I had my doubts when it was first announced but I was wrong. It's top-notch.
And it's available for purchase (in HD) on iTunes! Great news for those of us that spend more than $120 a month on cable and yet still don't have Disney XD. :mad:
Thanks for the kind words everyone but I'm not really in the market to sell it just yet. I'd be willing to work on a duplicate for someone but they would need to be really, really into it and willing to pay for the time & materials.
I'd had many discussions with people over the years of...
There's not space to work with. Even after removing the (mostly) unneccessary heat shield, towards the rear of the unit there are just a few cubic centimeters to work in. Near the front of unit in some places I had less than 2mm to work with.
Yes... that means I soldered over 20...
In honor of "TRON: Uprising" I'd like to present my latest project... the TRON Wii!
I've been working on this off & on for about 6 months (I don't have much free time) and when I heard the premier date for Uprising was in June I accelerated my plans to get this together.
The system...
mouse work continues...
The basic body (top & lower half) of the mouse are done now - this means I've finished all the bondo work (as well as adding a few new detail parts) on the bottom and finished the new paintjob (as well as adding some dirt)
One additional problem were the laser...
OK, time to get this thing going.
When I'm working on a mod, I almost always do a matching mouse (and keyboard). Often the mouse are not suited to everyday use, but they look cool and IMHO make the mods really stand out so I'll get started there. With the last Falcon I did an x-wing fighter...
It's not that I would ever be mad at someone expanding on my idea - it's just that putting out an e-book isn't the next level, it's actually a step backword (or at least sideways). I have a real book out (that's also available as an e-book) as well as a DVD, so his e-book isn't really adding...
Many of you will remember the (my) original Millenium Falcon PC all those years ago. A mod that was stolen (quite litterally) during a Microsoft conference a few years back.
(They did compensate me tho, and it allowed me to buy a motorcycle so I could go riding with my wife - so all was not...
OK, time for the "completed" pics.
Here's the completed system, side access panel open, along with the "optional" custom keyboard and custom shuttlepod mouse. No, I don't regularly use that keyboard/mouse combo (my Saitek Eclipse and Logitch 610 do nicely, thanks) but they are cool for...
Basically, the system is done - just various software loading left (about 50% done), taking some nice "finished" photos, and moving my "real" keyboard and mouse over to the system.
Here are some of the steps to get there...
I had a big hole in the top of the case where the original...
Believe it or not the project is not dead and is, in fact, almost complete. Just been extremely busy at my frustrating job, looking for a new job, and dealing with a cat who has emotional issues :-( .
Anyway, time for some more pics:
Some of the raw components (asetek water pump, radeon...
Yes, this project is still alive - very much so. With work recently being so busy, I've had to make the tough choice - post or mod. Modding has consistently won. :-)
But I thought I'd finally share some more progress with everyone now.
I've continued work on the engines, as seen...
The retailer (e-tailer?) has issued an RMA number and has given me a fedex account to bill the shipping back to.
I'm surprised. I didn't have to threaten disputing it with the CC company.
I called Intel. They admit ES chips are not to be resold, but won't give me a new chip. They also didn't ask for any of the info about the retailer - I had to force the info on them.
I just wish I had a contact over there. I litterally work across the street from Intel HQ and could walk...
Just so everyone doesn't get thier hopes up here, I wanted to be clear - I'm still keeping the basic rectangular shape of the system. I'm not going to put everything in a round disk - it would be too large to put on my desk or upgrade in the future. Instead, I'll use the standard rectangular...
No, I got it from a place called Stalliontek.
The wife is watching the prices pretty closely for this system, and I'm already about $400 over-budget. The $41 I saved seemed like a good idea at the time...
I just bought an OEM e6600 and I'm a little surprised by what I got. Basically, the chip has markings I wouldn't expect. I can't easily test it unless I:
*) wait for the missing screws for my CPU waterblock to arrive from overseas (long story)
*) disassemble the waterblock mounting from...
My new build will also be based/inspired by the NX-01 starship (kinda my favorite, plus the all-silver base makes an aluminum case a no-brainer)
The case it's base on - sexy new Lian Li PC-A16 with completely configurable drive bay location
drive bay pictures - stock, diassembled...
It's time to build a new daily driver for myself. My old p4 northwood system with AGP graphics just isn't cutting it anymore with modern games.
I've done the Star Wars mod thing a few times...
Now it's time to try something around my true love, Star Trek.
The new system will...
Now, just in time for Halloween, I've finished my latest mod.
* The Great Pumpkin computer mod
** Custom case based on October's favorite vegetable
** Integrated Speakers, integrated 802.11b
** Amber flickering lights
** Slot-load DVD-ROM with evil red glow to "feed"
In theory, yes.
*) If I did this, I would be at the mercy of whatever glue I use and depend on it not to break down, discolor, of cause other problems. The way I did it, the memory stick will never come out of the resin unless you dremel the resin away.
*) I can make as many copied as I...
It's very durable - the whole thing is solid resin. Basically, the only real way to damage it would be to run over it with a car, twist it with a pair of pliers, etc. You could throw the thing against the side of a concrete building att day and just nick it up or mar the surface. Of course...
Something I built as part of a mod for a company that helped me out with some supplies (I'll be shipping it to them shortly - this a a sneak preview of sorts)...
Take standard PEZ dispenser and remove the back "hook" & smooth it over.
Then take a small USB memory stick (actually not this...
Thanks for the kind words everyone.
You can see how I created it in the worklog here.
I agreed the keyboard is a little plain, but I needed to have some kind of keyboard and ran out of time - I wanted to be able to submit this for the ExtremeTech case mod contest (the real reason the mod...
If you look at the "real" Han Solo in carbonite, you'll see that there is an edge around the Han Solo bit that's flat. I was trying to emulate that effect.
I've just finished up my latest case mod - and, except for the custom USB memory card that was finished earlier, all the work was done in about 5 weeks.
Without further stalling, here it is:
the mouse:
USB memory stick:
As always, more pictures at my...
The light-cycles were actually resin models I picked up from a scale modeling site. I had to clean them up a bit then paint them - a bigger pain then you might realize. I wanted to use UV paint, but painting by hand it was too clumpy and didn't look even. I had to water it down...
The TRON mod is COMPLETE! :)
TRON 2600 - classic video game system mod
Atari 2600 in ENCOM "corporate" case
Custom paint inside and out
UltraViolet reactive detail painting and minature lightcycles
Sound reactive LED lighting
40 built-in games plus cartridge port
Easy access front...
FYI, Maximum PC is reluctant to put people in the magazine that have already won. I won for the Millenium Falcon PC way back and when I submitted the "Computer Bike" Chopper PC I was told that they love it, but having already won (years ago) my chances were significantly lower. :mad:
Well, I have bad news and good news.
The bad news is that the mod suffered antoher setback. All was going well, the only think left was to actually mod the FB2 to attach the cartidge ports and paint up a couple light cycles. In attaching a my third wire to one of the solder points, i...
Easiest to use is vinyl dye, but you won't get glossy with that.
Only way to get glossy is to paint it, with lots of loving care in prep and finish time. I might also recommend to use some bondo or something to fill in all the little gaps (DVD-ROM logo, etc.) to help get a nice smooth glossy...
With the type of plastic used for the Dremel cases, don't you have a problem with the paint cracking or flaking off? I've yet to get any paint (including fusion and vinyl dye) to work on that type of plastic.
For higher-res pics, go to my website XKILL mods, click on the "mods" button, then click on the laptop picture.
WARNING: I only have a DSL line, so the full-res pics can be a little slow to load - but they WILL load...