It is too bad that so many talented artists make amazing free content based on works not in the public domain instead of making brand new free content. It doesn't have to be Star Wars. If it still looks good, so what if it's called Fantastical Astronomical Battalion, or something.
I fail to see when "review bombing" is bad. It's not like people are going around randomly hating good games. If people decide they do not like something with regards to a game, or adjunctly related to the game, then they will post a negative review. I have found it only takes a brief read of a...
This seems really power hungry. Wouldn't a server with VMs use less power? I don't think the screen needs to be on. It also seems more expensive to buy all of these phones instead of a dedicated server.
Is this a new low in game quality, with multiple game consoles crashing? I'm sure without even researching that other games have probably crashed consoles before, but this seems like a bigger step down.
I remember when consoles were just starting to get updates through the internet, and people...
My theory: The games industry has had a surplus of employees to hire for a while. Those who grew up fondly enjoying their video games had aspirations to be a part of that industry. With so many people to choose from, there is less importance on things like fair compensation, not overworking the...
I read some stuff just last week because I was wondering why most VR games only show you hands, and it was reasoned that this is because current VR systems do not know where your shoulders are. How have they gotten around this problem?
Why is the price of a game different in different countries? I am assuming with this question that we're normalizing on currency exchange rates and perhaps ignoring daily fluctuations. Is it the developer who is determining the price in each country?
A derogatory statement on the internet was said about a technology I enjoy. Must resist the urge to rage.
Many folks here enjoy building their own computers. Running a Linux desktop can be the software equivalent. You learn about how the OS components come together. You pick your preferred...
I am rather surprised at how much market share Chrome has. I thought more people knew about Firefox. But, looking at the trends, both IE and Firefox fall from their peak as Google Chrome took over. I think part of it includes the rise of mobile web browsing, where Chrome is the default on...
How do we know software isn't already generating fake news? How do we know this article wasn't generated by software? But, if it was, then it isn't fake news. Maybe I'm just software generating fake comments.
I wonder who at Vox did this. It seems they do not know either of the Streisand effect nor of the fact that it is fair use. I can't believe that the person or people involved actually use the internet like we do. I browse several web sites as well as YouTube for my tech news and reviews. It...
If beloved franchises become mobile-only, it may be that the best solution is to purchase a phone which has the ability to dock or otherwise connect to a larger display, and a compatible bluetooth controller.
I wonder if performance is improved or degraded if a small heatsink were added to the CPU, thereby providing more surface area for the fluid to boil off of.
My current monitor is a 30" 2560x1600 from back when that was the largest size and resolution available (save for that one-off IBM/ViewSonic high-res beast). So, it's been over ten years, and maybe over 15 years. I wonder if the OLED technology has progressed enough to last that long. It would...
It would be interesting to have an AI which can monitor my emotions and make a game just challenging enough to be exciting without being so challenging that it becomes frustrating.
I remember playing Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, and being surprised that the difficulty level was just...