Maybe I should buy some 5.1 headphones that are big enough that they wont hurt my freaking ears. The ones I have now and am using arent big enough so they sit on my ear and after a while I cant even touch my ears they hurt so bad.
That would be not as good as getting a new system though...
Klipsch is no longer fixing the speakers and by the time I can get anything replaced by them they will be done in the computer speaker department...
I cant find the 5.1 ultras on sale at any online or walk in store. I am unwilling to do things like ebay so out of luck there too.
That z5500...
I am kind of in the dark about new speaker systems since I have had these speakers for five years. They are no longer sold, or made, and klipsch seems to be discontinuing their whole line. I cannot fix my speakers and I am reasonably sure no one else can that I am willing to trust.
Silly cyber, I dont have the 30 incher yet. Maybe one day. :)
I am just unfamiliar with how getting to a res beyond 2048x1536 would work.
caboose, youll have to forgive the amount of noob I have sitting in me but... dual link? Is that like having two connections in one cord?
Its time...
Alright. I have always been a CRT man, I love my 3 year old NEC FP 2141 the same as the day I bought it...
But the thought of a monitor far larger with a resolution to match, even if it is an LCD, intrigues me.
How does one get a 2560x1600 resolution from a normal video card? I honestly...
Wow I didnt even know about this quad SLI stuff... is that a spoof? It looks real. Damn it now I have to look it up.
edit: wow, I live under a rock. I love the concept of all this dual, quad, and eventually octal stuff but the question really is is will all these processors and cards acting...
Very sure. This other card I got going right now from a friend works fine - I played my games for hours and hours yesterday with no hitches at all. Its the card. :( Sucks too. It was my first card I ever had when it was fucking uber.
The power supply is fine. If something was wrong with it the...
Well I tried the card in a friends system and his instantly exhibited the same functions as mine did. It is definitely the card. I guess I cooked something. Dunno how or why, was perfectly fine in hotter conditions years before...
Anyway its time to upgrade, and maybe RMA the card for a...
As far as colors go you name it, its in there. It also actually shifts and changes artifacts ON THE DESKTOP as I write this. Might be time to get a new video card, although spending more money is the last thing I need, and sure enough...
The artifacting on the desktop is a stairstep pattern...
I have a 9800 pro old 128 MB edition from visiontek, and today after a lovely 5 hours of gameplay (not contiguous), I came back to play WoW again and now my video card has a serious artifacting problem, and it isnt the game, this happens on the desktop randomly. Unfortunately the only thing I...
I had the 5.2s and WoW after a while would just go south on performance. Nothing doing. I went back to the 5.1s and havent tried them yet, but the driver version say 4.12! WTH? Can anyone verify this for me?
I just installed my moms old HP deskjet 660c on her "new" machine (built all from old parts I have discarded) and the computer, each time I reboot it, say that its found the printer again and wants to install the driver all over again. The printer works perfectly, and the driver is already...
The road to divorce. thats excellent. :D
I must admit... I played eve, and it literally was all I could do to do work instead of play. I have played the open beta of WoW and its going to be the same... I will constantly be thinking about it and playing it, and it shall interrupt my...
I am utterly offended at this thread. You shall never take away my right to swear. Fucking never. If you are offended, you dont have to read what I or others say.
My views on this are you can take your views and shove em. Fuck LCD's. I apologize for the nature of my views but I feel very strongly on the subject. I will be buying a CRT identical to the one I have now for my next machine so I have two. My current CRT gives LCD sharpness a run for its money...
Sorry to bump this thread like this but does anyone know what each port does? My FP2141 has two ports on the left side when looking directly at the monitor. I know they both have to do with focus but is one for edges, one for center? Or are they oriented differently than that?
That looks like a cool set up. I think you have the same monitor as me.
What if I have a creative card and only want a big system like that for music? (I have my trusty klipsch 4.1's for games and stuff) I am talking a receiver and two speakers, and a sub, just for music. Think the SPDIF...
Youd be surprised what my comp has lived through. I will make sure to dust often. I meant to dust when I first moved in but I didnt. *smacks forehead*
That and every one else suggested that too. its more important than we all think. I just played a game, warhammer 40k dawn of war, and my...
I am at a loss for words. I just dusted my comp. I am now getting reports via motherboard monitor, that my current full load temp is now at 138. Max. The fan, at 138 degrees, speeds up to 3400 rpm. This is excellent. I will dust my machine more often. My god, the temps are beautiful. I am still...
Not gonna use the razor blade for cleaning off the thing bro. ;) Might use a credit card for putting the stuff on, eliminating the possibility of being cut.
The 3 pin tail is for plugging into the motherboard... I guess we could do that too. That fan only runs at full speed right? Doesnt look...
Yeah my machine is open. I wonder if setting my machine on the floor will help. Never had any trouble until now, although I guess where it is now in the room is a hot spot or something...
I will blow it out tonight when I turn it off.
Static in this place is rampant. its a wonder this...
My fan right now has a capable max speed of 5500rpm. Granted it doesnt really reach that anymore... Is 57 CFM sufficient? I dont know the CFM of my current stocky.
Yes I have not tried that yet but I will do so soon.
Just read the pdf thing. DAMN! I AM A DOPE! I need this. Does it fit as snug as the stock heatsink? The only part I am extremely worried about is the removal of the stock sink and the removal of current grease on the proc, and the application of the new grease. I have no razor blade.
Does the...
BBS if you were a woman...
Actually I will just say thank you a bunch man. That looks really frikkin worth it :)
Starhawk thats a nifty solution but I wouldnt want THAT much noise. ;)
I think I will be looking into this stuff.
Do you guys know whether I could plug my CPU fan into a...
The sink you have is nice, but that requires removal of the damn plastic thing my current sink fastens on to. I am not really in a position to perform this kind of surgery on my machine right now... :(