I pretty exclusively play FPS and I bought the first one for my wife, she absolutely loves it to death and I play the hell out of it too. Everything thing about it is wonderful. Story gives you just enough but is still vague enough to use your imagination, fighting is on point, art is killer...
If they actually fixed the gas mask filter mechanic that's kind of cool, I've played through the first one several times without ever even changing it.
I'm pretty sure there was a story about a group that could print convincing enough masks to pick up as someone else with these type of devices. This is going to be just secure enough that it wreaks havoc once it's profitable to exploit it.
If not wired appropriately solar indeed poses a danger to utility workers. They know which wire is live from their end, but they have no idea whats live if someone didn't do a proper install and it feeds back to the grid.
At this point, it doesn't matter whether it is the left boot or the right boot that's on your neck, we need to throw out the whole shoe rack and try again
Now the problem seems to be that everyone wants their own streaming service instead of selling there content to another provider say Netflix or Hulu. So now you have to get Netflix Hulu HBO GO Disneys whatever the fuck, the ESPN flavor, and the list goes on
Rockstar seems like one of the few developers that put out a good game worth paying full price. From the videos I've seen this looks great and hopefully they release a zombie DLC like for the original.
I feel like it depends on several things. Is the PC going to be built then move once or twice in its life? Is it going to LAN parties every few weekends? Are you cutting and sawing on the metal? I have a 30-year-old IBM server that I've gutted and will be stuffing a few mini ITX boards in...
It's not about cheap guns, it's not about any one particular issue at all. It's about Government overreach, self-defense, and the right of a free people to do as they choose. Besides it is not free anyway; nothing about those printers are cheap considering you can get a used Hi-point for about...
I'm sure there is a lot of junk that gets caught up in this but I've found several products that are identical. I purchased a popup tent on Amazon for 130, only to find the Chinese manufacturer selling the exact same product for 80. I'm not too bummed because shipping for the tent on Ali was...
Have those at PETA not seen what happens to salmon every year? Its either get mauled by a bear on the way to spawn or get to spawn and die. At least with a fisherman for the most part they are killed relatively quickly. Better than being eaten alive by a bear at least
What is the current standard these days for wiping drives and checking for errors and drive health?
In the past, I've used Dban and a host of other brand tools like Seatools but I've never been very satisfied with those.
I've got about 15 drives, all sata that I would like to wipe and sell...
The solution should not be after the fact but prevention. All that would do is pad more money into insurance companies and not bring victims back to life. The real solution begins with people getting actual help instead of drugs. Drugs can help, but when the side effect for an anti depressant...
Cigarettes are different than guns and games in that there is actual evidence that they cause harm and are willingly ingested. Guns and games don't make you crazy, that was already there. Guns in total cause roughly 35,000 deaths a year however that includes over 10k in suicides, and roughly...
If there were an option to donate at the time of purchase to help support mental health facilites, I would donate a dollar or two every time just for the sake of the people that need help. However, if you roll it into a tax I have to pay I'll fight tooth and nail everytime.
I do not understand the frivolous hate on CSGO skins. Have none of you ever bought something for fun because you wanted too? I think that a 60K skin is silly yes but I think the hate is thinly disguised jealousy that someone can drop that kinda moolah on a cheap valve game and it doesn't even...