Remember that everyone suffers universally. Nobody is free from pain and life is miserable for everyone. Even to those who have all the wealth, power, fame, money and unlimited access to sex with hot women. The human psyche finds a way to be miserable.
Yup no reason for me to upgrade because A) There aren't enough good games I care about, too many micro-transactions, DLC-laden multiplayer only games or just singleplayer games with open world endlessly grindy content because of microtransactions. Only new game I cared about recently was Hitman...
Good stuff! Im hoping China can remove all traces of individualism and create the first real Borg society which we can all eventually join and we can finally get rid of all the anxiety that freedom brings with it. Wonderful.
This is so close to flow arts!! Just get some poi or a staff or a set of clubs if this game gets you going. Seriously. Circus art is wonderful and makes people happy.
Thank you kindly for posting this. You helped ease my anxiety and allowed me to feel good about my life. Contemplating the misery of other people makes me feel content and grateful.
Why do they think killing is entirely bad? Do they not understand how much of life is constant worrying, pain, suffering? Being instakilled by a headshot is quite nice, especially if you live in a poor country. Imagine the perfect tranquility, peace, emptiness. Like letting out a deep breath...
Good stuff. I hope that humanity will end and be replaced by AI robots or Cyborgs. Life is suffering after all as old religions and philosophers teach. We are inherently dissatisfied no matter how much status or wealth or sexual / intimate relations we amass.
I don't care. I just want us to progress asap to the post-human future, the cyborg or AI world where we can end all this human suffering that arises inevitably out of our nature.
I'm grateful for Chinese slaves, they make modern civilization and progress possible, just like Greek slaves made Athenian culture and philosophy flourish. Thank you slaves for enabling the advancement of science and culture!
What can big publishers do other than try to go along with the most powerful market trends? Are they supposed to just make games and not put in microtransctions / grinds / lootboxes? Really? Imagine the pressure these executives are under, have some sympathy. They don't have a choice except go...
Off-topic I know but Im glad to see someone recognize this. Also suffering in the natural world though, plenty of it. My hope is for machines to eventually replace living things but im crazy
These hacking festivals are a great idea for security , really cheap source of testing for the companies too. Whats 50.000$ when it can potentially prevent tens of millions in damages? Great deal
Hopefully we won't need farm animals much longer, they have suffered so much. Then again wild animals also suffer terribly. So yeah, need some neural nano-implants on wild animals to remove their pain. Or just replace living things with robots entirely, no more pain.
Good evening, Agent 47. We have received a new contract from an anonymous client, with a substantial payout attached to it. This is an opportunity ICA cannot ignore and so as our most distinguished Agent, the task falls to you to carry out this important assignment.
Your target is McKenzie...
But dont worry. The end of the world is coming soon. 2050 and humans will be no more. Then machines will take over and we can finally say goodbye to all the terrible things humans do.
Great! They can incorporate this into their social credit score system and reward people for eating healthy and punish them for eating unhealthy. Soon China will have superior people to everywhere else in the world. Force them to exercise too while you're at it.
Yeah you can cut away a few minutes of an episode here and there and sell them with microtransactions. Or have optional dlc where there are different scenes instead, maybe the actors have different clothes.
Everyone can drive whatever they want. Global warming or the environment don't matter because life on Earth will not be based on biology much longer, it will all become machine-based soon enough and then the environment is irrelevant.
Good stuff. Anything to bring about the end of humanity and the era of cyborgs and/or superintelligent computers is good in my book. I wonder how many people share this view? There must be some, you could come to this conclusion from miserabilist philosophers like Schopenhauer, Emil Cioran, etc.
This "pro-diversity" "relating-to" argument is so annoying and stupid! As a young white guy, I can relate to a black man, or to an old white dude or a young woman or an elf or a dwarf. It's not the superficial characteristics that make a character relatable to me, it's their psychological...
Weird that we don't see way more cyber attacks then. Seems like it would be easy to hide behind VPN and anonymize your computer in other ways too then just shut down the power for the lulz, just to impress your friends. Seems like something a bunch of 14 yr olds could do.
Or the old Dostoevsky phrase: Man is sometimes extraordinarily, passionately in love with suffering. Perhaps we want disasters to happen so that we have something interesting to do. A too perfect world would be dull. He also said we'd destory paradise if it ever came upon Earth because we'd be...