I'm the original owner of the listed items and all prices include shipping. Except for the case which is a local sell item only.
GA-X58-UD4P | $138 -> $135
i7 920 2.66Ghz Can OC to 4Ghz | $56 -> $50
G.SKILL 6GB (3 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 1333 |...
I have previously tried the silverston sfx 450w modular psu but it was too noisy. So I reverted back to a 5yr old Seasonice 550w non-modular psu (allows me to use my gtx570). The AX850 is obviously overkill but it's very silent so I just wanted to use what I already owned.
What CPU cooler are...
Thanks for posting your impressions deruberhanyok!
I'm wondering if I can use this card in my SG08 Lite in conjuction with a corsair ax850 PSU.
Xbox 360 250GB
Includes MS Steering Wheel and Forza racing game.
I've barely used this console other than to watch Netflix and the occasional game.
Local Pickup in NYC only.
Asking for $275
I also have:
Hard Drive Transfer Cable: $10
Used kinect: $40
I was wondering about this as well. Mine looks like it has it strong glow on the bottom right but I haven't done an in the dark test. I'll try that out tonight. My old 2407WFP feels to have a better lighting ~_~
Has anyone replaced their monitor because of this?
Ugh these monoprice arms suck... They tilt forward, the clamp isn't good on an ikea galant (needs a thicker desk). Even when I put something in between (folded carbord) and tighten it up it would move if I tried to push my display back. I ordered two and one of them came broken out of the box...
I bought one from monoprice that I'm using right now and it works perfectly fine.
It's this one:
Ok since I just go my display port cable I connected my Macbook Pro to the Dell. I could see...
You can do 1920x1200 over VGA just fine.
HDMI to the u2412 would be using HDMI->DVI cable
One of my favorite games is MWII Mercenaries.
I was a badass piloting a Daishi in multiplayer MW4 Black Knight, Vengance, and Mercenaries :)
So yeah I hope it's good.
I bought one before the hard drive prices went high and it started to click so I had to RMA it. Of course I could have just gotten unlucky. The replacement I have right now is working fine.
Yeah I would definetly try calibration especially when working on two screens. They aren't the same and I would think calibration would bring them closer to having a similar image output.
On another note I bought two monoprice vesa mounting arms to place the u2412m and my old 2407wfp...
I just ordered one as well :)
My 2407WFP wasn't looking so good with some dark spots :(
Let's see how this one turns out, hopefully it will be of the same or better quality. :)
Yeah because going to the product page on is difficult. Not to mention it would be tedious to find that info in the monitors description. Oh wait it's actually in the first paragraph...
/sarcasm ;)
Maybe I don't need wide gamut (I do web design/gaming), I was just going for a top quality display>gaming display that's not an apple brand.
Hmm now U2412M steps into the picture, what do you think of that one?
Dam...why you gotta throw a wrench in my plans man lol
I was looking at the u2410 for an upgrade to my 2407FP and you make it seem like it sucks ~_~ but I also read people saying it's awesome...
ugh this is like reading headphone reviews lol