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    Diablo II TCP/IP trouble

    How about answering OP's question? OP's not retarded. He know Battlenet is there, but he chooses not to use it. How is Chaoticon's comment and you agreeing with chaotic helping the OP in any way, shape, or form?
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    New Wolfenstein

    Or Max Payne, or Prey, or a number of other games. They should have left it out.
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    Is my Amd x2 CPU running too hot ?

    Are those brisbane cores? What software do you guys use to get those temps?
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    Devil may cry 4 benchmarking tool.

    Same here, visually this game is very appealing, but no mouse support = fail. BTW, can someone test this on 12x10 with 8800GT? Thanks.
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    Official: Diablo 3 is Coming!

    Calm down. Why is everyone jumping into the conclusion that Blizzard has taken potions out of Diablo entirely? If you listen more carefully, he said the red globes can heal without having to rely on potions. Trust me, potions are NOT going away.
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    Official: Diablo 3 is Coming!

    When is the announcement expected to be? Saturday or Sunday?
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    Need urgent help! Processor stuck to Heatsink

    thanks! Trying it right now. be right back with the results. edit: got it out. thanks guys.
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    Need urgent help! Processor stuck to Heatsink

    So today I got the bright idea to remove my heatsink and clean it. I'm not sure what kind of thermal grease was used on it but it was like superglue. I took off the heatsink, but also managed to take off the processor, which is still stuck to the heatsink as I'm typing this. The pins on the CPU...
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    Game Music

    diablo 2. Wilderness, rogue, and tristram was amazing.
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    Researchers Find New Ways to Steal Data

    The movie was mentioned in the article...
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    Do I have enough bloom ?

    What mod is that?
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    Brisbane vs. Windsor

    My X2 3600 Brisbane has been running @ 2.54 GHZ for over a year now with stock cooling and stock voltage.
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    Brisbane vs. Windsor

    Brisbanes are suppositely cooler running than windsors, so if the logic follows, they should overclock slightly better as well.
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    7600 to 8600?

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but your 8600gt is not 2x faster than a 7600gt, in any game.
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    8800GT 256MB to 9600GT 512MB

    Depends. If you were getting better frames before the swap, then yes, you are crazy. If you are getting better frames after the swap, then no, you are not crazy. It's too close to me to call.
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    ATI X1900XTX 512MB vs. NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GTX 512MB

    Yeah I agree with Cypther. On some games (oblivion for example), the ATI X1000 series can do AA+HDR whereas the 7series cannot.
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    9800 GX2 Quad-SLI review

    lol was that before the edit or after? Regardless, I did not see your mentioning of Hardocp's review. I still stand by my statement that you are getting to worked up much too prematurely. Wait a month or two for better drivers, then we talk.
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    9800 GX2 Quad-SLI review

    Fixed. Looking at the UT3 review, a single 9800GX2 runs faster than SLI'd GX2.. perhaps its hinting that there are driver problems? I wouldn't get all worked up over this review if I were you, two games(one of them being problematic) and a 3dsmark benchmark hardly constitues as a review in my...
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    9800 GX2 Quad-SLI review

    Look again. The 9800GX2 SLI gave almost twice the framerates on High in Crysis than 2x 9600GT. That is hardly "comparable".
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    New to LCD, a couple questions

    Thanks for the input guys. I'm looking to purchase a LCD on my local craigslist. Does anyone have any tips for buying used LCDs?
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    New to LCD, a couple questions

    I'm in the market of purchasing a LCD after years of CRT. My first concern regarding LCD is refresh rates. I've read that LCDs all function at 60 hertz, yet I've also read that LCD is alot easier on the eyes than CRT... can someone explain this conundrum please? If I used my CRT at 60hz I'd...
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    Oblivion problem

    Happens to me once in a while too. I wouldn't worry about it.. it doesnt affect anything.
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    You Know your good at cod4 when.....

    textbook attention whore.
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    Problem with 7600GS and 30" @ 2560

    How many drivers have you tried? Usually these things are driver problems.
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    Two more major vendors kick HD-DVD while it's down

    Is this a good thing or a bad thing for us consumers?
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    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    count me in.
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    How to improve your skill in CS?

    So first you say that burst shots are not what net kills, then you try to explain how to use burst shots to kill. BTW, as you are "slowly" aiming downward, his teammate comes over to see what all the commotion's about and pops one in your head. Fact is, if you're playing against anyone with...
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    Best Single Player RPG (PC or 360)

    You're not alone in this sentiment. Fortunatly, OOO mod fixes this quite well.
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    Wacom Graphire 4 or Bamboo?

    Thanks for the crit. But I drew that car like...2 years ago when I was 17, so you're a little late. The sketch is just for idealization and as a reference for 3D modeling. I'm not going to post the 3D model of the car in this thread, since this is obviously not the place to do so.
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    Switched to a LCD and now I'mm owned in BF2 ?

    Just a quick question since OP mentions refresh rates. What's refresh rate for LCDs generally? I'm using a CRT and the lowest i can stand to go is 85 hz.
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    Adrenaline !

    Interestingly enough, I only get a rush when I kill someone in Dota. I don't get a rush in more mature/violent games like CS or anything else. Oh yeah, playing FEAR single-player gives me a head-rush too, but its a different kind of rush.
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    Wacom Graphire 4 or Bamboo?

    I own a Graphire4 and I can tell you its one of the best investment I've ever made. The tablet is very sturdy and apart from not being able to sense tilt, its pretty much the same as the (much more expensive) Intuos. Wacom is bar-none the best in the tablet industry, and you really can't go...
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    Lowest spec computer running crysis?

    lol. I'm going to stop this debate now, it's totally sidetracked the topic. All I can say is... lol. To get back on topic, the official system requirements from EA states this: Supported chipsets: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT or greater; ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (Radeon X800 Pro for Vista) or greater.
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    Lowest spec computer running crysis?

    Wow, then I am glad that even on my lowly 7600GT, I am enjoying better visuals in Crysis than you are on your 8800GT. lulz.
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    Lowest spec computer running crysis?

    So you cranked everything to low and set it to 800x600 on a 8800GT? Yeah that's one way to prove a point /sarcasm/. Notice how I said "screenshots of whatever settings you normally play at". If that's the settings you play on a 8800GT then you should seriously consider donating your card to some...
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    Lowest spec computer running crysis?

    I would really like to see a screenshot of you staring into the distance(not into a wall) and getting 80fps on whatever settings you normally play at..
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    Lowest spec computer running crysis?

    I can tell you that gamespot is wrong. With my 7600GT I definitly average more than 16 fps, even at 1024x768. Here are some screenshot to prove it:
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    some screenies from my modest comp(in sig):