Search results

  1. E

    FS: Sega Dreamcast + Games/Accessories

    nice job on the pics, alot of detail
  2. E

    FS 7800GTX, P4 2.4 ghz, Intel 850 MB, Two Lain Lai Cases

    Ill take that 2.4 if its still avail let me know
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    Marvin888's FS thread

    got my stuff, works great, shipped fast and packed well. somebody buy something for karma
  4. E

    x1900xt Amd XP procs Abit Nf7-s Wintv-pvr 500mce great prices for local pick

    if you will take paypal and can do $120 shipped for both xps Ill take em
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    FS: Pentium 4 3.0ghz Prescott s478

    (glances at you name) how high did you get it?
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    FS: XP-M 2600+ (IQYHA), A7N8X2.0 (non-dlx)

    what vcore and cooling for 2.5?
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    Marvin888's FS thread

    shuttle combo + pny 6800gt for 330 shipped?
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    WTT: Dell XPS M140 for Multiple LCD monitors

    Ive got 2 17s if your deal falls through
  9. E

    FS: Mac Mini: 1.5ghz 80GB 512MB, Office 2004, iLife 06' $460 Shipped

    the 1.5 is overclocked right? and does this have the airport extreme and blueooth links?
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    FS: AMD X2 Proc/ATI X1900XTX/4gigs ram/laptop

    does the zalman have all the mounting hardware for the various procs?
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    Fs: Dell Xps Gen2 **

    had I not just bought a 9300 Id be all over this, of course if anyone wants a really clean 9300........ :D
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    FS: KVM, Blackberry, Cells, Video Games, Free shipping, everything OBO

    how much for all the xbox accs minus the games?
  13. E

    sellin nomad jukebox zen xtra 40.GB

    100 bucks for the 40gb zen xtra and the shures???? damn
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    FS: ABIT IS7-E2 Socket 478 Motherboard

    AWESOME!!! you put the mobo on dryer sheets to avoid static!!! :D bump for you and a nifty nb heatsink
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    WTB 2 modded xboxs asap

    hep me hep me
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    My FS thread

    what wifi card is in the 9300? how is the warranty almost up if youve had it only 3 months? any refs?
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    WTB 2 modded xboxs asap

    I need 2 total, they dont have to be from the same source but I need atleast one in my hands by the 2nd of march. they need to be chip modded (no softmods please) xbox live support is not important whatsoever. they must be in perfect working order, and cosmetically fine (few dings here and...
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    wtb: pentium 1

    I just want details of the mod that requires this
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    FS: CPU, MoBo, RAM, ATI-AiW, Case and more

    up to the top for a good trader :D
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    FT/FS: ATI Poster, Radeon X800XL

    whats the size and how much for the poster?
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    Fs: X850xt Pe

    agp id be all over, but its not.......?
  22. E

    Nice 9300 17" laptop, nice price!

    do you happen to know if the video module on this specific model is upgradeable?
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    Dell Inspiron 8100 laptop new lcd

    can you take any pics that show the "fibers" your talking about? and the scratch? and what res is the lcd, I know xga but that "standard seems to vary when I google it
  24. E

    FS/FT: Dell Inspiron 9300 Laptop w/6800go, Toshiba Tecra S2 laptop w/6600go, & more!

    is the 6800go the "ultra" that dell has on their site? its 256 dedicated vram also Im guessing, do you have any 3dmark scores?
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    FS: Dual P3 Combo with Heatsinks- last chance!

    do you have any ram for it that you might toss in for some extra $$$?
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    FS: Intel 950 ES chip almost 1/3 less than newegg price!

    bump for the stone cold Intel pimp
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    FS: 2.4c, 3.4c Northwood Cpu & Boards & Ram

    where is the 3.4c?
  28. E

    FS PC Parts - Broke college kid sale

    great deal on the mobo
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    FS: watch, grill, speakers, mini tv etc

    my hand in 13" around at the thumb knuckle, so if it will fit that without having to bust out any butter then its all good
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    FS/FT:1.3 GHz. P-M laptop

    pics of the damaged parts? sound like a good deal if they arnt too bad
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    FS: My Warehouse of P3 and P4 Computers/Monitors/Etc

    any more specs on the p4 and 3 systems? like video, sound nic etc etc
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    WTT-My laptop for a slightly better video card

    slightly better than what?
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    FS: watch, grill, speakers, mini tv etc

    if the watch is in very good condition and has all the links it originally came with (even if they arnt currently attached) I will take it