ok, done! I chose the anti cancer projects as I have a stage 3 astrocytoma brain tumor which hasn't managed to get me yet even after 4 years. I was given 6 months at the best at first. So I have a personal interest in the cancer projects. ;)
I did not know about WCG. I will set up all the...
i have 6 or 7 macs lying about each dual cpu, from 867 Mhz G4's to dual 1.8 G5's.
I understand time has passed these machines by, but I'd like to put em on a distributed project anyway. I used to fold@home years ago, but I looked at it now and it seems like they dont even give work...
you know, the iMac IS still the consumer mid-level grade of mac. Maybe those who needed this or that port for this or that doodad should have gotten a Pro instead.
Just an observation:
I can remember when just admitting you owned a mac anywhere on OCP Forum would bring hoots of "Dude, MACS are gay!" (The trolls would always use all caps because they knew it drove mac users crazy) :rolleyes:
When I got my Dual 1.8 G5 in 2003, the anti-mac sentiment...
I have the antec plus view soho case and the vnf-250. I want to plug in the front USB ports.
I see the usb headers and got the info off of the antec website on the pinout.
The problem is that the wire going to the ports have 3 ground wires and the board headers only have 2. I have no idea...
well, threw it in a anti static bag, and filled the bag up with 99% iso alcohol.shook it around did the james brown. fixed, after letting dry. no noise, no problem. The stuff that came out was seriously nasty gray dusty soup.
It's likable clean now, and no fan noise.
I dont game anymore so I'm not keepin up with the joneses. My wife now uses his thing. The fan on th X800XL is noisy an loud. Whats the best way to quiet it down? Can I spray something on it? Cheap Aftermarket cooler?
funny, my S754 sempron 3100+ keeps running just fine. I seriously doubt I've ever been killed in BF 2 because I run a out of date CPU/MB. I maybe out of date, maybe nobody plays bf 2 anymore. I wouldnt know. I got a brain tumor, almost died, and havent really cared about such things.:mad:
some of us are very happy with their Semprons and save lots MO money.
my setup is just as good as it ever was. but hn again all I ever did with it was play BF2, and it always did that OK. Now I can't play becuse I got a brain tumor and my left arm and hand don't work good enough to game...
It's getting stupid. The gear can only take a person so far. Most of the game is in the player, not the computer. Lots of guys with quad SLI's are gonna get p0wned by 13 year olds running Semprons. :) ....becuase little kids are ruthless bastards that stop at nothing to win and never play by...
never claimed otherwise. I never go for first place, always about 2 or 3 gens behind the best is the sweet spot where the performance is great and so is the price.
Hmmm. They have embraced da DFI MB's and released this
so all the DFI freakz can get the feeling. NEW NEW NEW!!! :D
I think the red G. Skillz are the best bang for your ram buck at the moment. They wont work for hard core OC work but for 145 bucks for 2GB that will do 222 at stock timings they are great.
Yeh I got the red G. Skillz. for 145 they own - unles you really gotta hit 250 fsb, go with these. I got 222 out of mine game stable at stock timings at 2.7 volts. Not the best, but I didnt pay for the best.
2GB of anything > 1GB of anything unless all you do is benchmark. You actually want...
the 2gb kit should be the one you get. I've had mine for a week and they rule. 2GB of slower ram beats 1gb of faster ram every time when Windows takes 300MB for itself and your game needs 1.3 GB (BF2). Nothing is slower than a swap file. Avoid swapping at all, and you win.
My Sempron whips any Celerons ass. Check the OC to 2.52, 100% stable. Not only will it beat Celeron's, but OC'ed it beats other Athlons running stock up to about the 3700+ class.
No way will any Intel chip beat a Sempr0n.
dual channel is over rated. maybe 3 to 5 % difference.
always get 2gb. The price is so good now there no reason not to.
if you demand tight timings instead of raw speed, look no farther.....
yeah more ram wont help you. you need fast up and down, around 10mb for full 48 playas. T1 will take you up to 32 players, after that you are in big buck territory.
It will underclock yer ram down to 333 and bump it to 2T among other things. Nforce 3 boards dont like more than 2 sticks of ram, and unless they are exactly matched the board will slow the ram speed down.
sell the 1gb and buy the 2gb, and if you play BF2, DO IT YESTERDAY!111!!!!1!
my Chaintech vnf 250 doesnt like 3 512's. Refuses to even think about POSTing. Many boards are like that, and even if they do POST the ram will underclock to 333 or go to 2T or both. For gaming use I would never have more than 2 sticks of RAM in the machine, and I'd make those 2 1GB sticks...
Here's my review of that G. Skill red heatsink stuff. Got it yesterday and slapped it in. No issues, SPD showed correct timings, no problems. Got it up to where I had it before with my mismatched crap ram but no more stability problems! :cool:
I'll take 2GB of this stuff anyday over 1GB of...
My Sempr0n 3100+ is quite happy running at 2.52 Ghz @ 1.45 volts. Cost me 113 dollars. Price is lower now.
Next up in the scale I would say the 3200 and 3700 clawhammers, but they are more money, and you did say "bang for the buck", not BEST EVAR11!!!!
For a dirt cheap CPU, the s754 3100+...
I cant wait for my G.Skill to get here! Should be here Wed. sometime. This will be the first foray into 2gb on a PC, my Dual G5 has 2.5gb but it's for everything else you use a computer for.
and the stuff I ordered is back in stock now.....link above...
IF you play BF2 go for 2GB of ram. BF 2 sucks ram. With the sliders on high and the eye candy on the game wants to eat 1.4gb by itself. Check it in task mangler.