Agreed, I wasn't implying 144Hz is only good for competitive gaming, I could never go back to 60Hz and I dont play competitive games other than Quake Champions occasionally (I was replying to dvsman's comment on wanting to upgrade from 144 to 240).
Im also at 144 but from what ive read & videos ive watched on the subject apparently the jump from 144 to 240 is much less noticeable vs. 60 to 144.
If you're into competitive gaming then this recent video might interest you:
Some people claimed running Sekiro over 60fps threw off the timing in certain situations, I dont know how true that is but Sekiro was pretty difficult so I didnt wanna chance it lol.
The mod you linked looks much more polished and interesting than what was out at the time tho, Thanks for the info!
Well I played through half of Sekiro at 60Hz / 60fps and then upgraded to a 144hz monitor however Sekiro is locked 60fps max and I saw no difference or improvement in ghosting vs the 60Hz monitor.
It's not until around 80fps and up when you start noticing smoother frames / less ghosting on...
About 9 months ago I replaced my main 23" 1080P 60Hz monitor with a Dell 27" 1080P 144hz Freesync model and the resolution hasn't bothered me at all, then again I've also been both PC & Console gaming on a 50" 1080P Plasma for several years as well, I will aim for a 1440P monitor on the next...
Quake 2's single player didnt age all that well but after a couple hours of playing the RTX version and tweaking mouse sensitivity etc. I was hooked all over again, You start noticing a lot of little details that are only possible with ray tracing lol. Like seeing a shadow appear on a wall...
^^ This 100% I was actually upset with myself for waiting so long to move from a 60Hz to 144Hz LCD.. LCD's have a lot of problems but higher refresh models certainly help with one of the bigger issues they face... motion handling quality.. but you need to be at 100+ fps to really see the...
I can't believe this thread has remained on the front page 99% of the time since 2005, Wowzers!
I hope everyones FW900 is treating them well! I certainly miss mine :depressed:
I've heard the F520 was very unreliable but don't have any solid proof, I was interested in buying one shortly after the FW900 but could never find any for sale, the F520's .22mm pitch rating was certainly intriguing.
I always had Vsync enabled with the FW900 (or any CRT) screen tearing is unacceptable for me with gaming lol, and depending on the game I usually ran 75Hz or 85Hz.
Luckily my eyes weren't very sensitive to refresh flicker (except 60Hz was a little noticable).
If a game didn't support Vsync I...
You'd probably be singing a different tune if you saw what PS4 / X1 look like on our Kuro plasma, but there's no use in starting a silly argument lol. It's all good Plasma definately is dead as nobody produces them anymore (unfortunately).
Carry on folks.
Some extent? It's not even close.. I have a Samsung VA based panel PC monitor and Kuro plasma in the same room, The Plasma is worlds better at maintaing details during motion (esp. when comparing 60fps gaming) while the VA is a blurry mess in comparison.
Even the Samsung TN based monitor that I...
That is really odd, maybe im not as picky but my eyes see vastly superior black levels from the Kuro vs. any LCD ive owned (and currently own) and they're not far off my FW900 (RIP) and XBR960N (still working). the plasma only emits a faint glow when displaying a solid black screen in a dark...
I had my Kuro and FW900 in the same room for a couple years, The black levels on the Plasma were reaallly close to the point the difference was only really noticeable when looking at a solid black screen, I took this shot off the plasma in a completely dark room:
Plasma's are considerably brighter than CRT monitors so I'd have to disagree with #5, I used to have an FW900 CRT sitting next to a Kuro Plasma and it made the CRT actually look dim in comparison. (PC looks fantastic on the Plasma btw).
Edit: from what I can gather online looks like Plasma were...
Have to admit the Sony G520P I had for awhile didn't look any worse than my FW900 but I think a lot of the FW900's popularity is its 16:10 aspect ratio and the fact they seem to be pretty reliable in the long run (my G520P croaked after a few years, bought brand new).
I'll have to check it out on the Kuro, currently the highest contrast display I've witnessed (when combined with it's black level capability.)
