Search results

  1. T

    Fisker Ocean SUVs under $25k

    As a final PSA, if you are considering this, please first read the r/fisker reddit.
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    Fisker Ocean SUVs under $25k

    It's a terrible deal even at 25k unless you are a serious risk taker. Fisker is bankrupt, so there will be no parts availability. That will make insurance prohibitively expensive, if it's even insurable. Even if it's insurable now, it might not be in a year, making it illegal to drive. And no...
  3. T

    buy 32GB or 16GB to add to existing 16GB?

    If the old RAM is CL 16 and new RAM CL 18 is it still worth it to copy over the timings? I'm capable enough to copy timings, but not capable enough to know if it's worthwhile, lol.
  4. T

    buy 32GB or 16GB to add to existing 16GB?

    Ok, thanks to both of you for the help. Just to clarify, the ram I have right now is ADATA 3000. It's not purchasable anymore, so I'd have to mix with ADATA 3200. Or I could just buy whatever and throw it together. Sounds like just getting the 32 is the best idea. My time is valuable to me, so I...
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    buy 32GB or 16GB to add to existing 16GB?

    My memory usage is consistently over 80%, and I'm getting little lags that are annoying. I have a ton of tabs open at all times, but that's how I roll and I'm not going to change. I have 16gb of ADATA DDR4 3000 in my rig currently. Should I add 2X8 GB (which would be enough), or buy 2X16GB and...
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    iPad Mini 6th Gen 64GB $331 brand new with F/S at Amazon

    You need to clip a coupon which is only valid on the 64BG Starlight. This is the historically lowest price by $70. Via S/D...
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    TeamGroup 2TB NVMe TLC w/ DRAM $80

    Mine is an XPG SX8200. Specs claim same speed as the TeamGroup drive, but I have never gotten anywhere near the claimed speeds on CrystalDisk
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    TeamGroup 2TB NVMe TLC w/ DRAM $80

    I have a gen 3 mobo. Will this be pretty speedy for a gen 3? I'd be using it for my OS and gaming. I have an old 500 gb Adata NVME that works just fine but I keep having to uninstall games to install new ones as I'm out of space. I'm willing to pay more for a speedier gen 3 but I don't know if...
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    2TB Fantom Venom8 NVME Gen4 SSD - $147.95 @Newegg

    I have a Fantom external 1 TB HD that very well might be 15 years old. It's not fast, but it keeps on ticking. Just an anecdote, but Fantom makes decent drives.
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    Samsung S22 for basically free, some maneuvering and Google Fi activation necessary

    Update: trade in values dropped quite a bit unfortunately.
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    Samsung S22 for basically free, some maneuvering and Google Fi activation necessary

    Google Fi is running a great promo with phone sales and upgraded trade in values. Deals for new and existing members. You can tinker with the site, but here is one example. Samsung S22 is on sale for $299. Trade in for a cracked screen S21 is about 420, though some people on SlickDeals report...
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    Pixel 7 / Pixel 7 Pro enhanced trade-in credit and promo gift card @ BestBuy

    For the Pixel 6a deal, I bought a used 3a ($100) off Swappa and traded it in for 300 credit. It was in good shape, though I never actually used it - just made sure it powered on and factory reset. Google gave me the whole 300 w/in a couple days of receipt. I don't think they're messing around...
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    Pixel 7 / Pixel 7 Pro enhanced trade-in credit and promo gift card @ BestBuy

    PSA for trade-ins -- make sure you buy insurance. Shipping right now is a mess. I got a 6a with a Pixel 3 trade in. The first 6a Google sent got lost in Memphis FedEx. Took two weeks for Google to admit it and resend (they kept telling me to talk to FedEx - yeah right). Then the 3 I sent back...
  14. T

    Klipsch 2.1 BT (Bluetooth) $49 Walmart

    Just tried to set up my speakers set and the line out doesn't work. No sound at all. The Bluetooth connection sucks --- the sound is all garbled. Something's messed up in the control board, I think, and I'm gonna have to exchange. I'm not going to fart around with Klipsch support. Hopefully the...
  15. T

    Klipsch 2.1 BT (Bluetooth) $49 Walmart

    The BT is unsecured, which means other people can access it and play through your speakers, at least in theory. I have no worries about this, given my neighbors, and I couldn't resist at this price. I currently have a Promedia 2.1 with a blown woofer (lasted a long, long time, though) and I've...
  16. T

