I'm with ChelseOilman and MGMCCALLEY I am currently working a 7/12 most of the time 14 to 16 hrs. schedule and will be until the end of May so I will not have the time to do much else. Tell me which projects and when to switch and I will do what I can when I can.
Well Grandpa tried to be funny and everybody's favorite Comcast said up yours and took a crap on me, I think Skillz must work for Comcast so now he is really going to have to work hard to get my vote back. (n)
Well I will say Colorado is prettier than Minnesota but I am not so sure the winter weather is any better.
And it is pretty hard for you to fly under the radar ChelseaOilman there aren't many around here that have been around as long as you have been or that have contributed as much as you have...
Well when it does open I will start it off with Schmave for this post https://hardforum.com/threads/how-am-i-36-in-h-fah-production.1922008/ asking the question he did perhaps will motivate others of think of ways to help encourage others to join F@H and or other DC projects which can help out...
Congrats Plextor / Brilong It makes me one very proud Grandpa to be associated with you and your compassion and caring for your fellow man. I salute you my friend and wish you a fantastic new year. :)
Hmm I assume you are referring to the 30K to 90K more PPD I am getting on most WU's run on my 980Ti Linux rig vs Windows 980Ti rig. although there are a couple of WU's that do do a little better on Windows than Linux but not many, I think I have noticed 2 :D.
I am seriously considering...
Thanks guys, I really had not gone anywhere just moved to another home with a view of the Puget sound and the San Juan Islands. And in reality at this stage in life packing moving and unpacking really sucks. Anyway I got a couple of rigs unpacked and running and I do plan on getting another...
Thank you ChristianVirtual, I finally got enough time to get a couple of rigs out of storage and get them going so hopefully they will hold together for a while. :)
Well crap I have been out of town for a while and did everything I know better than to do, I left everything running and set to restart upon power interruptions unfortunately we had several wind storms that must have had power interruptions and I came back to a couple of dead 4P rigs with duel...
You guys better start watching your rear views I see Core32 is back and it looks like he is adding more D and I see a new guy BYUSinger84 who looks like he is not playing around also, looks like there may be some mowing going on in the backfield.
Hmm looking at the rules there is nothing that says how many people a person can Nominate so :D
I nominate Skillz for his relentless attempts to pass everybody in front of him.
I nominate Nathan P who has one again joined the 1,000,000 PPD club and has been an avid supporter of the DC...
I just wanted to give you all a little insight of what Team Grandma is and what it represents. None of us know if our donations to DC will ever make a difference or not, but we are selflessly trying to help humanity to have a better life, and as a added bonus most of us are having fun doing it...
Congrats to Team Grandma I thank you all very much for what you have done. Now I need to know the pass key # because I refuse to pass Brilong while he is folding for Team Grandma, I could not pass him if he was folding under his own user name, so let me help you guys take Team Grandma to the #1...
And we are now bouncing between #6 and #7 in daily production which not that long ago we were #16 iirc so we are making some pretty good gains. I was lucky and Santa brought me another 980 Ti Classified for Christmas so hopefully that will help get us firmly into the #6 daily production spot...
That should work but if you can find a PPA that has the driver then add the PPA to the Ubuntu update manager then let Ubuntu do the work for you. This PPA has 346 https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa If you scroll down the page to where it says Adding this PPA to your...
I am guessing since core 21 v16. v16 is not as OC tolerant as v14 was but even with the reduced OC tolerance it is faster which = more PPD. You may need to back the OC off a little 10 to 20MHz should do it.