Sold my PS4. I will get it back later this year or next year sometime. I got better things to spend $400 on. Got tired of waiting on all the great games to come out. It's not worth it right now tbh. :o
I wish i meant it that way. The best buy trade in value for a 32GB Wii U in good condition with the power cord included is only worth $25. :(
You get more for trading in PS3's...
Nah it's not that short. The game is around 10 hrs of playtime, unless you skip all the cut scenes, but what would be the point of playing? I said 3 days because i'm assuming he has a life.
Nothing will save you more money than PlayStation Plus if you play a lot of games. That's a fact. If people were smart they would just buy it every black-friday/cyber-monday for $29.99.
I'm not getting either. I rather get Killzone Shadow fall. It looks fresh and amazing.
I'm not into the whole giant map fps thing. I got to admit though when that building fell down i was like holy fuck! It's a little too slow for me though and I find it kinda boring other than the amazing...
For the people that think the Wii is the best selling console.
Sony PlayStation 2 2000 155 million
Sony PlayStation 1994 102.49 million
Nintendo Wii 2006 100.04 million
Why do you guys love bringing the Wii success in a Wii U debate? Anyways..The only reason why the Wii was so successful was because of the motion control functionality. The Wii U doesn't have this advantage over next gen consoles.
I was hyped about getting a PS4 until i realized that i didn't really like any of the launch games enough to get one. With games like MGS5, GTA5, and Beyond 2 Souls coming out it's really no point to rush and get one yet. Games like Watchdogs and Assassins Creed Black Flag are coming to current...
Wrong. PS3 has always haad better looking exclusives than xbox 360. Just because early cross platform games looked better on the 360 doesn't make it more powerful.
Good Job, now go kill Hydra. I beat DS with a little help from youtube walkthroughs when i didn''t know what to do next :D. If you beat it without any additional help more props to you. I don't really like demon souls after playing Dark Souls idk why. Dark Souls II is a day 1 buy for me though...
That's bad news for a console that's soon going to be competing not just with aging console hardware but with brand new, high-powered consoles from both Sony and Microsoft. While Hines admitted that "it remains to be seen what the future holds" regarding the company's Wii U support, his...
Looks great coming from ps3/360 but if you game on PC you spoiled the surprise for yourself so you won't really be impressed. I'm excited to see what ND can do with the PS4.
Game developers: Nintendo's Wii U is a 'disappointment'. The only reason they won last generation was because of the motion control gimmick. Not saying the Wii U is going to fail but i'm pretty sure it will be dead last this next gen.