Thank you! Is the Asetek AIO considered the hands down, best cooling solution for the DAN case right now?
I'm thinking of pre ordering the new case and upgrading my V1 DAN, if so. Just for humor - I got so sick of heat issues with my cooljag modded cooler, dual noctua fans that I gathered all...
Hey helping friend build a Ryzen 3700x, MSI B450i in a dan case. What are the latest air cooling options where the case will fully close and easily handle the 3700x (not overclocked)
Playing Destiny 2 at 165 fps for hours, my 8700k delidded is hitting max 84C no overclock with the cooljag modded cooler. Noctua 10mm fan blowing inside out. No side panel. Happy with it! With side panel on the game played fine but I wasn't measuring (brought pc into work, it played just fine no...
Haven't been here in a while! I've been enjoying my dan case since the first batch. Amazing. What's the latest feeling on dropping in an 8700k using something like a cooljag II cooler (what I use). Any air cooling solution that'll fit the DAN that will have hope? I really want to get 6 cores in...
FTW 3 easy fit. Finally achieved silence (with custom fan curve and 165 fps on overwatch epic settings never going over 73C on gpu, never over 80c on cpu) cheers Dan
Main issue is space for a radiator with proper airflow on it, and not having the radiator heat up from other parts. Air cooling seems to be the ticket for the DAN but I cannot wait to see what someone tries with that zotac!
I am not OCing. It doesn't seem to be necessary but it's looking like temps are 65-72 while gaming at high frame rates now, from maxing at 85-87 C before with just the 92mm fan. I may have headroom for a slight OC but I'm holding off for now. I just installed this 120mm fan so I need to test it...
My home set up. When I travel, two twist ties to release the fan and side panel goes back on. I have the 92mm noctua on the inside which cools the delidded 7700k just fine alone whjile 165 fps gaming. Temps are way down with the push pull setup for home use! Since the right side faces the wall I...
Can anyone link to the latest video card compatibility list? I want to see if the case supports the latest EVGA 1080 TIs. I want to sell my 1080 ti armor due to noise for $680 it's practically brand new.
I'm only happy with my cooljag when I run without a side panel and dual fan push/pull setup with a 14mm noctua pushing outwards and 120mm mounted on the outside pulling. While playing Wildlands for 2 hours max temps on 7700k delid are 81C. Best results yet versus no side panel C7 and L9i. My...
Do you think the FTW3 will be the next best/quietest option? I had my mind set on the gaming x since my 1070 gaming x is silent!. Damn.
FTW3 won't be available until May according to an EVGA rep. Wow... that's a long time to wait. Options are going to be limited for quiet 1080 tis in this case
The stock l9i is performing very similar to the Cooljag Falcon 2 with 14mm Noctua fan blowing outward. (max 89C with cooljag max 91C with l9i while gaming with 7700k dellid on Ghost Recon Wildlands for 2 hour sessions each) This is disappointing as I tore my whole build apart to try. I may go...
Worried about my backside mobo m.2 temps while gaming (960 pro). Hitting 62ºC in Dan case. This is with a GTX 1070. When I upgrade to 1080 ti, that's another 100 watts of heat, potentially bleeding out into the backplate and towards the m.2. Anyone else getting temps like this? What's the max...
I followed these instructions exactly and am getting good results. I used the same glue they recommended on each corner to hold the ihs in place. I like that you can delid again easily if something were to go wrong. Using silicon glue, it's hard to delid again...
That's not how that works. 5GHz isn't more powerful. It's just a different frequency. Think of it like the nubs can't "see" 5GHz, not that they'll be overpowered by it. :)
I used the nub antennas for wifi 18ft away from router, one wall in between. 95 mbps. Great to have this option while traveling. The nubs stay.
Same machine gets 300/300 on a fios connection when on ethernet. Ethernet cable disconnected for this test.
Notice even being this close to the... credit to user repentsinner
No not yet. I have wifi turned off in the bios and can't restart right now. With 300/300mbps fios I'm not interested but for traveling I am. That's why I picked up two of the antennas. Will test in the coming days.
cooljag is shipping me the 115X bracket! They found some extras in the warehouse. That's my final cooler then.... until DAN finishes his and proves its worth.
Whoever recommended those stubby bluetooth/wifi antennas, they're awesome and shipped really fast. Range is great for bluetooth on Asus Strix Z270i. (just like the corded antenna that came with it) I'm trying to eliminate as many cables as possible in my work space. This will be clean for the...
I appreciate the offer, but I live in such a small apartment that I'd be a bad candidate. I ordered 2x of the smallest ones. :) thanks for showing me these.
Is there one this size for wireless AC? I'm ordering one for bluetooth - thanks.
If you use two of the ones you linked to, would you get wifi 2.4 as well? That'd be fine actually.
Cooljag is being responsive for the 115X brackets. They're working something out for me. To prepare, I've removed Tridentz RAM heat sinks and installed flat copper replacements. I also mounted the 14mm Noctua fan on the cooljag as Dan instructed with the rubber pegs. This method seems very...
My cooljag didn't fit my socket 1151. It only has mounts for 775 and 1366. Hm. I'd definitely have to remove my tridentz RAM heat sinks. Wow, even then it'd be tight.
I continued with 5 minute OPEN AIR (Dan case has not yet arrived) Prime 95 test with C7 stock and L9i+25mm fan on a delidded...
I've been using these to stay compact with tape like this...