Yep, we've had over 2 years to make that rec. spec. I'm guessing the rec. cpu is just quad core over a certain ghz. Recommending an Ivy bridge seems pretty extreme. Sandy bridge should be fine too.
Is there something built into the ROG series of motherboards that ties into the RAMDisk software or would it work on any Asus, or any system at all for that matter?
The only ltc exchange i'm aware of is btc-e.
So exchange your ltc on for btc. Then send that btc to your mtgox account. Then you exchange it there for USD and get it into Dwolla.
Yeah, my proxy was fine yesterday. But now today it keeps disconnecting, then re-connecting and re-subscribing.
I've restarted the proxy a couple times already. Maybe he's updating something?
EDIT: Seems to be back on track now.
Yes you can. Basically you make a user image, assign it to save to a HDD somewhere, and then there are advanced options to save to disk periodically.
I do like Softperfect Ramdisk, however the current version seems to have a problem with boot images. Don't make one of those, make a user...
The Zx is now only $120 on newegg, was $150 on amazon, so i'm in for one!
Haven't had a sound card in my comp since my X-Fi Gamer, so i'm excited to try this one. Here's to hoping Creative finally put together a good one!
I was having that problem with my GTX570 and 296.10 drivers. I ended up going back to 295 until 301.10 came out. Haven't had it come up since.
Yay for modded .inf!
This is the type of game that pushes an upgrade generation, like quake 3, or bf42
thank you dice for pushing the envelope. now just don't screw up the server browser, again.
The only way I solved my xfx 5870 gray screens of death was to flash the bios with the MSI version and use afterburner to keep it at 850/1200 all the time.
I figured out what was causing my crashes. In bfbc2, when you go from the intro video to login screen, the clocks would go down to...
yeah after reading more and more about sandy bridge, I think i'm sticking with my OC'd i7 930 for at least a couple more years. I defy anyone to throw something at it that it won't run superbly in the next 2 years.
Yeah a hexacore would be nice for folding, but other than that...It's not...
I'm still getting them when trying to play bfbc2 in dx11 mode. Anyone have a working link to the unlocked asus bios for 5870? Any of the ones i've seen are dead now :/
Yeah, I have the normal XFX 5870 and I gray screen a lot while starting BFBC2, but run Street Fighter 4, Just cause 2, and even that new stone giant demo fine.
I installed 10.4a hotfix drivers yesterday and my GSODs continued in BC2. However on a hunch, I changed my config to use DX9 instead...
I'd like to update my profile. I found a bios template on the evga forums that helped me a ton and got me to 4ghz stable with HT. And keeping the core under 80C in linx and the windows are closed. Also BFBC2 stable.
User Name: (skindogg)
CPU: i7 930
FPO/Batch #: (Example: 3951A687)
That occasional stuttering you saw is actually a server problem. When my friends and I are pubbing, we see it at the same time, and they have AMD processors.
While BC2 doesn't appear to need HT, my SMP folding client likes it alot :)
yeah and battletracker are way behind on stats. they still have me as rank 29 which was like 6 days ago. sigg o matic looks to be most up to date.
I just updated my system to a core i7 930, currently @ 3.8ghz.
I was using a Q6600 @ 3.2ghz.
My BC2 FPS went from the 70 range to the 100-110 range.
So is it necessary? Probably not, but it is nice? Oh yes.
I used to see this occasionally. I think he's talking about the switch between maps.
I turned on gpu-z logging, and the card clocks down to 2d clocks, along with the voltage dropping. I did the profile fix of making my 2d clocks 600/900 which matches my 3d low clocks. I also changed the...
The max multiplier on the 920 is indeed 20.
I just upgraded over the weekend to system in sig. I have all 6 sata ports filled with drives, haven't seen problem. I'm guessing that drive has an issue.
Yeah Turbo gives you an extra 1 to the multiplier on core0 when taxed. However if...
This would coincide with them ending their 20% byopc sale.
Hmm now i'm tempted to pick up a P6T and ram now and a 930 next week, need more OC'ing reports :)
Ok so I have my q6600 up to 3.6ghz on only 1.4v, and I was hoping it was stable since OCCT went for an hour with temps in the low 60s.
Then I started up IBT, my temps went to 75+ in about a minute and then BSOD.
I've been playing BFBC2 beta just fine, and even folding just fine. So i'm...
yeah i'm having problems uploading too. I was considering taking my VM home on a flash drive and having it upload there when it's done with the current unit. Today it's doing this to me:
[07:43:46] DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000
[07:43:56] Finished Work Unit...
Yeah you could at least test it at 1.4v to see if you can hit 3.2ghz, but yeah it's sounding like you just got a not-so-good OC'er.
EDIT: Hmm after reading this: and this:
I should not be...
I'm fine with the ultra low power states they want to implement, but if they keep causing gray screen crashes for people, there's no point. A lot of people including me have had to raise their powerplay clocks in the profile so unless they fix that part of it, it won't be useful.
I see this error in the log this morning.
[14:52:57] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[14:52:57] (Got status 503)
Here are the IPs it hits:
My VM was sending results through a couple...
have you tried dropping to 8x and putting the FSB at 350? Did you add .1 to your NB voltage? I had to do that on mine as well with the FSB over 333. It will probably need 3rd party cooling too, or at least a small fan pointing at it.