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    Heroes of Newerth: Reborn

    thoght moba was kinda dying
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    NZXT wants to rent you a gaming pc for $59 - $169/mo YIKES.

    I have a friend who only plays souls game when it comes out. Rest of the times he uses a phone to do his internet stuff. Might work for people like that, ppl who only go back to gaming for very specific titles, like gta and elder scrolls.
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    Another day, Another Rumor of Valve being Acquired

    Gabe is what..60? He might be interested selling in 10 years.
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    Cities Skylines 2

    From my exp From my experience, you have to up the land value for citizens to give up on house and start living in apartments, hence lowering the living cost. This would include parks, schools, police and fire stations, close enough to high paying job sectors (again, good education) but...
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    Baldurs Gate 3 - Official Discussion Thread (2019)

    Yes. Lv 5 should be good enough.
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    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    Bliz pays their employees for the work. I paid for the product. The product has holes, hence the complaint.
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    Cyberpunk 2077

    Is the new system update/rework coming with the release of the new DLC? I'd re-do the base game if it is coming earlier.
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    Last Epoch

    Spent about 40 hours, got up to lvl 90. Not bad if you need to waste some time and relax. Game wasnt particularly hard, and a lot of gears can be crafted. Recommended for someone who doesnt want to sink hundreds of hours but likes arpg enough. I dont see myself playing this again and again...
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    God of War (Confirmed) - Official Thread

    There are quite a few of them and I dont follow. Is this the first one of the seeies? I somewhat remember the serpent but am not so sure.
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    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    I dunno how they keep their programmers. 10 years - star citizen on your resume, not many are gonna hire you. Any sane one would have jumped off the ship.
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    Cyberpunk 2077

    You could go melee. Or go hacking, it doesn't really require aim. I'm pinging everything and shooting through walls with tech sniper rifle. AI don't really react well to it.
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    Cyberpunk 2077

    I'd rather not use cash on weapons. They drop frequently enough, and real good ones are too expensive in the beginning. Crafting health pots, ammos and grenades out of junks will help more. Save money, you want to buy implants that help your build later on.
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    Cyberpunk 2077

    Its fun. I'm seeing hints of vamp masquerade, borderlands and ME. Didn't play watch dogs but prob that too. The system is good enough, skills are flexible and useful throughout the game, and not many 'dump here' or 'must have' perks. Combat is ok, little buggy but you get to play however you...
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    Cyberpunk 2077

    It's used in creating/upgrading quick hand components after you invest in quickhand crafting under Int -> quickhands
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    Cyberpunk 2077

    buy now? or wait for goty version?
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    Borderlands 3

    I think they could've done better with voice scripts. It's too long and bunched near town that each cuts into another.
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    Borderlands 3

    Are all classes fun enough? Much enjoyed the series but somehow never started this one. Probably will get it after I upgrade my graphic card
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    Baldurs Gate 3 - Official Discussion Thread (2019)

    I loved BG but I am not sure if this generation of gamers are gonna be OK pressing space every second and reading combat logs, so I can accept their choice.
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    LG 48CX

    If I can't find this in the store, whats my closest option?
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    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    Unlike CDPR who had to earn money before they started their next game, CIG was handed 200m+ upfront to buy anything they needed. The lack of studio, or team doesn't mean much, all they have to do is swipe their card and have the market's best. i don't think some people understand why time is...
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    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    Didn't they talk about selling land rights for $$?
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    Borderlands 3

    Am I the only one finding classes not interesting? It seems less... borderland-ish. Used to be full of gimmicks
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    Game Recommendations to play with my 11yr old son

    Sounds like you are a fps guy and your kid is a puzzle/builder guy? Ask him what genre he likes first. I was a quake guy and played fps for 20 years. My cousin is slow in aiming and hates every fps on earth. I played pokemon with him and talk about it from time to time. I still cant...
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    Easy to get into single player game with high quality graphics?

    Monster hunter world. 30min is good enough to get one monster down. I wouldnt venture to deep story based rpg. 2~ 3 months later stories dont get too interesting no matter what.
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    Cloud Imperium Games Spent $4M a Month in 2017 Developing Star Citizen

    A.I. When they talked about npcs flying with PCs on the ship, i was blown away. Its a LOT of work and hell to balance. Usually it takes 2 years for average game to program a working a.i. For this I suspected at least 4 to 5 years of work. Thats why I turned skeptical in 2011. They couldnt...
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    easy shooter wanted

    bioshock series
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    Skilled PvP games!

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    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    But..but it was 90% done in 2015!! lol Its gonna take at least 5 more years unless they cut out majority of the features.
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    Star Citizen Has Made Over $200,000,000

    You still didn't include the starting year, or year zero. If I started working on Jan 2011, and stopped at Dec 2011, did I not work because 2011-2011 = 0? If I started working on Jan 2011, and stopped at Dec 2012, did I only work for one year because 2012 -2011 = 1? and please don't pull 'you...
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    Star Citizen Has Made Over $200,000,000

    They claimed to have started from 2011. You have count from 0 to include the starting year, or add 1 after your math.
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    Japanese Man Marries a Hologram

    As long as there are no children that were harmed, i don't care what he faps with. I couldnt care less about anime girl's rights. Protection laws are there to protect.
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    Blizzard Faces Hellish Backlash after BlizzCon Diablo Mobile Reveal

    Haven't heard of those, though I've heard about candy crushes, farmvilles and likes. Different genres but females are surely more represented in mobile than in PC and console games.
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    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    I thought they were done with selling gadgets. Why release it when you cant even set the release date? Its gonna get outdated like everything else.
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    Star Citizen Backers No Longer Able to Get Refunds

    Korrd, enlighten me. I haven't logged in for years. Have they defined the roles/classes for users/npcs, and have they published out all the ships or at least main variations of them? Are the main quests in?
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    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    90% of the fanatics didn't say to do it slow. They believed in every deadlines that was given, and mocked those who questioned the dates.
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    Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    Is this game steam workshop friendly? Lately I find myself enjoying mods more.
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    Crytek Hates Star Citizen and Squadron 42

    They'll probably settle, and CIG will throw in some extra $$ to keep crytek queit from mentioning things like : "invested significant time and expense in creating impressive demonstrations and proofs-of-concept that were used to persuade the public to contribute financially to a “crowdfunding”...
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    Star Citizen’s New Planet-Sized Cities Unveiled at Citizen Con

    Could onetwo and mut1ny give me their ETA of the game? Based on what they have seen.
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    Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

    Do I have to play the first one to know the story? or would jumping to this one without the post experience be fine?
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    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    I dont think beta will be ready in two years unless they massively strip core features away. Financially it makes sense. Programming wise, absolutely not.