Another vote for making sure that only the drive to which you want to install Windows is connected at install. I always make sure to do this when installing Windows to a system where I have multiple drives.
When it comes to installing Linux, BSD, Solaris, etc this never occurs so I just leave...
Thanks. That's not far off from what I had edited above in my first post. If others don't have anything different, I'll proceed ahead but just to clarify, is that much processor really needed for what I'm using it for?
1) It's an ATX case:
2) It's a SATA SSD. A Samsung 860 EVO to be exact.
3) The resolution of all three monitors is 1920 x 1080.
4) On your last note, I did some more research last night and saw that the Ryzen 3rd gen CPUs that I want don't...
I'd like to get started on a long overdue upgrade of the main rig in my sig below. I haven't done a complete overhaul in a few years so bear with me as I'm a bit out of the loop.
The parts that I need to upgrade:
The parts that I plan to keep:
Case: Apevia XSniper2...
If this were possible, then it wouldn't take a $15/hr minimum wage.
Fast food companies would have long-ago implemented this if it were possible. They wouldn't wait for a wage increase. The goal of any business is to maximize profits. If the ability to automate saves money and returns a bigger...
I'd go with this as well.
There's nothing in your fstab file which indicates that there's anything wrong. To modify what Boonie said a bit, I'd go with:
chmod -R 755 /mnt/nfs
This should allow all of the users to view any of the nfs directories.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
People resort to P2P networks and other forms of unauthorized copies of digital media not because they are ingrates who don't want to pay for anything but because of the availability and convenience which often doesn't exist when it comes to the legitimate...
People today buy bottled water even though it's basically just tap water.
iTunes is making money hand over fist even though all of the music it hosts can be easily acquired via P2P.
I have a directory called: Music
Within are the following subdirectories:
Artist Albums
The "ls" command lists them in the above order but shouldn't it list them in the following order?
Artist Albums
This has been...
They all run pretty well on the AMD A8-6600K in my Main PC but when Arkanoid Plus! is only getting 24-26 FPS, I've seen enough and don't even want to imagine what Super Mario Galaxy or Metroid: Other M or New SMB Wii is going to get.
Thanks for your suggestions and advice. I've certainly got...
It looks like the upgrade of Main PC is on. As suspected, the HTPC runs PS2 and Wii emulation at a respective 65% and 50% which just won't cut it. It's a shame because I'd have really liked to save some money with the ASRock N3150M and I wouldn't have had to play "musical motherboards" but I've...
Only because of the possibility of my HTPC being a bit long in the tooth for PS2 and Wii emulation. I'll give it a shot tonight and see how well everything holds up. The good thing is that the mobo in my HTPC just died and I've got a newer one coming in tonight which might give me the upgrade I...
The system I have right now runs emulation and indie games pretty well including PS2 and Wii and the older emulators would run perfectly on a system built five or six years ago.
Your point about upgrades is true but I plan on hanging with this system for a good while. I wouldn't even be...
I'm losing it but you're right. The AMD processors with quad core and onboard GPU are nearly the same price. If there's no difference between that and something like this then I'd prefer to stick with AMD. If there is then I'll go with your suggestion...
Thanks for that suggestion. My current set up (AMD processor) runs both PS2 and Gamecube Wii emulation with no issues. I had my eye on this mobo and processor since it's a little cheaper...
Didn't think I needed to do that since this is just an upgrade but sure:
1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing?
word processing, light gaming (roms & emulators/independent games), web browsing, music, and running a few virtual machines as well as some...
What you're using here is a false dichotomy. You're making it seem as though the only thing going on was P2P. Music sales plummeted for a time because the recording industry's product and business model both sucked. If you'll look deeper, you'll see that the music industry saw some of its best...
I plan to move the motherboard and CPU in my main computer to my HTPC and the mobo and CPU in my HTPC to my file server. With that, I'm going to need to upgrade the mobo and CPU in my main computer so I'll need a few suggestions.
The current specs fare in my signature. Basically, I'll just be...
I suggest that you take another look at what I and others have said:
1) It's not a deterrent. It doesn't stop murder, theft, and drug trafficking so it's safe to say that it won't do the same with copyright infringement.
2) Putting nonviolent people into an environment where they are with...
Whether anyone considers this to be right or wrong is irrelevant as morals are subjective. It may be illegal but I'd hope we don't get all of answers in that way. If you do, then when a law is amended or repealed then do you just accept it without question? When you're in difference cities...
Yeah? And?
For the last time, I'm not arguing against whether or not it's legal nor did I make any claims about us going off of what someone thinks is right or wrong. That's why I've stated that making a moral argument is pointless because morals and ethics are subjective. As far as the...
I know this but that has nothing to do with the point that I was making. I was addressing your statement regarding rape and why the matter of whether it's right or wrong is irrelevant.
Your point? When did I make any claims to the contrary? I've already admitted that it's illegal but that's...
We can prove that rape causes physical and mental harm to people. We can't say the same for the financial effects of using a copyrighted work without paying for it as the evidence doesn't support it.
Piracy which is defined as murder and pillage on the high seas does harm people and the...
i was responding to this statement which you made: Hopefully bring a sense of reality back to the situation that actions have consequences.
I was giving you an example of how that doesn't apply and why punishments which don't fit the crime aren't the answer and indeed cause more harm than good...
Right, because that always works. Tell me about how prohibition stopped people from consuming alcohol or how mandatory sentencing stopped people from using and selling drugs. I'll save you the trouble: you're not going to be able to because those things didn't happen.
You can stick your...
That's what you said before but with different vocabulary words.
The fact remains that morals and ethics and what's right and wrong are based on personal taste and personal judgment. The same thing goes for your latest term of "correct". There is not an objective way in which we can measure and...
And what good do you think is going to come of this? Draconian laws and overbearing punishments which don't fit the crime aren't the answer.
I also don't recall anyone taking anything. Using it, yes, but the copyright holder didn't have anything taken away. People have been enjoying copyrighted...
I'm afraid that they are, my good man.
Moral universalism is a rather meaningless term and it doesn't change the fact that morals are based on personal taste and personal judgment. That's what makes them subjective.
Right and wrong are also based on personal taste and judgment and hence also...
We've been over this many times but what we are talking about is copyright infringement and not theft. They are two completely different things.
What you've presented here is a moral argument which is rather irrelevant before morals are completely subjective. There is no proof that any...
We can't prove that it hurts the industry at all. Many people who use P2P or otherwise acquire copyrighted works through an unauthorized channel go on to purchase the material afterwards so that would have to be taken into account as well. Still others wouldn't have bought it anyway.
There are...
That's nothing. A demand for settlement is not a lawsuit so most people just ignore them. Even the industry itself doesn't have the resources to sue all of those people.
If you're talking about the one posted by SnowDog in post #75 then you're wrong because it doesn't show the opposite. Actually, the one that you cited is industry-funded research which is biased