Isn't that game crazy dependent on system memory as well, I thought I saw a video comparing this game performance between 8gb/16/32 gb ram and it jumped up each time considerably.
I wonder if it'll be like that last godzilla movie where godzilla is literally in about 15 minutes of it where horrible writing and uninteresting human characters are focused throughout.. even cutting away from a huge fight scene to show humans wandering through wreckage.
As someone who likes various types of music, ranging from classical to the obscure parts of metal etc, this wasn't metal, it was barely music. I guess it's a start though?
I remember watching the first and was in awe, then I saw it a second time and then a third and found so many plot issues and holes that it was ruined for me.
The vibe I got from this trailer is very "Transformers-esque" all style no substance, plus the horrible horrible "music" in the trailer...
I'm actually kinda excited for Destiny 2, it looks like they're actually doing things right with it. PC version using bnet, clan support, better solo support and more "open" world type content. I liked the first Destiny, but it felt bare bone MMO overall, looks like this may change.
In terms of plastic/robotics, I guess it looks "realistic", but to be honest, it has a long way to go. No facial movement other than the blinking. The uncanny valley is strong with this android.
Many companies have done this, Blizzard made several memorials to fans and co-workers in the world of WoW. Regardless of when it was done or who did it, it's very cool to see companies pay tribute to the fans that enjoy their work.
I like it all other than the tail light design. The rear wide body design just doesn't look right from the back mixing the hard sharp angles of the rear with the smooth curve of the front is kinda jarring. Other than that, I think it looks decent.
Apparently this was done on a Titan X, not a 1080:
"“We were thrilled with the response to the videos that some in the audience captured and posted, but we also know you'd like to see high-res, full-screen gameplay. We weren't capturing live, (and accidentally left our GTX 1080 at the event...
Thanks for the advice/replies, I decided to go with the upgrade route (ram/SSD) and even look into overclocking sooner or later. I have a noctua HSF (I've always liked that brand) on my CPU since I've built it. I'll look into it a bit more as I go. Also a side note, after tweaking some settings...
The games I'm playing I'm getting 30-50fps, on high settings. And I just got the gpu last year, the newer gashes I don't see any terrible slowdown unless in an mmo there's tons of effects from 30+ people.
I'm not saying I need a new pc, just weighing options between a new system and upgrades...
Hi all, I came here a while back and got some great advice on what to go with when I built my last system (what I'm currently using now, listed below). So i'm back asking for advice on whether I should build new, or upgrade my system (ram/second GPU/psu)?
My current system:
I7-2600 (stock)
I really enjoyed the movie. Everyone just wanted the film to do poorly because apparently that's the new thing to do.
I think it's definitely one of the best in the series.
it doesn't seem to calibrate correctly, after a few swipes, my saber ends up being to the far left of the screen and impossible to move right unless I recalibrate every other swing
There's a mod that will permanently set your carry weight to far higher than the game allows naturally (I have mine set to 9999) mainly cause I'm a hoarder in games like this.
I used to spend hours and hours in UeD, seeing this really makes me wanna get back into content design again. Having an easy to learn difficult to master editing suite will give the game a lot of life.
From what I've read, it's a 5v5 arena shooter with a vertical style of play (probably jetpacks, gravity gimmicks, etc). Not entirely sure why they're trying to form a story around this.
Like it was mentioned, their testing methodology is wrong, not to mention I'm' sure CR gets a nice little undercut from corporations when they "test" things.
Oddly enough, not more than 5 minutes after the patch a new "loot cave" spawn point was found.
These things wouldn't be an issue if they didn't screw up the loot system/RNG in the first place. (among other things)
The best game to compare it to is a mix of Halo (of course) and Borderlands (classes with random based armor/weapons/leveling). It's a FPS with leveling, plain and simple.
It's not Mass Effect, though I think that if a different developer other than Bioware worked on a game like this with...
I haven't had any error messages or any issues at all in the game.
It's not a *bad* game, but it was definitely over-hyped. I knew what I was getting into due to the Alpha/Beta, but I was slightly hoping that the world(s) would be a bit more... Open.
People tend to forget that Gearbox/Pitchford gave an extended "look" at the game, the infamous pre-rendered-not even in the game "demo". They had full knowledge of the quality and the marketing behind the game. And as such are just as responsible as Sega for the blatant false advertising...
It's basically a FPS MOBA style game according to some article (Gameinformer I believe).
Gearbox lost all credibility and value to me since Aliens Colonial marines.
Developmental costs could be completely different, pretty hard to make a comparison like that unless you know how much each company spent to make the game and the engine/platform and advertising for each project.