depends on the exact damage which isnt currently known.
The short version is if its something on the outside of the drive (the board for example) it can be replaced and maybe it'll work... maybe it wont. but its something you could try.
If the problem is on the inside, good luck without a...
unless there is something weird going on with the DHCP scope, grab an inexpensive 8port gig switch, make it the connection to that single ethernet port and connect everything else to that.
One of those things should be a quality router which can function in AP mode (or a quality AP, dealers...
I bought some e-drums a couple years ago and the (no longer) puppies took 3 days to chew through the cables on the harness.
Last week, my kids puppy chewed up a painting my grandmother did... (at least it was only the corner and not the entire thing)
1. I dont. I see very little value in them and I quite honestly dont care if they disappear.
2. I never said anyone else is required to view it the same way I do.
You are focused on the content, my view has little to do with the actual content and what the org behind the content claims their purpose is.
If you are a news org, be one. Provide what you say is newsworthy to anyone and everyone so it can be discussed in public by all.
If, on the other hand...
Had not even thought of doing this. I just dug out my old 1b and got this up and running so far seems to be okay but I can see Im going to need to tweak it a bit.
and it does nothing for the current method youtube uses.
HBO is not holding themselves out to be a news source. They are also not injecting ads directly to the shows they are broadcasting and making those ads more prominently visible than the "content" they are supposedly offering.
I had so many problems with my 6 that I will never buy another google branded phone ever. Wireless charging problems as well as general charging problems, android auto problems, performance problems. It was so bad that the carrier essentially wrote off what I owed on the phone and gave me every...
Same here. Once they killed off the old version of tweetdeck it became complete garbage where I only saw what someone else wanted me to see, not what I wanted to see for myself.
I will also add that you get what you pay for in gas spring arms. If you want to go gas spring, do your homework on the brand. I have 8 NBs that are 4+ years and zero problems.
between discovery+ and hulu I'm pretty set.
I have access to disney, HBO Max, paramount, crunchyroll and peacock but I dont really use any of them to be honest. straight cancelled netflix.
I dumped my cable service about 8 years ago.
My favorite is sites now actively blocking being loaded in browser if an ad blocker is present.
This behavior is exactly why I use adblocker. And now you are going to say your site is SO valuable I must be assailed with ads to see your AI generated crap content that contains spelling and...
Yes the game is their IP. The crack however is not (at least until a court of law rules that it is, but they have to actually go through those steps to get there).
Maybe so, maybe not... that depends on an awful lot of variables that could be present none of which have been discussed. jumping straight to "its a crack so its illegal" is not a valid step and is ultimately just as lazy as what rockstar did in the first place. Just because it may be illegal in...
repetitive strain injury, carpel tunnel, people who for whatever reason have a problem with gripping a mouse to pick it up, people with missing digits... the list is pretty long friend.
They didnt quite fall out of favor among people who require them for daily use though. Mfgrs just got to a certain point & said "meh.. good enough" and the few that have tried to make improvements wound up making bad choices.
Easiest way would be a couple of mesh wifi units which you can usually use as a bridge (do your research and make sure the one you are looking at does support it) and on the downlink side send that into a switch. Leave the WRT as a back up in case your lead router dies.
If the switch support...
I get shocked if I touch usb ports on my laptop when its plugged into certain outlets. I get none of the other stuff though.
I must say it sounds to me like OP may soon have either the power of telepathy or perhaps may be a burgeoning necromancer- they're both pretty sensitive to...