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    Honestly my biggest concern is just compatible with the 380x. I'm sure the issues I'm having with this mobo are just a fluke but I just want to make sure. I ordered a mobo on ebay with the 900 series chipset. So maybe If anybody has some cheap DDR3 and a AM3 processor i could use the biostar in...
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    If someone has a motherboard with a 900 series AMD chipset that would be preferred. I'm surprised that there seems to be no AM3+ mobos with PCI-E 3.0.
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    I'm looking for a used motherboard to replace a BioSTAR A880GZ that is having compatibility issues with a Radeon 380x, Basically it won't post even after trying to update bios and trying other troubleshooting tips. Card is tested OK. Requirements: Micro-ATX, Support for an AMD FX-4100 Zambezi...
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    MSI Shows Us How To Install an AMD Threadripper CPU

    As far as applying TIM goes I have a number of methods depending on the die type, whether is temp or permanent, etc. Method 1 (Heat spreader on chip, temporary): A small amount on the corners and a larger amount in the middle, just enough paste to cover the heat spreader without having to clean...
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    AMD Ryzen 1700X CPU Review @ [H]

    Vault 7 dump makes those concerns more likely to be realized.
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    AMD Ryzen 1700X CPU Review @ [H]

    Unlikely yes, but the capabilities of this "backdoor" are worrying. I was indeed trolling a bit :p Edit: The issue is that it's a pandora's box type of situation. Should the worst happen : ie. chinese/russian hackers get it. There's no easy solution besides swapping cpu's, and that might be...
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    AMD Ryzen 1700X CPU Review @ [H]

    Here's a great reason to get an AMD :
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    I got it from the other guy. Bump for you though
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    I'm interested, if another buyer i'm looking at has already sold his.
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    All done - thanks

    You got an email
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Yeah i know for "broken" Lcds just swapping out 10bucks in caps will usually get them working again. I figure with failed CRT's capacitor ageing also plays a big role in their failure.
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I have a AMD 7850 right now. Looks like the only mid range graphics card i can get that is able to output a VGA signal that is worth upgrading to is the Nvidia 970 so i think i'm going to do that and figure out a workaround later. If anybody else has any suggestions for a graphics card that has...
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Id be looking for one that can do 1920x1200 @85hz, but the weird thing is that with external graphics cards on laptops they are able to output to the laptop screen through pci-express so thats why i was wondering if that could work for desktops.
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Since its becoming more and more difficult to find high end videocards that are able to output an analog signal is there a way to run two graphics cards of the same brand and use one for processing and the other to output the rendered graphics through the vga/DVI-I of the other card? Or is there...
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    FS- Sony FW900 24" Monitor - The Legendary last great CRT...

    OP contact me asap. Thanks
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    FS- Sony FW900 24" Monitor - The Legendary last great CRT...

    I'm interested, and willing to drive from socal to pickup. Will have to be in 3-4 weeks, gotta get my old car sold before i have the funds, but i'm willing when i have the money.
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    BlizzCon 2013 CosPlay Pictures

    Those elf chicks:
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    Thrown in Microsoft 'Jail' For Taking Pictures Of Nothing

    Yup! The large cables were there because it needs to be connected all the time.
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    Chinese Supercomputer Destroys Speed Record

    Too high on bitcoins to respond.
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    What RF jack is this?

    Thanks for the replies. I know this jack is not super rare because I've seen it on multiple circuit boards for wifi devices. I'll try and update with some measurements and a better photo.
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    What RF jack is this?

    I'm looking to add an external antenna to a router. I see that there appears to be an RF jack on the circuit board but I can't tell what type it is. :confused: I'm hoping there is someone here that can tell me what type of connector I would need to add an antenna. The jack is very...
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    Digital Pills Approved By The FDA

    People wouldn't want to pay the extra cost for that unless its for monitoring somebodies Immunosuppressive drugs so that their body doesn't just reject their new organ. On a different note though, any technology or policy that try's to get people to take more/newer prescription drugs usually is...
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    Text Message of the Day

    This is the second time I heard of this exact thing happening. The other time some noob texted his highschool DARE officer. :rolleyes: I'd like to think of the justice system as weeding out the retards that obviously don't care about their lives enough to not get caught.
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    Women Set the Pace as Online Gamers

    Your mom. Also, I agree with Dan.
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    Most Teens See Internet Porn…On Accident

    Personally, I blame MTV.
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    Funny Kimbo Slice vs. Caterpillar Ad

    What is this.... I don't even.....
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    $135,000 Blu-ray Player

    Gentlemen, I have just purchased all 50 of these units. My house will be lifted and these "Blu-ray Players" will be systematically positioned to hold the foundation of my house away from the ground. Their advanced isolation and sturdy construction will give my home the ability to...
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    TF2 Spy Update!

    A noob can also achievement farm and get the items before the players that unlock them through normal play. Also grinding is a drag when the players are "forced" to unlock novelty(the ones that rarely happen in normal play) achivements in order to get those weapons; not my idea of fun...
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    TF2 Spy Update!

    This system rocks, it doesn't change anything about the gameplay and people are upset. Get over it, If you don't like putting hours into TF2 then maybe you don't like playing TF2 *gasp*.
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    Killing Floor

    This game, although it is a bit rough around the edges, does a lot of things better than l4d. Staying co-operative is highly benefical, but not brutally forced onto the players as it is in l4d. The ability to camp in Killing Floor is counterbalanced by the shop moving around, in contrast to...
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    Raising Bill Gates

    apparently nobody is........
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    Apple Approves Of Shaking Babies

    To the people who are offended: This application is a good for awareness, Just like how PETA made their own version of Cooking Mama! If people had not made humor out of this "serious" topic, you would not have had the chance to bitch at them for doing so. But I think you people are missing the...
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Heh... looks like your gonna have to go with a plasma display then.....Thats where I'm headed when mine goes out. That is unless of course OLED, or FED are in the market by that time.
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    Cool Picture of the Day

    Looks like they are eating their fist...
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    Urgent: Will this setup work to play BluRay 1080p?

    Thats more than fast enough. I run a 2.1GHz AMD dual core with an ATi 3400 and It can play blu-ray and record shows at the same time with no issues.
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    No choice, have to use wireless

    There is CAT5 cable that is rated for that kind of use.
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    ASUS EAH4890 1GB @ [H]

    Holy shit ATi, Comparable to a 28* series GFX card and uses less energy....AT STOCK! OC that mofo to use up the same amount of power as what Nvidia is pumping out and see ATi pull ahead by a considerable margin.