I downloaded one of these programs once. I got the call, I then proceeded to jerk on the guys chain for 2 hours asking increasingly assinie questions about things that had nothing to do with any computer and the guy kept saying, yep our software will fix that right up for you. I remember...
You know that insurance companies have investors. So are you suggesting that it be the responsibility of the government to fund insurance companies? Not to mention that all of that bullshit you hear about insurance companies making money hand over fist is just a complete lie. The average...
On a different note crypto currencies are the future. Why? Because the governments of the world have the power and desire to bankrupt their people by inflation. For those of you who don't know any one can make a currency, it just has to be exchangeable with other currencies. I could buy a...
If you are found not guilty of a crime to which your assets were linked the government is required to pay reparations of fair market value of the assets, if you seek reparations in court. I have seen this happen 1st hand. A friend of my family had millions of dollars of property incorrectly...
When I had cable and the Comcast didn't trench the cable to the house and left it laying in the yard I purposefully cut it with the mower every weekend until the came and trenched it in. It amazes me that they argued that it would take to long to dig a trench and put the cable in it yet found...
I am going to laugh hard if this guy gets off 100% and the value of bitcoin goes through the roof and the feds have to repay him at like 10 or 20 to 1. Would be epic.
Yawn, more of the same shitty arguments. If you aren't a libertarian you should dig a hole roughly the size of your own body and 6 feet deep and jump in it. Spare the rest of us of your blather.
You know that stat you used in your 1st sentence is horribly wrong, right? I would say no you don't actually know it is wrong. The top 1% of America holds 39.8%t of all of the wealth in America. The top .01% holds 11.1% of all of the wealth...
Also, bandwidth isn't the answer. I'm not saying the speeds we get now aren't shit. But bandwidth isn't the answer. We need better compression technology. The rate at which the amount of data grows will forever outstrip the new supply that can be brought online. We need new transport...
Actually there is a pork shortage. There are massive pig farms in China that had to be shut down and tens of millions of pigs had to be discarded because of some disease due to the conditions they were being raised in. This caused the Chinese to buy hundreds of millions of pounds more pork...
Okay, no they do not. Backing up your data takes forever the first time. After that you back up the changes. Why on earth would you need to back up your steam games, or your itunes movies collection? It might take you 2 days to back up everything on a 3mbps up line. But guess what, you...
I talked about this a month or so ago. Its in the wording of the rules. Legal bandwidth. That's the key phrase. You can't look at what it is today. But rather what it will likely be tomorrow. Net neutrality is built on a campaign of "ifs" and "might happens" I usually find those arguments...
Watch the presidents new phony video with a fake buffering screen at the beginning of the vid.
Also all of you who love encryption be prepared to cry because net neutrality will outlaw encryption
Seriously? How old are these lawyers to be duped by this guy. If I was him and I hired lawyers who claimed I "misrepresented" myself to them I would hold a press conference and tell the world that this entire law firm is a bunch of senile idiots.
They might tie or the ps4 will edge the xb1 out. The problem now is that the PS4 has such a demanding lead that it is going to have the network effect. If you have 3 friends and you all buy a console, with the current numbers 2 of you would by a ps4 and one would by a xb1. The guy who buys...
Yawn, so what if some computer somewhere knows how much porn I watch. What are they going to do with that data? Market porn to me? It's not like I don't know where to find it.
Imagine the fun people could have with this.... Well I take that back, imagine the horror that will happen when Watson says you are likely to develop testicular cancer based on some flawed model. It's a rush job to the hospital to lop your balls off.
Free? You have to buy the case, not to mention who the hell would want this in their house in a place that isn't out of the way. I seriously doubt this vents enough heat to warm up a 300m^2 home.
What's the point of a pre order? If the game works great you can buy in day 2 and play it by day 3. You lost 3 days.... not the end of the world. You buy it early the game is a piece of shit you are out 60 bucks and are waiting weeks if not months for a fix and by that time people have...
OMG someone finally figured it out! I've been saying this for months on here and everyone acts like I am some crazy anti progress goon. Yet no one seems to look at the effects of what these regulations actually do. Cable providers want this. It is a license to print more money for the...
Imagine trying to shoot an astroid down that is going a net 100kph while the earth is traveling around the sun at 1 revolution per year at 107,000 kph, while the earth is rotating at one rotation per day at 1,666 kph while traveling through space on a parabpolic projection at 675,000 kph...
Actually I do know exactly what sending parties see on their phones. I stood right next to a guy who tried to send a text from his iphone to a guy who just switched to a nexus 5 from an iphone 5 and the nexus 5 never received the message and the iphone user never received any indication that...
No its Apples fault. There shouldn't even be an option to not send as an SMS. I know they have some idiotic reasoning about the cost of texting in Europe but guess what, no one uses SMS over there anyway. So its a completely moot point. This is 100% Apples fault. You don't blame the...