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  1. H

    Apple 'Failing To Protect Chinese Factory Workers'

    Pretty sure Samsung manufactures their phones in South Korea. Not real sure about their tablets, but I'm assuming they're made in S. Korea as well. I'm guessing here, but I'm pretty sure that S. Korea and China aren't the best of friends. So, I would imagine that Samsung wouldn't...
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    Last-Gen Gamers Are Being Left Behind

    Wasn't the argument before the "next gen" consoles were released 'consoles are holding back developers"? Because those last gen consoles were tied to DX9? My god these can these console kiddies be any more annoying? Try being a PC gamer you little XBOX 360 puke. For far to long the PC...
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    We're Paying For Broken Games, And It's Unacceptable

    The very last game I pre-ordered was CoD:Black Ops. That game ran like refried crap on my OC'd SLi'd i7 rig. I couldn't even get over 15 fps. I was so disgusted with Activision, and the CoD franchise I vowed to never buy another CoD title any where close to the release date. I still...
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    Memorable Overclocking-Friendly CPUs

    I still use my i7 920 as my main gaming rig. Still holding strong at 3.8 GHz for over 5 years without issue. My i7 build has seen 3 upgrades in video cards during it's operation. Love this CPU.
  5. H

    Common Sense Prevailing In Norway Mass-Shooting Case?

    I wonder if CNN would take this stance if they found out that George Zimmerman played WoW and CoD?
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    NASA Says Apollo 18 Not A Documentary

    Hmm, thats funny. Most ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN viewers/drones believed that Obama was really qualified for the presidency. There is a commentary on intelligence. I would also wager that 90% of the sheepeople who wander into a movie theater to watch this would not only believe that it...
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    NASA Says Apollo 18 Not A Documentary

    Your not going to get a Saturn 5 (launched in Florida) off the ground without a few people noticing. When we see the "flight crew" in other films, or read the credits at the end of this film. The truth will be known.
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    Video: Microsoft Kinect Enabled Ads Explained

    Just Microsoft figuring out a way to get others to do their work for them. Let's get the xbox tards to tweet a Teeyota ad to their friends. One xbox tard tweets a sweet Teeyota Prius ad to another xbox tard, and bingo it works. Brilliant!!
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    No Cost Way To Wall Mount Flat Screen TVs

    It's called a french cleat. And, it has been around for quite some time. I'm a finish carpenter by trade and we use them all the time to hang cabinets, and other wall finishes. The weight of object being hung snugs the top cleat into the bottom cleat. You would have to generate a pretty good...
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    Modern Warfare 3 Spoiler Details Released

    The single-player and co-op aspect(s) of MW2 were great IMO. I still play the co-op with my clan mates from time to time. But, the multi-player was just terrible. The removal of dedicated servers from the multi killed the game for me. The hacks were out of control and better yet, there was...
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    Modern Warfare 3 Spoiler Details Released

    Well it looks OK. I know after MW2 and BO, I'm a little tired of the antics of Activision and IW (or what ever bastardized company they are now). Let me guess, the game will be "optimized" for PC's? Which is really code for PC gamers will get the table scraps of what ever shitty code IW...
  12. H

    Amazing Bargain of the Day!

    Capitalism while not perfect. Is what drives our economy. Not the redistribution of wealth. Capitalism is the engine behind most innovative. Companies are not in business to benefit the greater good of mankind. They are in business to turn a profit...period. If they can do...
  13. H

    Parent Sues Apple for In-App Buying Policy

    Why would you give your 9 year old girl a iphone and a ipad. You are just asking for trouble. 9 year olds don't have the capacity to understand what it takes to make real money. All they know is I like this game, and my best friend likes this game. It takes an adult to possess the common...
  14. H

    Activision Hit With Fraud Charges In West/Zampella Suit

    IW/West/Zampella sold their soles for a slice of console kiddies parents money. Activision was just Satan cashing in the debt. I hope they all rot in a stagnated CoD hell for their collective sins of betrayal against the ones that made them who they are/were. Actvision is the only company...
  15. H

    A Short Film By Intel About....Being An Elephant?

