wallpapers for 2 of these bad boys.... I tried Interfacelift / 4 walled/ devient art but its hard to find good ones..... is there any underground sites? ALso I tried finding >10MP pictures and reducing size, but the ones that come up on google image...
  3. N

    Good Dual Screen wallpapers?

    Anyone know a good site, or a place where I could find images for my dual screens ? 3840x1080 is what im looking for , much thanks.
  4. N

    3 monitors, how do you use it?

    I have 2x VE276Q Asus.. mainly needed it to watch more than 2 markets at a time while I trade ..... will probably get a 3rd one eventually.
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    Just pulled the trigger on a no review monitor(New Asus Model)

    Monitor is really good I bought 1 to "test" it out. Ill be getting 2 more once I come back from my trip in 2 weeks. Awesome monitor. Real estate is huge.
  6. N

    Just pulled the trigger on a no review monitor(New Asus Model)

    Ok great that pixel that I had disappeared on its own!!! Now I have 0 dead pixels, very minor bleed ...great monitor !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gona get a 2nd one soon.
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    ViewSonic VX2739WM vs Samsung P2770H, Which one to get?

    Asus VE276Q 27" ... Its amazing, I just got it.
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    Just pulled the trigger on a no review monitor(New Asus Model)

    I dont know how to upload a picture, here ... I think the bleed is very minor...really doesnt bother me.
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    Just pulled the trigger on a no review monitor(New Asus Model)

    Ok I took a picture with my Iphone, complete darkness and downloaded Dead Pixel Tester and put it to full black background, I think the bleed is VERY MINOR. here goes the pic
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    Just pulled the trigger on a no review monitor(New Asus Model)

    How do I check for "bleeding" ?
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    Just pulled the trigger on a no review monitor(New Asus Model)

    Got mine today. I love it, its soo big !!! I am not going to get 3 tho its waay to big now that I have this one , one is enough, maybe 2 max for my charts when I trade. I have 1 stuck white pixel in the top right corner, right where windows sidebar begins, im not sure if I should keep it or...
  12. N

    Just pulled the trigger on a no review monitor(New Asus Model)

    Just ordered 1 from NewEgg, IF I like it will get another one in Septmber, but for the 3rd one im gona have to replace the desk so its gona take a while ;D
  13. N

    Asus monitor from Newegg headache

    I called NewEgg today and they changed their Exchange policy, even if you have 1 dead pixel you can exchange it for another one, at no cost, I took a screenshot of the Chatroom log with a Rep. And I also called NewEgg and asked over the phone before I clicked the Submit Order button. so now I...
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    Just pulled the trigger on a no review monitor(New Asus Model)

    Which Online retailer has the best Dead piXel return policy ? I see Amazon has them in stock, and newegg. I dont know where to get it from
  15. N

    2x Asus v246 or 1x ASUS VE276Q ??

    Hello ?
  16. N

    2x Asus v246 or 1x ASUS VE276Q ??

    I cant decide if I should go dual monitor 24 inch or get 1 big one and use my current 20.1 2005 FPW :x What do you guys think? My budget is <450
  17. N

    I need a new Monitor for Dual Screens.

    can you PM me the U2410 for 391$ ??? Ill buy one in a heartbeat
  18. N

    I cant decide between the NEC EA231 / Dell U2401 and ZR24W

    Any one else with experience on at least 2 or all 3 of these monitors in person? Anything about the NEC ? What about if dell has another coupo where the U2410 is 431$ vs the zZR24W which one would you chose then ?
  19. N

    I cant decide between the NEC EA231 / Dell U2401 and ZR24W

    Im am looking for a monitor to do everything on, a little bit of everything. I currentl have a dell 2005, and wanted to get something new. NEC EA231 / Dell U2401 and ZR24W I have read reviews for all 3 of tthem and still cannont make up my mind, can you guys help / narrow it down...
  20. N

    I need help...something went wrong after my OC recently.

