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  1. D

    770 vs 780

    in all honesty id get the 780 the 770 is just a rebadged 680 with a gddr speed bump
  2. D

    Will this run a 780?

    hell yeah it will
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    GTX titan paired with FX 8350

    i decided on a 780/4770k combo thanks guys. saw the benchmarks and the superclocked edition is so close to the titan thats its a no brainer.
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    GTX titan paired with FX 8350

    i parted out with the pc in my sig
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    GTX titan paired with FX 8350

    yeah mainly bottleneck i was thinking that the 8350 would somehow limit the titan
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    GTX titan paired with FX 8350

    hey guys im planning on a major upgrade this summer probably in a months time i was wondering if its smart to pair a titan with a 8350. This computer is mainly for gaming only, although i do a little bit of programming and audio recording too but mainly i just game :D. im doing this cause i...
  7. D

    Is PC still the leading games platform?

    and honestly when the next gen consoles come out the graphics gap wont be that much of an issue so it wont really matter anymore.
  8. D

    Is PC still the leading games platform?

    and honestly when the next gen consoles come out the graphics gap wont be that much of an issue so it wont really matter anymore.
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    Is PC still the leading games platform?

    whats the old saying again? riches cant buy happiness. personally i have a way more enjoyable time gaming on the console than on my pc. idk maybe cause theres more people to socialize with? rather than pressing tab every 5 mins to check the leader board. just sayin
  10. D

    I sold a 680 SC on [H], is this just?

    if you put in the description that its a card with a reflashed SC bios then no its not. if you forgot to then yes its your fault.
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    PS4 Will Out-Power Most PCs For Years To Come

    guys this statement is really subjective. now were in [H] and MOST of us have pcs that will cream on the ps4 its different for the general population
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    Woman Lets Internet Name Her Baby For $5k

    nvm read the article... lol
  13. D

    Woman Lets Internet Name Her Baby For $5k

    i dont get it whos paying her the 5k?
  14. D

    GTX 570 Artifacting Endgame

    get a dispute buyers always win just make sure you dont go past the 30 day grace period or your screwed
  15. D

    Bent two pins on my mobo

    ive had bent pins as well and one mobo with some thermal paste on it. all you need is a magnifying glass and needle just make sure they line up in a row without any of them touching and your fine but hey if its running leave it be
  16. D

    Could GTX7xx be cancelled?

    how do you know the 8000 series would smoke the previous gen there hasnt even been an architecture made for it yet and last time i checked the rumor mill only shader count was going to increase
  17. D

    EVGA Titan In Stock!!!

    it wont be overkill but it sure would be fun as heck playing in 3d with decent frames!
  18. D

    2 Titans or 2 GTX 690's for SLI

    if your gaming single monitor get the titans if your going surround later on get the 690s
  19. D

    Could GTX7xx be cancelled?

    if its better than the titan theyr going to price it higher no way in hell am i going to buy that
  20. D

    GTX 780 (any info on it yet?)

    is the 780 based off the titan architecture or is it going to be an updated kepler?
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    GTX 780 (any info on it yet?)

    well for a start it costs $1k and at that price i expect a little bit more than a 30-50% increase in performance
  22. D

    GTX 780 (any info on it yet?)

    just thinking that if titan is only 30-50% faster than the current gen will the 780 be slower than it? cause if it is then its not even worth the money to upgrade cause the only logical thing to do would be to save up money and just get the titan
  23. D

    The Rich See a Different Internet Than the Poor

    this has nothing to the with the 1% controlling the "poor" cause when "rich" people log on the net they also have their own personal data archived to dictate what advertisements pops up on their browsers... while its true that these big companies have our data and can predict accurately what...
  24. D

    GTX Titan (final specs and bench)? check that out i dont think youd count that legit but fwiw its something
  25. D

    GTX Titan (final specs and bench)?

    last time i checked these forums yall were raving that the titan is going to be twice as fast as the 690 and close to the 690 im basing my statement on what information i have and what the general consensus is. and your right i cant give you a link to a site claiming 90% thats my bad
  26. D

    GTX Titan (final specs and bench)?

    if i was to say that the titan was 80% faster in a single card configuration (according to my calculations) then i would have stated that in sli it would only be 60% faster in sli. i used 90% for numbers sake
  27. D

    GTX Titan (final specs and bench)?

    im sticking with my math... take it for what its worth lol but i do agree that 90% rumors are mythical hell even 80% might be an overstatement i quoted cause i thought something was off in your calculations but to each his own. :)
  28. D

    GTX Titan (final specs and bench)?

    values are skewed you should base it on msrp all these sites selling them for 1100-1200 right now dont even have inventory so they dont count
  29. D

    GTX Titan (final specs and bench)?

    what review sites are telling us right now is that a titan is 90% faster or so they claim. so lets say 0% baseline is one GTX 680. and reviewers say titan is +90% since their claim says 90% faster. in reality the math would look like this: +90% (titan) : 0% (GTX 680) in sli it would be +180%...
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    GTX Titan (final specs and bench)?

    that graph makes no sense its saying that a 590 is as fast as a 690 sli, really now? mhmm cause if thats the case then no 690 scaling is not 100%... lol
  31. D

    GTX Titan (final specs and bench)?

    Its not about getting a titan to replace a sli setup its more about getting two titans for sli can you imagine how much e-peen that would mean for some people here!? theyd be bragging about their titans (pun intended) for days! lol :D
  32. D

    GTX Titan (final specs and bench)?

    why would you take 90% of 2 when your comparing them with 2 GPUs in sli that makes no sense... ofcourse it will be 80% cause you chose a variable of TWO which stands for two GPUs... factor in 90% x 2 then you get 180% vs the 200% base of TWO 680s or basically ONE 690... the principle still...
  33. D

    Unigine Valley 1.0 Benchmark

    not to be mean or anything go make a overclocking thread your hijacking this lol :p
  34. D

    GTX Titan (final specs and bench)?

    so does a 2500k @ 4.5ghz bottleneck this titan? lol
  35. D

    FS: Dell inspiron e1505 (core duo 1.6ghz)

    Specs: T2060 ( 1.66 ghz ) 2 cores, 2gb ddr2 ram, 90gb hdd (effective) asking $100 shipped will come pre installed with ubuntu 12.10 heres my heatware: pm me for offers no lowballing
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    PS4 Not Focusing On 'Improved Hardware Specs'

    I just want to play games without worrying about how many fps I'm getting. I used to worry about that kind of stuff but ya know I'd rather enjoy playing with my friends than staring at a fps meter on the screen. Honestly the graphics quality of this generation of consoles isn't that bad. It's...
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    Is this the worst time to upgrade ever?

    If you want something new then I'd sell the 670 when Titan comes out to cut the cost
  38. D

    Windows 8 WOW!

    didnt you see my reply about having humor in my statement sheesh... people now a days
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    Windows 8 WOW!

    what im trying to say here is that windows 8 isnt as bad as people make it to be... humor mate humor lol
  40. D

    Windows 8 WOW!

    enough with the bashing... i just got my lappy today and let me tell you windows 8 is amazing... i have 7 installed in my older c2d laptop which i think is still very capable. Honestly windows 8 is pretty good. The search function makes everything so accessible and easy to find. When i first...