Iracing for me. Have a SimXperience Accuforce V2 Wheel, Fanatec V3 Pedals, Fanatec Shifter all on a trakracer tr80 frame. Use G2 headset and have a 27" Display when I just want to drive around.
I loved blockbuster as a kid. Always cherished when my dad would take me and we would grab a couple movies, a game, and some candy. Paid the monthly sub to rent as much as I could in a month.
no transcoding isnt necessary. I stream Plex from a local NAS (Synology 920+) and stream to ROKU Ultra's, PC's, and TV's with built-in android apps. No issues. I have about 250 movies and 15 shows on it.
My first flat screen TV was a Toshiba 1080P 47", bought back in the early 2000's. Grew up with Toshiba CRT's. I have a couple Toshiba HDD's and have been great.
Alot of smart owners step down as CEO and let those they trust to take the reigns while the owner gets to continue his passion within the company and not feel like a grind. I have seen it locally where I live and the company exploded in business.
Long shot, looking for a third monitor - CB271HU bmidprx for my simrig. I have two and I need to add a third. Got frustrated with VR for the practice/jumping on quickly.
Was hoping to keep them the same style/setup.
Level 25, have about 15 hours in it. Taking it all game progress says I am 33% completed.
Took me a minute to figure out the pacing of the leveling up versus the main quests. Left Hogwarts the first time a little over-leveled.
I have a 3080 and got some stuttering running in 2k w/ ultra, DLSS balanced and RT on Medium. But definitely tolerable. Looking forward to patch. Noticed GPU wasn't running much past 50% utilization, but when I turned off NVIDIA Latency is would drive the GPU up to 78-85% utilization...but the...
Digging around the ASUS ROG Laptop on a FLOW and saw something interesting:
Looking at the lowest cost unit $1099.99...states that it comes with the $799.99 XG MOBILE UNIT.
Any merit to this and try and order it and...
Got the replacement card on Tuesday, different serial number same bios as I had on my first card. This card appears to be working good, I have about 6 hours of testing it seems to be having zero issues.
I get slightly better points in 3dmark and runs a hair cooler than the other card. No...
It is a really fun game, I highly recommend. I almost repurchased this through Steam, Platinumed it on PS4 when it first game out. It is sitting in my steam cart right now.
I had taken my whole computer into a local shop, they tested a known working PSU and other MOBO/CPU and the problem carried over with the GPU. For sanity reasons, I had to know and was stoked. I paid them $40.00 to confirm so I would have some sort of information to help go back to...
Honestly dont know, I will take a look and report back.
Furious_Styles : Thanks, I might be PM'ing you. Let me run through a couple more tests and see if I can't find some local help! thanks for the support!
I have troublshot as far as I know I could:
(silent bios)
Tried fresh OS install (separate SSD card)
Swamped Cables around on the PSU to the Card
Afterburner Power Input (maxed it out)
Afterburner lowered the max hz to <1800mhz
XMP turned on
NVIDIA Settings (max performance) [ have...
Okay, got the card back, nothing was changed on it from the warranty. Warranty states they tested it in many different configurations and did not see any faults. I can run this in 3DMARK all day long and it will not fault. It has to have the dynamic of a video game where the card voltage has the...
Well I sent the card back two weeks ago...had been checking there warranty status page...seems like they could not replicate any of the issues. Bummer. I get the card back on Thursday, so will see if anything was changed in the bios or the card is different.
So I guess I need to get to working...
Sometimes there are those just got to have sets of computer speakers:
I sold my old Z-5500 set to a guy that had been collectively collecting them for spare parts...he was talking all the revision numbers on the boards and changes they made throughout...he totally nerded out on it, and I made...
I have the Bloodhound's Fang up to level +9. It is a beast! I also carry a Rogier's Rapier +18 with the Flame of the Redmans...two ash special and then enemy knocked down and then stabby-stab, rinse repeat.
Have a couple hours in HL:Alyx and a couple hours in iRacing. So Far the clarity is night and day compared to CV1, I can actually see my brake zones from a very long distance in iRacing, I was playing around with vrperfkit for foveated rendering to improve image quality and reduce gpu...
Just ordered one on Friday from HP site...comes with free 3-year warranty for 399.00. Hoping for an upgrade from CV1...playing mainly Simracing/Elite Dangerous.
All the world industries have shareholders with pressuring more than ever...gotta keep making 10-15% additional revenue each year and continue on that every year afterwards. Driving this demand has made companies become greedy with short lifecycles and hampered hardware, that they can keep...
I am towards the end, did almost all the side quests / errands...have almost all my skill trees full. I believe you can get them all filled throughout the completion of the game. I have 70ish hours.
What Domingo said! 60FPS is so good on the PS5, the eye candy is there with the buttery smooth 60 frames. I always switch to performance, and could never go back.
The designers did a hell of a way of blowing your mind every time you cross up over a mountain or peek down a path and you can see off in the distance some really awesome shit to go explore, or question what that is way out there!
I beat BloodBorne with all optional bosses (not the expansion, I didnt even try)...I will admit, I had cheesed a boss or two, but really want to take a stab at this game. I have not really attempted any of the Dark Souls games prior.
Am I nuts for heading down the Elden Ring rabbit hole?