    Refurb SB X3 DAC at Creative for 80 bucks free shipping

    I got it last time the refurbs were out and I've had no trouble with mine. It's great. There are a few issues with the software not autoloading at startup and sometimes disconnecting, but there is a fix out there, I just haven't bothered to work on it.
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    Visiontek Mystery Box ( $5, $10, $20, $50 *Premium GPU?* )

    Is my old 7950 actually worth something? It's just sitting in a closet, I barely used it, and I don't need a backup GPU.
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    Creative Labs Refurbs. G5, G6, X3, AE-5. $69.99-$99.99

    Thanks OP, purchased an X3.
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    Creative Labs Refurbs. G5, G6, X3, AE-5. $69.99-$99.99

    Noob question, but are these worth getting for listening to Spotify? I have a decent pair of cans (Sennheiser 580s) but am not sure whether streamed music would benefit from a dedicated sound card or not. I also play games like BFV, but don't need a soundcard for that. Mobo is in sig.
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    (DEAD) Black Mesa [Steam] $4.99

    Thanks for the heads up, purchased!
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    Epic has Frost Punk Free until 6/10

    I've played it the last couple days, it's fun!
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    Epic has Frost Punk Free until 6/10

    Cool, thanks. I've been thinking about buying this for awhile, but wasn't sure I'd like it. But now that it's free....
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    Herman Miller Aeron - $669

    As I've posted elsewhere, and others have confirmed, Madison Seating is super sketchy. Just google it. Tons of folks have had bad experiences, including people on here. Sure you might get a good chair, but if you don't, it will be a huge hassle to return, given their crappy CS. If you go that...
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    Herman Miller Aeron - $669

    I agree with this for the most part. *But* if you're going to drop 1k on a chair, it's crucial to find one that works for your individual body. Yes, an Aeron will be far better for everyone than an Office Depot piece of junk. However, for 1k or $500 or whatever, there are going to be better and...
  25. T

    Woot PC Peripherals and Logitech Harmony Remote Sale

    Logitech is no longer making Harmony remotes, so if you want one, you need to get one soon. They are selling through existing stock and then that's it. They say they'll keep adding device support, so it's worth buying if you into that sort of thing.
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    WTB: Old Flagship GPU - Closed

    I have an MSI TwinFrozr 7950, works perfectly.
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    Newb question, but can I use the Apple gift cards to buy Apple hardware on the Apple store?
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    Steelcase Leap V2? (NEW OPEN BOX) $299.11

    Actually, never buy used chairs from anywhere in Elizabethtown NJ. There are a bunch of used furniture operators there that have equally bad reviews. I assume they are all the same company, but who knows.
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    used WD Gold or new WD easystore/mybook/etc.

    They would be in my ATX desktop case with several fans. Would this be sufficient cooling?
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    used WD Gold or new WD easystore/mybook/etc.

    I need some more storage for photo backups, disk images, etc. This is personal stuff and not really mission critical for anything. I have an NVME for boot, Windows, etc. and an SSD for games. Still, I like to find the best bang for my buck. I've found a number of used WD Gold 6TB internal...
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    Random Brand, odd form factor, cheap NVME 1TB

    Lol, I thought they they made floppy drives back in the day, but not 100% sure.
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    What key do you use to 'Move Forward'?

    I use E because my F key has a little tab on it that lets me get my hand back into position quickly and easily after hitting a function key or grabbing a beer or whatnot.
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    Green Man Gaming Black Friday Sale / up to 82% Off

    Yeah, I do this because with the little tab on my F key it's easier to get my fingers back in proper position quickly if they get askew hitting a function key or something.
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    Green Man Gaming Black Friday Sale / up to 82% Off

    I LOVE Souls/Sekiro/etc. That's why I'm thinking about this game (I also like Star Wars but the previous games never interested me).
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    Green Man Gaming Black Friday Sale / up to 82% Off

    Is Fallen Order for 21 bucks a good deal? I don't see it on sale very much...
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    Steelcase Leap Sold by Amazon Brand New $731.62

    Basically every office furniture dealer on Ebay or the web that's from Elizabeth NJ is connected. And they are all really terrible. Look at BBB and their reviews. Some people get what they want, most don't. And the return policy is terrible, even if you don't get what you paid for. This is true...
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    DEAD WD Easystore 14TB $189.99

    I'd be happy to take one off your hands depending...
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    Epic store Halloween sale 2020

    Do you think you could make two accounts on Epic games to get two coupons, or is there some hurdle to this?
  39. T

    Epic store Halloween sale 2020

    Never mind, I just discovered the coupon shows up in your account notifications.