Search results

  1. V

    Ryzen 3950X, 3960X, 3970X Availability

    Here you go. 3960X Amazon 3970X Amazon
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    Ryzen 3950X, 3960X, 3970X Availability

    I got lucky. texted me right before I stepped into the shower, around 4:55 am local (10:55 am EST). Clicked over to Amazon -- even had time to change to Amazon Smile -- added to cart and ordered. Huzzah. One of the very few times being -10:00 GMT has actually helped. Once I'd...
  3. V

    *DEAD Samsung Odyssey+ VR Headset ($229 DEAD)

    Good deal. I recommend. I have a Vive, a Pimax 5K+, and an Odyssey Plus. (Fantastic Prime Day Warehouse Deals) I end up using the O+ much more than the others, simply because it's far easier pack up and put away, or take to a friend's, or simply take out and use, than the ones with external...
  4. V

    Ryzen 3950X, 3960X, 3970X Availability

    Likewise; here's to hoping. Of course, 12:01am EST is 7:01pm for me, so a tad bit easier to do the night before a work day. OTOH, it means I miss a lot of East-coast morning deals.
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    Ryzen 3950X, 3960X, 3970X Availability

    I'm in the same boat, Vader. I decided in September that I was going to finally upgrade my main 2014 X99 / 5820K rig* and would either go with a 3900x or 3950x, depending on how the latter looked when the reviews came out. I've spent the interim weeks slowly putting together the whole rest of...
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    Ultra Low (idle) Power Home Server? Suggestions?

    Hey all. I'd like to put together a small home Linux server that will be on 24/7 and mostly serve light duty; lightweight web server, non-transcoding PLEX server, an Asterisk voip gateway for a couple of vintage phones, a few other things. And then a small-ish game server that complicates...
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    Acer B326HK - 4k 32" monitor sub 1k euro

    I went with the Accell displayport cables on Amazon, since they are correctly wired (pin 20 is disconnected) unlike many other manufacturers. (You could also manually disconnect the pin if you are handy and very careful.) The Accell DP-to-miniDP greatly reduced the amount of "blinking" I had...
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    Acer B326HK - 4k 32" monitor sub 1k euro

    Update: Still love my monitor. The random blinking-after-waking issue was resolved when I upgraded my video card (GTX 980), so it appears it was just a problem with my HD7870; probably had trouble pushing the 4K@60Hz
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    Acer B326HK - 4k 32" monitor sub 1k euro

    FYI, there are finally some reviews of this monitor coming out, and most of the negatives are quibbles, imho. Apparently the speaker output is low (I've not hooked mine up for sound and likely never will) and the color accuracy drops off at full brightness (a level at which I am pretty sure I...
  10. V

    Acer B326HK - 4k 32" monitor sub 1k euro

    I'm glad I got this monitor, as it's just beautiful; no dead pixels, nothing. I'd planned on going to a 27" 4K monitor, but this is a much better upgrade coming from a 24" 16:10. I've only experienced a minor issue, which is that when I turn the monitor back on after it has been in power-save...
  11. V

    Acer B326HK - 4k 32" monitor sub 1k euro

    I got mine and my miniDP cable today but didn't have an opportunity to hook it all up until almost 10pm. I then spent the next couple of hours marveling at HD/4k video on this thing. Fabulous. Games at 4k that I briefly sampled (Stalker, Shadows of Mordor) weren't playable with my HD7870, but...
  12. V

    Acer B326HK - 4k 32" monitor sub 1k euro

    According to the Specs section here, the 6950 supports a maximum resolution of 2560x1600, which I find quite surprising. I had to double check my card too, but it supports 4K. My monitor is supposed to arrive tomorrow and I'm planning to keep my Radeon 7870 (Tahiti LE) at least until we see...
  13. V

    Acer B326HK - 4k 32" monitor sub 1k euro

    I ordered at 3:15am EST and the status changed to shipped about 6am, lol. We'll see. If they're coming from the midwest, I could conceivably receive it tomorrow, here in Ohio. I had 48 hour delivery on my last Egg Saver shipping too. The sad thing is that I'm swamped with work and my masters...
  14. V

    Acer B326HK - 4k 32" monitor sub 1k euro

    Nope, no code required.
  15. V

    Acer B326HK - 4k 32" monitor sub 1k euro

    For anyone out there who is awake at this hour, NewEgg just emailed out their Thanksgiving / BF promo. At 12:00am PST (3:00am EST) they will be dropping the price of the 32" Acer B326HK to $699.
  16. V

    Dell P2715Q / P2415Q (3840x2160p, IPS, sRGB)

    My ship date is Dec. 5. Considering that the monitor was only officially announced a little over a week ago, it was surprising to see such an early pre-sale. I'm wondering whether Dell even has stock yet from their manufacturer. Still, $503 (plus tax for me, but less 4.0% FW cashback, already...
  17. V

