I think they bit off more than they could chew with DS9/Voyager and the TNG films in concurrent development. You can see the writing falling apart in TNG season 7.
I honestly don't like any of the old post RotJ EU material. Stuff like grand smurf Thrawn and the Vong... it just doesn't seem like Star Wars to me.
I'd like to see a prequel trilogy reboot or something KOTOR-related.
Yeah, the freezes stop with a different GPU (RX560 or 580) and I've been trying each new optional driver. The power supply is an old but reliable 1000w Kingwin Lazer. Games run fine and the crash rate seems to have gone down with each new driver, but after a few days I eventually get a hard...
Are you sure? I keep thinking I've got things fixed and then it freezes up again. I've been messing with an XFX 5700XT RAWII and I've had a crash since updating to the latest GPU and X370 chipset drivers yesterday (Windows 7) and I'm also getting the same behavior under Ubuntu. It seems to...
Luke's attitude was 'well, crap... the Jedi were a bunch of hypocrites who created a monster and destroyed themselves. I walked into the same trap and created a new monster, I'm not leading anyone else down that path again.' His teachings and his conversation with Yoda in TLJ made for some of...
Sounds like misdirection. They 'leaked' a lot of fake scripts during the production of this trilogy.
Back when episode 7 came out people noticed that Reys theme has bits of Palpatines motif all over the place. I'm guessing that the Palpatine connection was planned from the start.
I thought the...
The manual fan control options seem to be working fine with the latest driver. The fan curve options are under performance -> tuning in the Radeon software.
A friend at work was having all sorts of weird crashes with his 5700XT (completely random freezeups or black screens, no BSOD). Turned out the fix was installing an optional Windows update and then reinstalling the driver. I think it was one of the optional .net rollups but we didn't go through...
Nobody has actual RMA numbers and anecdotes are useless. I just buy whichever card is the least fugly (and has a standard PCB if I'm going to slap on a waterblock).
It's not that Stadia sucks or that the whole idea of game streaming is flawed. No, the real issue is that a bug in the Linux kernel prevents software from changing the speed of light.
Is there an article or actual documentation of their dishonesty/failures in the past? I'm honestly curious about their backstory. This isn't the first time I've heard these sort of things said about them.
I don't mind wild rumors as long as they're disclosed as such. Not like there's a whole...
Absolutely. I was experimenting with Ubuntu back in the early 2000's, but it was basically a hobby OS. I'd always run into something that I couldn't do or do easily without Windows back then.
I disagree. Something has changed in the last 5 or so years where Linux became far more compatible and...
Imagine if AMD just flat out bought reviews and journalists to cover up bad news about their products.
AMD wasn't deceitful, it's an 8 core processor with 4 shared FPUs. The weak single-threaded performance is from the small cores. It was a perfectly fine 1080p gaming processor that could do a...
There are over 1000 in-game books altogether in Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim, though the number of new lore books declined in the newer games.
Personally, I'd rather have well-written text dialog. I don't enjoy listening to the same 5 voice actors doing all the in-game voices, and the extra...
How much video transcoding do you do on your 15-60w hardware?
And what's this crap about slideshows? AMDs APUs blow away Intel's IGP solutions for gaming in the same price/power ranges. Hell, I still use an old 15w AM1 system for retro gaming/movies/web surfing. Even with the weak CPU its...
All these years on Morrowind is still the best game in the series, and arguably the best CRPG ever made.
Oblivion/Skyrim aren't 'bad' games, but they're dumbed-down for consoles with crappy UIs, GPS navigation, and simplified text/voice acting for the console peasants who don't reed reel good...
The point is that there's a lot of marketing BS going on, particularly regarding the effects of blue light. This sort of reporting is exactly what I've expected since all the marketing buzz about blue light filtering for night mode and 'eye protection' started showing up.
There's no evidence...
Bulldozer looks pretty damn good in light of the huge security issues that Intel created to maintain their apparent IPC advantage.
AMD admitted right up front that they wanted better, and they got to work squeezing real IPC gains out of the architecture for Piledriver and their APUs and...
No. Privilege escalation is a core security feature of all modern operating systems. It certainly does encourage developers to write their software properly, but that's not the main reason it exists.
UAC is actually 'less annoying' than privilige escalation in Linux and MacOS/iOS by default...
More pixels can be beneficial even on smaller screens. Higher resolutions should allow for better motion resolution, something LCD's suck at in general.
Free market activity that you don't like equals... communism?
I mean, I get being opposed to this as harmful to people and the internet overall, but comparing it to communism and mass censorship seems like a non-sequiter. This is the result of unregulated economic forces, not some central...
Copper Sulfate
It's what's in blue PT Nuke. You can buy a few lifetimes supply of the stuff on Amazon for a couple bucks and mix it yourself. It doesn't take much.
I've run it for 4+ years at a time and had the water come out totally clear with no strange buildups or weirdness in my loops. I...
I first started hearing about solid-state batteries in 2017. Dyson spent a bunch of money on it (along with their car concept), and more recently Volkswagen said they want to start using them in vehicles in the next 5 or 6 years as production ramps up.
Supposedly there is some low-volume...
You'd save about $50. Maybe $70 if you go with a cheaper block like a Bykski.
IMO the price really isn't that bad. For $50 you get the customized BIOS, convenience of having the block preinstalled, some coolant dye, and you don't have to void the card's warranty.
The real issue (as he states...
I can't give Boeing crap over this. NASA, SpaceX, and everyone else have had parachute issues at some point.
There was no rocket. The Dragon capsule was bolted to the ground for static-fire testing of the launch escape system. It exploded because of a leaking oxidizer valve.
SpaceX has...
Yes and no. My understanding is that battery tech has been advancing at a steady pace, with significant improvements in cost/safety/capacity/reliability over the past 20-30 years. Entirely new battery tech is rare but some elements of these 'revolutionary' ideas do make it into production. Even...