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  1. R

    9th Annual BOINC Pentathlon hosted by SETI.Germany

    Been a long minute.
  2. R

    9th Annual BOINC Pentathlon hosted by SETI.Germany
  3. R

    9th Annual BOINC Pentathlon hosted by SETI.Germany

    Looks like I got 8 gpu, 2 cpu tasks crunching away on Astroids
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    9th Annual BOINC Pentathlon hosted by SETI.Germany

    I got some GPU time I can donate. Wat do? I haven't DC'd in .....forever.
  5. R

    When will the dam break that holds used GPU prices above new MSRP?

    Nope, just income supplementation. Just a business now.
  6. R

    When will the dam break that holds used GPU prices above new MSRP?

    I echo mkrohn. I bailed when scrypt mining took a dump in summer '14. Looking back, I could have paid off my house and way more if i hadn't bailed.
  7. R

    Barely profitable...

    There is a lot of NH butt hurt out there.
  8. R

    Post your mining rigs!

    It's off, just need moar air! edit: I got the 2000rpm version of your bgears fans. rated for 103 cfm.
  9. R

    Post your mining rigs!

    Higher than I'd like, I tried some 55'ish CFM fans, only have 1060s in there, still need more cfm. So looking around for some 80-100 cfm. If i had a spot to put something stupid loud, I'd just get some 200+ cfm like you and others have done. That's why I got back into the game, just to have...
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    Post your mining rigs!

    Well that was fun to build. Now I want another.
  11. R

    Your favorite OS for mining?

    I think Update farked me last night. noticed a couple of my cards weren't hashing, code 43 in device manager. Until, Win10 was working great. Tried to blow away the install to try again last night, but now I can't get the Win10 usb installer to work. Blargh. I need to try a linux OS. Last...
  12. R

    WTS: WD Red 10.0TB wd100efax Unopened $300

    bump for 2 more!
  13. R

    Post your mining rigs!

    Got my spotswood brackets on order and some rosewell cases sitting at home!
  14. R

    Mining Motherboards

    I do this regarding everything in my life. Computer, car parts, work equipment, food, even rebuilding my house after a flood. :banghead:
  15. R

    Post your mining rigs!

    cdabc123, you have a lot of interesting hardware! Sky cards included
  16. R

    Post your mining rigs!

    I'd imagine with the high CFM fans ya'll are planning on running, removing the fans/shrouds from the gpus would actually work fine. cdabc123, those look sweet, what are they?
  17. R

    Post your mining rigs!

    Wonder how many CFM is needed to keep the inside of the case at roughly ambient with the cards running full tilt.
  18. R

    Post your mining rigs!

    What fans cfm fan did you replace yourself with. the stock rosewill ones are pretty anemic.
  19. R

    Post your mining rigs!

    Dang you sir. Just ordered up that lovely bit of kit.
  20. R

    WTS: WD Red 10.0TB wd100efax Unopened $300

    Thanks! Two sold, down to six.
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    WTS: WD Red 10.0TB wd100efax Unopened $300

    Bought to build epic NAS, priorities change. NIB, Anti-static bag still sealed. Warranties are good till 01/19/2021. $300 shipped each, I have 1 left. Google wallet or btc/ltc/eth preferred
  22. R

    Post your mining rigs!

    Oh man, I need one of them grow tents
  23. R

    Too late to start mining?

    It's all about the hustle. I'm about making a buck, however I can.