    New Build, How to Cool

    My last foray into non-air cooling involved submerging a Slot 1 Celeron chip in a Styrofoam cooler filled with mineral oil and circulating the oil over the coils from a dismanted window air conditioner -- more than a few years ago :-) I basically have no clue about what I'd need for a...
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    New Build, How to Cool

    Hey all. I'm planning to put together a new build between now and Black Friday and am a bit stumped on choosing a good cooling solution this time around. I'm looking at an I7-5820k and one of the mid-range Asus X99 boards and 32Gb of ram. While I do game every so often (mostly 4x, a few FPSes)...
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    SIL 3132 Card and 3TB Drives

    Thank you for asking this question and posting your results! I have an external two-bay drive enclosure connected via a Si3132 card, currently with two 2Tb drives addressed individually (Si3132 supports port multiplication.) I am planning on moving those two 2Tb disks onto an internal RAID...
  20. V

    6870 or 6950, c.2006 system

    Thanks for the advice and discussion. I'm leaning towards a 6870 now, once another deal shows up. Missed yesterday's on Amazon, since power was out most of the day. I'm only on stock cooling (although with self-applied better thermal compound), so I hadn't played around much with...
  21. V

    6870 or 6950, c.2006 system

    So I'm driving myself nuts deciding whether to upgrade my video card or not, and to what. Done lots of reading on all the 6870/6950/6970 and GTX 460/560/570 lines, but my situation is that (a) my computer is a few years old and (b) this is likely the only upgrade I will be doing for the next...
  22. V

    GTX 460 now or wait...HD6770?

    They may be. The power supply in the media PC may also be borderline for Crossfire too, but it'll be worth a shot. Heat I'm not particularly worried about, so much as noise. Those X1900s get annoyingly loud under load at times. I had modded the media PC case to have a couple of large (140mm) and...
  23. V

    GTX 460 now or wait...HD6770?

    Thanks for all of the comments, and I think Gym Rat is right. Some of the rumors I've been able to dig up point to a mid/late October launch for the 67xx parts, with the rest after the new year. That's just over a month off; I think I can wait that long and if nothing surfaces by then -- or if...
  24. V

    GTX 460 now or wait...HD6770?

    Hey all. Looking for some buying advice. I've been running a pair of Radeon X1900s for a few years now, and it's looking like it is time to upgrade. My interconnect cable (remember those?) has gotten finicky and prone to issues, and I'd definitely like more playability (and more/nicer AA/AF) in...
  25. V

    Replacement LCD Panel Advice (Dell M1330)

    I have a Dell M1330 laptop with the thin LED panel. I went through the whole rigamarole of replacing the motherboard due to the defective nvidia GPU last year (or, more likely, a bad solder-job by Dell.) Anyway, I'm starting to get a line through the center of my screen again. I suspected the...
  26. V

    Web Design Software ?

    I typically start out by sketching the layout by hand, designing & cutting up images to fit each section if needed, then go in coding. These days, mostly all CSS elements and DIVs, which are much tidier and versatile than tables. I'd hoped that WYSIWYG had evolved somewhat. I remember once...
  27. V

    Alternative to Image Zoom?

    Ah, I love ImageZoom too. Lots of plugins work just fine in newer versions of Firefox, but just aren't marked as compatable. Try this trick. 1. Go to ImageZoom's download page 2. Right-click and save the .xpi file 3. Open the .xpi file...
  28. V

    Web Design Software ?

    Hey all. I'm getting ready to revamp my personal website (which has had a "Be back soon" on it since, oh, 2004) and thought it perhaps time that I get on the modern WYSIWIG bandwagon. Yeah, I'm one of those guys who's been doing html (and then CSS) in a text editor since about 1994. It gets old...
  29. V

    Minimum Specs for Giga-ethernet?

    Would you expect higher throughput than 100BT though? Would you still expect a fairly drastic reduction in the time to copy, say, 150Gb? 2 cards & a cable is only a $30 upgrade, but if it isn't terribly better that regular "fast" ethernet, I won't pursue it... Thanks -
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    Minimum Specs for Giga-ethernet?

    (Cross-referenced to my thread in Disk Storage.) I'm thinking about buying a couple of Giga Ethernet cards and a crossover cable to make a networked backup server...lots of data to move. The backup server has an AMD K6-2 300mhz cpu and about 256Mb of ram. Will it be able to handle the Giga...
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    Keeping Data Safe

    Right. I'm aware RAID won't protect vs. corruption. Or versus user error, etc. But it adds a layer of data security. The reason I'm a bit leary of the drives themselves is that the older has been on for about 25,000 hours and the younger about 19,000. Any ideas on whether the K6-2 cpu...
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    Keeping Data Safe

    Having had two drives fail on me in the past six months (NTFS corruption, not hardware failure...or so several utilities tell me), I'm looking for a good solution to keep my data safe. First, I'm going to buy a pair of 160Gb Hitachi SATA ($98x2) drives to replace my current main drives. I may...