That was my thought as well. This particular case has a full glass panel side with a small gap between the panel and the case, and a generous vent in the rear which doesn't look like it was intended for any fans. I'm not sure if that would help the "positive air" effect much, or hurt it overall...
Due to the usually smaller size and shape of the cases I've used in the past I have generally run my AIO coolers with the radiators on the top or in the case of my 250D on the side, primarily because I couldn't fit them in the front. I typically had the fans inside the radiator bowing out of the...
That is my question... while I am concerned about passwords being in plain text of course, and this particular incident is obviously a huge threat to users. I am more concerned that the encryption used is actually reversible such that they can be decrypted to begin with as that is more of a...
That's kind of the way I feel about it as well :ROFLMAO:
One of my coworkers said he liked it, but ended up getting stuck on a planet for some reason and just gave up.
I get the whole "talent pool" argument for locating this in New York. But it is taking an already congested city and making it even more so. It also just seems kind of silly, even though they have the money, to just build in the most expensive possible place they can think of.
Take Phoenix AZ...
I'm not sure how I feel about this one. Either way gives one "group" some power over the other. If it happens that there some possibility that my hate speech texts get blocked I'll just start hate speaking on encrypted apps. :ROFLMAO: In all honesty, as long as 99.999% of my text messages get...
As much as I love this forum, it's members disdain for Microsoft in general is rather annoying, often times completely misinformed and rather pathetically biased. No, fuck that, lets just continue with brand bashing because all the cool kids are doing it. :meh: Competition is a good thing. The...
Not really true. It's was based on a fork of Trident, but was re-written almost from the ground up to be compatible with WebKit. It shares very little of its code base with the original Trident(MSHTML) engine, and actually performs better then firefox or chrome in a lot of benchmarks. Whether or...
So I've been running an old LSI/3ware 9650SE-8LPML raid card with a few WD Red 5400RPM 4TB drives in raid 5 for a few years. I've transferred this raid setup between several server builds, and have not had any issues with the exception of a single failed drive when I first set it up. It is...
Diablo 3 was fun, until I beat it. Then I never touched it again, seemed like a waste. Id really just like to see more of a God of War slash Assassins Creed mashup. With similar simple battle mechanics as god of war, but with movement/physics and story like assassins creed. That would be the...
I would like to think anybody who understands and/or uses bitcoin wouldn't be stupid enough to fall for this sort of shit. It seems I have again underestimated the stupidity of people.
I would agree with the corporate fines and such, but the prison time clause alone is going to kill this thing. I'm not saying certain people shouldn't be doing prison time for certain things if willful negligence is shown, but has others have mentioned before, its not always the fault of the...
They wont do that. Fact of the matter is GitHub is FAR superior to TFS in so many ways. They know that and have publicly admitted as much. When the .net platform source went public they made the choice to put all of that stuff in GitHub rather than TFS for a reason.
I created an an Office 365 account in Azure and registered it all to my own domain name. May not be as secure as running my own email server, but I trust it more than gmail at this point. At the very least, I'm fairly confident MS isn't scanning and/or profiting off the contents of those...
Jeez you people are ridiculous. As if having a dot in your house is any worse than carrying a cell phone around with you wherever you go; logging your GPS locations, the websites you visit (aka all the porn you watch on pornhub), and whatever other data you've already given the apps on your...
I understand why companies dont share data, I mean, competition and all. But can you imagine how much further along we would be if these two companies/people joined forces in this effort?
Good find. I was going to say I remembered seeing something about this happening with another fitness tracker not too long ago. I mean, just common sense if you ask me. If you're worried about people tracking your location, dont wear things that track your location. Derp.
Honestly, I don't...
Finally someone who actually knows what they're talking about. So much misinformation on these things. Win32 has existed since early version of windows (I still have my Win32 API book from the late 90s lol) and is still used in Windows 10. It is little more than a bunch of .dll files the drive...
Whats your point? You can side load android (apk) and apple apple apps as well. If your "windows installer" was obtained legally its likely you paid for that, including any markup charged by the seller. The 30% is a fee on app sales, free applications are obviously still free. It's literally no...
Do you even understand what UWP is?? Its a development platform simply utilizing a set of components built into the windows platform that would allow it to run on any other platforms supporting the UWP platform. This includes of course any and all windows versions, as well as iPhone, Android...
I am so sick of these companies trying to enforce their morals on everyone. Who gives a shit what people store on their drive? So long as they aren't sharing it publicly perhaps.
In a round about way this might be an opportunity for AMD to pull ahead if they can sufficiently ramp up their manufacturing to keep up with the demand for both miners and gamers. I doubt that will happen, just a thought.
This issue is plaguing the entire Windows 10 (UWP)/Edge eco-system right now. And in my opinion is why Windows Phone 10 failed, it's not due to issues with the platform, it's the lack of developers creating native applications/extensions therein.
I disagree, but only because I think most people just don't give a shit, not because there was some conscious choice in the matter. The people using this site, and the people that even understand the difference in general, do not represent the majority of users. Moreover, the people using the...
At first I thought this was cool, as it would generally decrease build time and cost. But you make a good point. How is it going to deal with some random giant boulder a couple feet underground? Does it have some sort of ground penetrating sonar to help avoid it? Or does it hit a the rock and...
Im just glad I got a half way decent one before the prices skyrocketed. My 970 has played everything I have thrown at it no problem for over 2 years now. This is only an issue if you insist on latest and greatest. You can still get older models for a reasonable price, although they are still...
Your anger is amusing, and you implying that I am a narcissist is somewhat ironic considering how this conversation started.
For the record... The -ise form originated AFTER the -ize forms of those words, which itself originates from Greek verb endings spelled with a z. Look it up. It has...
Nope, what is disturbing is to realize all the nonsense people make up to sound like they are somehow enlightened. I once met a guy who also thought the government was spying on him through Ferrite Clamps, and covered all the infrared sensors on the devices in his house because he thought they...
I can't argue whether or not he broke the law, but in my opinion sentencing for something like this should be based on intent. He clearly did not think he was breaking the law, nor did he intend to rip off Microsoft. Those machines he rebuilt already had windows licenses, it would have been...
Same here, for the most part minus the sex cams... I mean wifi cameras :lol: I wouldn't say I have anything to fear, but the things I want kept private are on a separate VLAN than all that other stuff. I am also very careful with my social media presence, and do most of my web browsing with Tor...
That clearly wasn't the point. My point, was that kids his age are avoiding Facebook without the influence of their parents. Good job being a dick though.