    It's like a mushroom trip while watching a satellite TV feed. All while being emotionally manipulated to buy a large SSD I probably don't need, for a laptop that will be obsolete in a year. I back up my "important" pix onto DVDs. Am I alone in this?
  16. H

    Corsair Gaming Audio Series™ SP2500 High-power 2.1 PC Speaker System Drawing

    Everything else I have is Corsair...why not my speakers too.
  17. H

    Corsair Vengeance™ 8GB Dual Channel DDR3 Memory Kit Drawing

    Corsair is the best!
  18. H

    Steve Jobs Steals From Kids With His Helicopter

    So, once again it's someone else's fault that I'm not keeping track of what my kids are doing? Don't get me wrong here. I'm no Steve Jobs fan. I think he's is laughing all the way to the bank. But, who just hands their kids a mobile device and say let them go wild? Until their 18...
  19. H

    CoD Parody: Duty Calls

    It's a funny game/demo alright. What part of they satirizing though? How lame the game play has been in every COD title that has been released since COD 4? How boring and predictable every COD title that has been released since COD 4? How we keep buying these POS games from...
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    Remembering the Challenger Disaster

    As terrible as that day was. It left an indelible mark on those of us who were old enough to remember this sad event. I wonder why no seems to lament about the February 2003 shuttle disaster? The one that disintegrated over Texas. There were no survivors. Is it because there wasn't a...
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    Remembering the Challenger Disaster

    I had been snowed out from work that day (home building), and was hanging out with my mother watching the launch. It was really hard for my then 18 year old brain to process what had just happened. The denial part of me was refusing to believe what was happening. I was trying to convince my...
  22. H

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Coming in November

    Personally, I enjoyed MW2 single-player experience. I felt it kept in pace with the original MW's me against a shit load of bad guys. CoD series have all been like that (single-player). No real squad dependence to speak of, pretty much a run-n-gun for the tactical minded gamer. MW...
  23. H

    CNN: Gaming Leads To Mental Health Issues

    Video games are a convenient scape goat for acts of violence. I remember back in the late 70's early 80's violent TV was causing the murder rate to go up. The networks decided there must be some merit to this because it was on TV and in print. So, they came up with family programing. 8...
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    Construction with Quadrotor Teams

    Awesome! Skynet in its infancy.
  25. H

    Asus Crosshair IV Extreme

    I too think that Nvidia acts out of spite with some of their business decisions (anyone see Nvidia's cartoon slamming Intel). I guess Nvidia's perspective's us against the world. And maybe, it is. The writing was on the wall write after ATI started floundering and AMD swooped in...
  26. H

    Computer-Game Counterfeiter Sentenced

    "A good person at his core"? My ass. The guy is a thief...plain and simple. I wonder how many people were stuck with a copy of game that they though was legit? And, now it doesn't work. I bet this wasn't the only game/software the dude was pirating. This was probably the only one the...
  27. H

    Worst Christmas Idea...Ever

    All I'm trying to say is the gag gift should never be tried on someone your romantically involved with (aka someone you care about). The odds of it being a success is small. And the odds of it blowing up in your face is great. It seems that mostly men see the over-pricing and artificial...
  28. H

    Worst Christmas Idea...Ever

    Aside from highjacking the thread with a diamond cartel conversation ;) Could you imagine if your girlfriend/wife took the time to locate and procure two GTX580 boxes and then filled them with a estimated weight of said cards. Wrapped them up for you and gave them to you as a gift. You open...
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    Project: Silent Element!

    This is going to be a special custom case.
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    Worst Christmas Idea...Ever

    This person obviously doesn't get (most) women. I mean to toss a jewelers box in there is a BAD move. Women take that stuff seriously. It it would of been a empty bottle of perfume or perhaps a GPS box or something, maybe you could get away with it. And worst of document the event...
  31. H

    FPS With Extremely Realistic Graphics Good production values though...for a console kiddie ;)
  32. H

    Corsair Vengeance RAM Giveaway! 5 12GB Kits!

    Corsair product just kick ass across the board. I have been using Corsair products for over 6 years now and never had a problem.