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  1. K

    Chat Roulette Improv Lulz

    That is awesome, thanks for the follow up video!
  2. K

    Twitter Turns 4 Today

    While it's hard to believe that Twitter has been around for longer than 2 years with it exploding recently, here is Jack Dorsey (Co-Founder of Twitter) first Tweet.. And I still don't get the phenomenon...
  3. K

    Chat Roulette Improv Lulz

    With all the negative press Chat Roulette gets, this is quite the Gem. (Youtube Video) Sadly I think he is using his piano as a tool to lure in unsuspecting teenagers. Wait isn't that what all bands do? :p
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    Solar Roadways Provide A Glimpse Of The Future

    Imagine a future in which all the roads are made from "electric glass" and would have the ability to improve road vision at night, power to homes and business in the day, and melt snow and ice during inclement weather, While this probably won't be a future we see for quite sometime, for those...
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    Students At Indiana University Going On Raids For Grades

    In a plea to make students more interested in Learning an Indiana University Professor has taken Grades to a new 'level', Next the car industry will be referring to their products as "Epic Mounts"...
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    DLM: The Wave Of The Past

    Gizmodo has a cool article up that talks about a predecessor to Random Access Memory (RAM), Delay Line Memory (DLM). Here is a simplified analogy of how it worked,
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    YouTube: Viacom Uploaded Some Of The Videos They're Suing Us Over

    As some of you may have heard, Youtube is in a huge billion dollar lawsuit battle with media giant Viacom over their copyrighted content being uploaded to youtube without permission. Well YouTube(Google) decided to throw a huge wrench into Viacoms lawsuit and accused them of doing some of the...
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    Play Xbox360 Games On iPhone and Android

    Some were waiting with bated breath for the new Windows Mobile for such features, Novell has different ideas. While this sounds like an interesting idea, we will have to wait to see how this translates to a mobile platform..
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    Star Wars: The Old Republic Most Expensive EA Game

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I use to play Star Wars Galaxies back in the day so I am crossing my fingers as well.
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    Star Wars: The Old Republic Most Expensive EA Game

    With the 2011 release date approaching quickly EA is banking on Star Wars fans around the world. While no exact figure has been disclosed, I would expect the highly anticipated game to reach over the 100 million mark. Now let's hope that they spent their money wisely...
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    Sales of Video Games Continue To Plummet

    While Xbox hardware sales figures were on top this month as reported earlier Nintendo's overall sales continued to lead. While sales are still down over 15% from last year. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has some news here too, Which we can assume they mean best selling non-handheld game...
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    "Predators" Sneek Peek

    The front page was updated to reflect Terry's link. Thanks all.
  13. K

    Google to Shut Down Search Engine In China

    The battle between search engine giant Google and the Government of China to allow freedom for its users in China has not surprisingly gone awry. No Google, even you can't bring freedom of speech to China.
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    "Predators" Sneek Peek

    "Predators" Wow Laurence Fishburne in a Predator movie? Sign me up.
  15. K

    MW2 Map Pack Coming March 30th

    Rumor has it that Crash will in fact be one of the maps. :D
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    iPhone 4.0, Multi-Tasking This Summer

    I've been using the Android platform and while sometimes I think I might like an iPhone then "new" features are announced and I come to my senses. If you want these features today I hear getting your phone jailbroken is the "in" thing to do.
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    MW2 Map Pack Coming March 30th

    Rumor has it there will be 5 new maps, 2 from COD4 and 3 brand new to Modern Warfare 2!