Search results

  1. darkking

    Borderlands: The Handsome Collection 94% OFF on Steam

    Agreed. did it co-op with my wife and it was great. Wish there were more co-op experiences like that...then maybe she wouldn't be my Ex-Wife
  2. darkking

    RIP Newegg, you weren't good lately anyway

    Going downhill for years. I've dropped personally over 50k buying parts at the egg over the years but its my last choice right now. I have the license plate frame and all the swag blah blah How do you make more money when you have hit a soft limit in market penetration? Charge a little more...
  3. darkking

    Godzilla: Resurgence Trailer

    EXACTLY what I was going to say. Those arms,WTH?
  4. darkking

    AMD Gets An "F" On Pricing

    How full of S she sounds. but looking her background it explains it. "P&L analysis for major business lines; gross margin modeling" Someone likes Nvidia and doesn't want the margin shrink to compete.
  5. darkking

    MalwareBytes Pro Lifetime Licenses $12, 2 For $22

    Bump for PM incoming
  6. darkking

    FS: Sager Laptop GTX 970M & EVGA GTX 980 Ti SC (non-ACX)

    Free bump for a good deal...tempted
  7. darkking

    Comcast Launching YouTube Rival Called 'Watchable'

    Sounds like this is the 1st step. 2nd is: bandwidth caps turned back on all over the country. Not just the "test markets" Then "Stream Comcast content at no impact to your cap as its within our network" "Feel free to use your bandwidth to stream from other sites But With "Watchable" your...
  8. darkking

    Comcast Charging $300 For 2Gbps Service

    And actually all the packages have that comment it just hidden in a drop-down, but in the 2gb its plain as day. I pay about $90 for my package but even at $159 there is no way in hell id pay for a $1000 install and then be locked in for 3 years
  9. darkking

    Comcast Charging $300 For 2Gbps Service

    So I'm in the Jacksonville area so i figured i would log in and take a look. I'm on the 105 package (getting about 128) and i was wondering if there was a "mid plan" or something. The new 2gb service is posted BUT there is a note on it that is not present on any other package. XI Gigabit Pro...
  10. darkking

    FS Batman Arkham Night 20$

    PM sent
  11. darkking

    [FS] QNAP TS-851 8 Bay NAS - $600

    been a while,this still for sale?
  12. darkking

    Technology Gone Wrong

    +1 Exactly what I thought
  13. darkking

    WTB Radeon R7 Card

    Looking for something to turn my HTPC into a little easy gaming box with Steam big picture. Right now new i can get a 250x $59AR or a 260X $69AR With that being said Id be interested in any card 250/250x/260/260x. I know there are cards gathering dust from christmas upgrades out there...
  14. darkking

    25 Invisible Benefits of Gaming While Male

    everyone gets so heavy with this..geze. Lets lighten this up a bit. In the video i especially like: 2. My wife is the boss 3. I have a English dentist 10 Crazy eyes to match the hair 12 Think this fake moustache will let me buy beer? 14 I want to grow up and be a pirate 17 makes me think of...
  15. darkking

    GTX 980 $463

    My thoughts exactly. Direction used to be great.
  16. darkking

    Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Live-Action Trailer

    Trailer makes it look like "Crysis of duty" Interesting. Game play on Twitch looks like CRAP. Not so interesting. But there is something for everyone out there. If its your thing enjoy. Me? I would rather spend my Money on something else
  17. darkking

    Devices To Blame For TV Ratings Tumble

    He was also quoted saying "I cant understand it, I was under the impression when not watching TV people were listening to their 8 track players"
  18. darkking

    F/S 2x MSI 290 (Reference)

    bump pm sent
  19. darkking

    FS: Watchdog game code $20

    pm sent
  20. darkking

    $50 Steam GC for $40

    pm sent
  21. darkking

    WTB: MS Office for church computer

    this i still have a retail disk floating around of 03. If i can find it then its yours for free. Check when i get home
  22. darkking

    FS: Alienware 14 i7-4700MQ 750M 8GB 768p

    bumpage for a nice laptop and a good price
  23. darkking

    Angry Wife Approved: BNIB Rosewill 1600w PSU

    Bump for a great title and a great item
  24. darkking

    R9 290s, 270x, Corsair 1200w PSU

    pm sent
  25. darkking

    Driver Fined $48K For Using Cell Phone Jammer

    Who gives a crap if he used a jammer? Good for him. but the fine? OOF. Silly for the act. $1000 maybe. And I'm sure the signal jamming is pretty much localised to a small area around his car. As he drove on and/or you drove away it was less of an issue. I doubt anyone tried to make a call...
  26. darkking

    Random Tech Yard Sale

    sent you pm
  27. darkking

    ASUS Transformer TF300 + Keyboard Dock $200 shipped

    Great tablet as I own the same one myself. You forget also Awesome digital comic reader.:D I have a SD with 24g of comics in it
  28. darkking

    BF4 for $25

    The best I have seen for premium today is $40 Greenmangaming and try coupon TAREM-4PLAY-VOUCH (20% off) $40 out the door it should be
  29. darkking

    BF4 for $25 Use one of these re-usable codes with your email address. Coupon code is generated immediately. 413M4D 4712M9 4912HA 48VU64 4979P3 497D79