    Hi guys.. I' hav an issue. For 2 years I had my E8400 @ 3.6Ghz overclocked on my P35 DS3L motherboard without an issue, and I did was change FSB to 400MHz. Recently I got a new graphic card, 5870 so I was thinking to overclock my CPU to 4.05 to prevent any possible further bottleneck.. I did...
  21. N

    Need help chosing a Samsung LCD ~

    If Iw as goingto get 3x 2494 ... would it be ok if i got 1 2494 HM and 2 2494 SW ? Thats 80$ saved right there..
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    Need help chosing a Samsung LCD ~

    Yeah for some reason, I wanted a Samsung this time around...change of brand.
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    Need help chosing a Samsung LCD ~

    Yeah, so basically if I got 3 of the 2494 monitors, 2 would be connected via DVI, and one with a HDMI to DISPLAY port adapter right ???
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    Need help chosing a Samsung LCD ~

    Right so I can have 2 with the DVI and 3rd via display port right? Do the 2494 have display port ? Also if dont want HDMI .. i can just get the SW versions right?
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    Need help chosing a Samsung LCD ~

    Guys What if I want to get 3 of these monitors.... 2494 for example.. would it work for Eyefnity, if 2 of them were SW and 1 was HM ? or all 3 need to be the same? I really dont need the speakers that come on the HM model
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    Need help chosing a Samsung LCD ~

    Wat about this ASUS V246H vs the 2494HM
  27. N

    looking for a new monitor.

    Wat about this ASUS V246H vs the 2494HM ?
  28. N

    Need help chosing a Samsung LCD ~

    I dont need USB ports, as of right now I dont need the HDMI... Wow this is hard, which monitor did better on the test 'coz the wording confused me?
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    Need help chosing a Samsung LCD ~

    Which are better the 2494HM or the SW ? IS the only difference teh HDMI ? If so why should I get HM over the SW ?
  30. N

    Need help chosing a Samsung LCD ~

    Now I started looking at the Samsung SyncMaster XL2370 ... oh man too many options !!!
  31. N

    Need help chosing a Samsung LCD ~

    So I am stuck between choosing these Samsung LCDs. I will be running them on a ATI 5870 gfx card, mainly for gaming. Samsung 2494HM or SW not sure of the difference except HDMI... Samsung P2370HD and Samsung 2343BWX All look very attractive to me, with little differences, its soo hard...
  32. N

    Hey guys I need help chosing a screen for my Studio 15 laptop

    thank you very much. I got scared because I went to a site called and I was lookin at everyone Studio laptop..and it had the 1440x900 I dont know whether they were getting it coz its better or coz it was cheaper....but absolutely i want the best / clearest/ crispest...
  33. N

    Hey guys I need help chosing a screen for my Studio 15 laptop

    Well the reason why I am asking is because, the 1440x900 is a WLED panel so its brighter. Thats why Im confused whether I should get a lower real estate but brighter screen, or get the high resolution screen....I dontk now how much darker its going to be..
  34. N

    Hey guys I need help chosing a screen for my Studio 15 laptop

    I'm torn between chosing the 1400x900 WLED panel vs the 1920x1200 . It's only a 25$ different, so that doesnt just questioning which one is better? Also this laptop will have a blu ray drive in it....and a radeon 3485 card in it.
  35. N

    BenQ E2400HD or V2400W ?

    Well right now I use a 20.1 inch Dell 2005 FPW, but for the stuff i do on my computer, i need more room, so it would be cool if I could either have 3 monitors, by getting dual E2200s or get an extra V2400W lets say...however quality / clarity of images / texts and occasionaly games, come into...
  36. N

    BenQ E2400HD or V2400W ?

    I just called them. they said they accept visa/mastercard and ship out to any US states just fine using FedEx. Fedex also only ships to the lower 48 states and does not ship to Hawaii or Alaska.
  37. N

    BenQ E2400HD or V2400W ?

    Yea i didnt think it was going to be this hard, lol. has the E2200HD for 177$ E2400HD for 280$ V2400W for 340$
  38. N

    BenQ E2400HD or V2400W ?

    Well just checked the V2400W is 340 on so yeah evens out. 2x E2200HW for 340$ or 1x V2400W for 340
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    BenQ E2400HD or V2400W ?

    Well let me rephrase my last post. I meant to say , either I get 1x V2400W ( 440$) and use my current dell 2005 FPW. or I get 2x E2200HD, which will cost about 360$ total from and then I'll have 3 monitors... So 2x E2200 or 1x V2400W ? charts / fonts / images / games...