Right now I've been able to scan the drive with R-Studio (demo) and I've confirmed that all the files are there. Obviously the demo cannot recover them, and I won't spend $180 for the full version... but it's good to know I've something to work with that another software might be able to...
Hi all.
Why does a hard drive that's full of data show up in Disk Manager as "unformatted"?
Here's what happened, in order.
200Gb WD hard drive, system drive with Win XP Pro. System froze up during a system restore and never booted to Windows again. Error message was: Missing operating...
Your first picture, with the two Westys side by side in the same room, in use by TWO different users... is one of the best setups I've seen on these boards.
Glad to see there are so many new owners. My own 37" will turn 1 next week and I'm still convinced it's the best purchase I've made in a...
I need to buy some long, flat-head screws that go in the silicon grommets of the P180 hard drive cage.
Does anyone know where I can find them? I haven't been able to so far.
Thanks in advance!
Hello all :)
It's nice to see this thread revived after all this time. I've been vacationing in Europe all summer and missed my Westy tremendously. It was all alone in a storage shed and I was even afraid it'd get too hot or too humid in there.
Thankfully, nothing happened. One of the...
The DIMMs are actually part of a built-to-order configuration and should still be warranted by the vendor, so I will let them manage the RMA process.
Thank you!
Problem solved. :) Tried two new modules (2x1Gb PC5400) and comp booted smoothly. Clearly the previous two were both damaged. I tried the new ones in all combinations of slots, and they work everywhere.
Thanks to all who helped, especially you, Mike.
It worked just fine but I cannot test it there again (different home). I do think it might have been damaged in transport. I'll clear the CMOS and try again, and if that doesn't do it I'll try with two new sticks.
I'm sorry if I'm not clear yet. When I say I get a black screen I mean I can't see anything. The computer seems to be running (I hear it running and all the fans spin correctly) but nothing shows on the monitor. I can't run Memtest or anything. Even when I'm using the "good" module and I get to...
When I try the first module alone, computer seems to run okay but I get a constant black screen on the monitor: nothing shows. When I try the second module alone, the BIOS post begins (I see the ASUS splash screen on the monitor) but freezes instantly.
I have not tried clearing the CMOS...
6-month old system that always worked perfectly. I took out the RAM to use it elsewhere in the last 2 months (worked fine), and when I put it back in its original system the problem arose.
I tried each DIMM separately (see the original post for results). I'm using an OCZ GameXstream 650W.
P5B with Corsair 2x1Gb DDR2-800. Computer turns on, all fans run (including video card), but nothing shows on monitor.
If I remove only stick #1, the P5B splash screen appears... and then it freezes there. PS/2 keyboard is not powered so I can't enter BIOS POST setup.
If I remove only...
I have. :) 42" is not necessarily more. It would be too big for me and others for whom 37" is the perfect size. But I do agree that with the release of the TX models the prices on the old LVM should go down.
Hi, duce3. :) I also haven't posted in a long time, but I just have to rely THIS bit of information I just found out: the 37w3 is BACK IN STOCK AT CRUTCHFIELD. http://www.crutchfield.com/S-k2ppxYSIM9q/cgi-bin/prodview.asp?i=647LVM37W3
A tad expensive ($1199), but that includes free...
Well, I haven't read the thread for quite a while. Good stuff going on here! I might have to put together a new FAQ soon. :)
I'll be in Europe for three months, which is good, but... no Westy. :( :mad: My poor baby must feel so alone. Sigh. I see lots of good new pics here though!
Wow, that IS a very good price. Excellent deal. Crutchfield have the best customer service I've dealt with in a long time. The return policy is also a plus, as is the free shipping, the "white glove" delivery, and the fact that they use Eagle instead of UPS or FedEx for such large shipments...
As for the speakers, they are awful if you're an audiophile, and just average if you're not. They're fine for everyday and computer applications. For games and movies, I use my external speakers.
Yep, that really does depend on eye sensitivity. I can't stand having my backlight any lower than 4, while for others that's way too high.
Congratulations on your choice of equipment, btw. Great desk, great tablet, and of course great Westy. ;)
Holy crap, your SD looks even better than mine... and mine is pretty darn good, by my standards anyway. Gotta love this monitor. :D
btw, 4000+ posts and counting... :cool:
To all who are disappointed at the scarceness of the 37" Westy and are (rightfully) thinking that it might be hard to find in the future---do remember that now the 42" can be found for less than $1300 from a lot of e-tailers. It's not the same (some may not like the larger size), and I really...
B&H Photo still has it ($1150 shipped) and they're among the best stores ever... but I don't know about their return policy. They probably don't accept any on such large items...
Okay, so it's night, and I have to keep the window open because it's gorram hot, and I like to keep my lights off....... but like this, the Westy is the only source of light and it's attracting all sorts of flies, mosquitos, and whatnot.
Apart from being annoying, is there any real danger...
I cannot answer about the 1.8 firmware, but AFAIK a 37" monitor is not included in Westinghouse's new line, the TX series, that will be launched shortly. There will be a 42", a 47", and a 52" model, all 1080p and all with built-in tuners (so they will be actually TVs and no longer monitors).
You kidding me? That wide angle is sweet. (off-topic: what camera/lens did you use? or is it a collage of two or more pics?)
Beautiful setup. I also like the colors. :)
Depends on a lot of things. What use? TV or monitor? If monitor, from how far? Are those prices from the same store? Did you check their ratings on ResellerRatings.com?
For $1280 I would pick the 42" any day. It's a good price. But that is just me, with my needs and uses for a monitor---dunno...
It's most definitely not discontinued and BB has definitely stopped carrying them. And it's not like they don't carry WH products, either... they have the 32w6 (great deal), the 37w1, and a 42" model (also a 47"...?)
I guess the w3 was too good of a deal and they couldn't... what? sell it as...
Some will say that "your cable management sucks"... but not everyone is bothered by the sight of cables, myself included, so that's one big shrug right there. Good setup and enjoy your Westy. :)
Quoting from a Crutchfield rep: "Some people wished they bought a bigger TV, but nobody ever wished they bought a smaller one."
"Too big" just means "change your seating arrangement and enjoy." ;) Heck, if my wallet allowed it I would have gotten a 1080p projector and 115" screen without...
Right now, an 8800GTS with 640Mb can run every single game on the market at max resolution (1080p) and maxed out details. The framerates are good even on Oblivion. So I guess the 320Mb version could achieve only slightly inferior results. HOWEVER, with Crysis and similar Dx10 games coming out...