Going downhill for years. I've dropped personally over 50k buying parts at the egg over the years but its my last choice right now. I have the license plate frame and all the swag blah blah
How do you make more money when you have hit a soft limit in market penetration? Charge a little more...
How full of S she sounds. but looking her background it explains it. "P&L analysis for major business lines; gross margin modeling"
Someone likes Nvidia and doesn't want the margin shrink to compete.
Sounds like this is the 1st step.
2nd is: bandwidth caps turned back on all over the country. Not just the "test markets"
Then "Stream Comcast content at no impact to your cap as its within our network"
"Feel free to use your bandwidth to stream from other sites But With "Watchable" your...
And actually all the packages have that comment it just hidden in a drop-down, but in the 2gb its plain as day.
I pay about $90 for my package but even at $159 there is no way in hell id pay for a $1000 install and then be locked in for 3 years
So I'm in the Jacksonville area so i figured i would log in and take a look. I'm on the 105 package (getting about 128) and i was wondering if there was a "mid plan" or something.
The new 2gb service is posted BUT there is a note on it that is not present on any other package.
XI Gigabit Pro...
Looking for something to turn my HTPC into a little easy gaming box with Steam big picture.
Right now new i can get a 250x $59AR or a 260X $69AR
With that being said Id be interested in any card 250/250x/260/260x.
I know there are cards gathering dust from christmas upgrades out there...
everyone gets so heavy with this..geze. Lets lighten this up a bit.
In the video i especially like:
2. My wife is the boss
3. I have a English dentist
10 Crazy eyes to match the hair
12 Think this fake moustache will let me buy beer?
14 I want to grow up and be a pirate
17 makes me think of...
Trailer makes it look like "Crysis of duty" Interesting.
Game play on Twitch looks like CRAP. Not so interesting.
But there is something for everyone out there. If its your thing enjoy.
Me? I would rather spend my Money on something else
Who gives a crap if he used a jammer? Good for him. but the fine? OOF. Silly for the act. $1000 maybe.
And I'm sure the signal jamming is pretty much localised to a small area around his car. As he drove on and/or you drove away it was less of an issue. I doubt anyone tried to make a call...
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