I'm also planing to buy only mATX motherboards because there is no need for additional PCI-E slots on a gaming machine. The only downside maybe be is VRM power delivery. ATX motherboard have better VRM then mATX. However, mATX boards over $200 have plenty good VRMs to overclock the CPU. So...
Hi guys. I'm looking for any basic 4k capable graphic card for desktop use. Must have a Display Port or HDMI 2.0. I got a GTX 760 but it does not fit my ITX case.
Let me know what you got and how much you asking for. I'm in NY. I got Ebay and Heatware. Will be paying with Paypal.
Good suggestions Fritzz. Those are a bit expansive and 15" deep. I was looking at iStarUSA case that is 11" and much cheaper.
Link: https://www.newegg.com/black-istarusa-d-118v2-itx/p/N82E16811165402?Description=istar%201u&cm_re=istar_1u-_-11-165-402-_-Product
I already have a 500W power...
Hi Guys. I'm looking to build a 1U PC but I'm having a problem finding a 1U Case that supports 2x PCI slots. Any suggestions appreciated.
I attached a picture of the case that only has 1 PCI slot as an example.
I got a Gigabyte GA-Z77MX-D3H in perfectly working condition. The only problem is LAN stopped working. I can include a PCI-E LAN card. Motherboard has 3 PCI-E 16x slots and one 1X slot. Let me know if you interested.
Looking to buy C10 latency Corsair DDR4 memory and was curious if XMP will work on Ryzen system. Any feedback appreciated.
Example: https://www.newegg.com/corsair-16gb-288-pin-ddr4-sdram/p/N82E16820233999
Looing to buy EVGA Z390 DARK motherboard. Let me know if you have one and how much you want for it. I'm located in NY and can pay with Paypal.
Got Ebay and Hearware feedback
Everything is still available. Its an excellent combo that can cool two PC and look nice. I really don't want to part it out. You can still PM me and let me know what you want and make an offer. Thanks.