Older pic I took in 2008 (I left it as a clickable link instead of spamming thread with photo):
Wish I still had my FW900 but ended up giving it away before we moved to another home, the person who picked it up seemed confident they could fix it, I live around 4 hours away from your place hopefully one day if I can afford the extra $$ I'll drive down there and pick up one of your...
Unfortunately I didn't get around to calibrating my FW900 before it quit working (flyback failure) but it was in really good shape out of the box, ive never owned another CRT with near perfect convergence / geometry like the FW900 unit I had.
It was a tough call when I had a Kuro plasma & FW900 hooked up to PC in the same room. The plasma's contrast output triumphed the CRT (using the Standard video mode on plasma) and when combined with CRT like black levels Kuro's are known for it really is a stellar looking display for Gaming &...
I have the MagicLux setting enabled on my monitors (Samsung) which auto adjusts brightness depending on room lighting, haven't had any eye strain issues in years, it basically keeps the brightness lower at night and brighter during the day.
I bought a Kinivo 5 port HDMI box from Amazon a few years ago and haven't had any issues, also comes with a remote for manually switching inputs, it can also auto-switch based on activity...
Indeed, All of the Nvidia cards I bought were EVGA, From a 7800 GTX, GTX 260, GTX 480 and last was a GTX 670 FTW model, The one EVGA card I had fail on me was the GTX 480 which was 4 years old when it failed, They had no problem honoring the lifetime warranty and sent out a replacement card via...
Not sure why some people think higher refresh rates are a good thing with CRT's, basically the higher the refresh the harder the CRT has to work AND the overall image sharpness is reduced as refresh rate is increased.
When I had an FW900 I ran it at 1920x1200 @ 85hz which was enough to...
I had a Sony G520P CRT that would turn red intermittently the last couple months I owned it (Before it quit working altogether) I was told it was probably a cold solder joint somewhere which might explain why hitting it sometimes took the red away, but I never had it looked at..
I'm noticing the greenish border around the desktop image which could indicate it needs the infamous G2 adjustment via WinDAS, or it might just be cold still (sometimes symptoms go away after warmup).
Either way it's fixable and would be hard to turn down at $15
Keeping the backlight level a little dimmer than typical reduces eye strain big time from my experience, Ever since I started using the auto brightness feature my eye strain issues went away completely (Samsung PX2370). The backllight is adjusted depending on ambient light in the room.
I don't think this is true, every CRT I've owned had reduced sharpness at higher refresh rates even when they were 1 day old. I used high quality BNC cables on my FW900 and still preferred the sharpness of 75 / 85hz, I preferred gaming with Vsync enabled so lower refresh rates worked out better...
I believe the Flyback Transformer failed which is what happened to mine, supposedly you can replace it fairly easily if you replace the whole board it's attached to, but I'd wait for a more experienced answer in case I'm totally wrong lol.
LCD's can be color calibrated tho can't they? I've seen a ton of reviews on various models stating excellent results after calibration, although I know this isn't something the average user can do without the required calibration hardware.
All this LCD vs CRT talk it's no wonder Plasma's have been recently abandoned by manufactures, not enough people realized just how much closer to CRT image quality they are vs LCD (black levels / motion handling / viewing angels). I bought a Kuro plasma 7 years ago and it has been an amazing TV...
The GDM-F520 has .22mm dot pitch & G520 is .24 mm so the image won't be as sharp, I had a G520 before my FW900 and it had a great picture which was plenty sharp IMO, I also liked how the G520 had a Picture Effect button which allowed you to toggle through preset picture modes (Dynamic...
PX2370 (TN) tested at 2.3 Delta E with factory settings which isn't bad for an out of box reading, Plus it only has 2ms Input lag vs. a CRT! Works for me.
Blindness is a bit of a stretch and the articles claim of LED causing paintings to fade has been debunked on numerous websites.
I do believe LED can cause eye strain if you don't keep the brightness in check which I would imagine isn't good for eye health, when I switched from CRT to LCD I...