Not asking anyone to de solder anything.. I need some measurement on card.. from there i can get a direction.
This is not my first rodeo. Not my first repair of a video card and so on.
If someone can take a few minutes to throw a Titan or 780Ti on a meter and measure the two SMD's in...
You do not take Video cards to Geek Squad to be repaired. It is not asking for trouble. I have fixed quite a few dead video cards and have soldered my fair share of SMD's. I just need the resistor and capacitor values of the missing SMD's.
Voltage components. I just need a resistor value and a capacitance value of the two SMD's in the Cyan box which can be measured between the ends of each SMD.
that is on the backside of the card, so a Titan or a reference 780ti without a backplate will have that portion exposed. using a multi meter placed between the points of the SMD resistor and capacitor will give the results.
I have a Titan that a friend gave me a few weeks back. It has been working till today when a APW7142 SRBC fried. I decide i would order another and fix the card which does power up but will not post.
Upon further inspection i found that a SMD resistor and capacitor was missing directly on the...
I got the fittings from and they have the metal lock rather than plastic. The issue I had was finding 10MM stainless steel pipe in the US cheaply, which by the way is not easy to bend even with a new $300 bender. I could have used 3/8" but it is not exactly 10MM and fits a little...
"Accepting this award means so much to me because music meant so much to him. He told us that music shaped his made him who he was."
Yeah, a Jerk and a half.
Waste. Spelling was correct for waist. It was just the wrong definition waist/waste. happens to everyone at one time or another. It was just the first thing that came into mind while typing and since i saw no red line under the words i didn't bother proofread. Your insult was lame at best.
I know the SR1 is not the same. the SR1 has 9 fins per inch and the coolgate has 7 fins per inch. The coolgate also has vertical and horizontal fitting positions.
The issue i see with this is why would it need to be played back stage anyway? was it being steamed into VLC from hardware that was not what they were showcasing? That would still be a Fail as they were passing something off in a way that raises to many eyebrows.
And yet this was a total Fail. The dude knew that it was a fail as soon as there was sound but no video moving and thought of a way to recover the situation. If your going to show off tech, show a video if the hardware or software is not ready. The whole steering wheel setup was obvious that...
Your new case is a work of art. How much looking at the back of a case do many people do on a normal basis? I/O shields are what they are. Mac uses have to just use what they are forced to use while your case has the ability to upgrade while still looking like the one off piece of art that it...
Love Corsair stuff and have been using them for many years throughout different builds. Sadly my current rig has no Corsair products and would like to remedy that.