Selling my Edgerouter Lite. No issues with it but I upgraded to the USG for the pretty graphics. It was always connected to a UPS. Selling for $50.00 plus actual shipping. If you decide to buy, I will request $50.00 up front, and send me the actual shipping cost once received and signed for...
The guild I join does not seem active any more. Does anyone have a guild that has room for 2. Don't want to be hard core but would love to try out the raid.
ok I bought MakeMKV as I used it a lot on my my Blue Ray collection and started to feel guilty. Great software.
Thanks Ill stick with MakeMkv and Handbreak still.
Guys I am reading on the net that Nvidia is gimping the last gen cards to make the 900 series look better? Does anyone know anything about this? Currently I own a 780 Ghz edition but I run Linux so I have not seen any issues but I dont play Witcher 3 or the new Cars game. I am a bit surprise...
When I used to run Nvidia Surround Portrait I used the DVI ports of my Nvidia Card. I used 2 from the primary and 1 from the secondary. I do remember AMD video cards required all monitors hook up to the same video card.
That was a year and a half ago. Dont know if that's still accurate.
I stop buying Asus purchase after they pulled a fast one on me. I bought the Asus 250.00 dollar router about 2 years ago. After a year the power button failed on the unit. I had to keep it pushed down and the router would stay up. I RMA the router. Took them about 10 days to get a...
I have it on pre-order through gameagent. Thats run through Aspyr and they are the ones porting the Linux client. The only draw-back it's coming after the windows release.
I sometimes dont understand how some men have to ask for permissions to get things. I work I pay the bills and I know my finances. Now If I did not work and did not pay the bills I will ask the wife. I would probably let my wife order me around like that if she was very "Hot".
On a serious...
I placed an order on Amazon. Should be here next week. I wanted a stylus tablet to write note and I got tired of waiting for the Samsung to release a revision of theirs.
Well I just build a new computer in January was going for a 290X but I could never get one at a reasonable price. I then decided to get a a Gigabyte 780 Ghz edition. I been very happy with it and glad now I did not get a 290X.
I played it on Sunday, (I pre-ordered) I had fun in the 3 hours I was in it. I think it's an interesting concept on what type of task you want to tackle. Exploring/Fighting/Scientific and Adventuring. Thats a neat idea to change it up on you.
I have a 4930K @ 4,5Ghz with a Gigabyte 780...
When I was a Kid that Mario RPG came out for the SNES. I convinced my parents to buy me the game Saturday morning. I played it from noon till the next day at noon I went to sleep. I was in the last part of the game.
Now I am lucky if I can get 4 hours in straight without stopping. My 2...
I bought a nice mesh chair at Staples. I think it was about 450. Worth every penny. I don't recommend a leather chair (I had one) and aftergaming for hours you will start sweating specially if your wearing short and your skin touches the leather part. My legs have yet to sweet on my mesh...