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  1. S

    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Yep...been 2 days now and no lockups. To be fair I had built this system because my old system's memory was dying. Then the GPU crapped out. All I can say is I'm glad it's finally over. I had to make sure I returned said 'testing' items so I wasn't floating $$$ out of my savings set...
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Final update - After multiple tests and another overnight P95 run it appears that this has been resolved. I have now tested it at 3200 mhz on the ram timings and 3000 mhz to be safe but both pass. The last thing is for me to lose out AI Suite and see if it will adjust the fans still based on the...
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    I wish! Man that process was a total PITA. It took nearly 3 months to get them to finally not only HAVE a board to advance ship but also convince them to do it in the first place.... Been a full day and no black screen yet! :nailbiting:
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Already swapped it for a new one. Update: Looks like I may have finally figured it out. I uninstalled ASUS AI Suite III, HWInfo, and ASUS Aura Sync. Started testing with Prime95 again last night, 1 hour of LFF passed, then another 2! Later in the evening I started a blend test in P95 and it ran...
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Already replaced the board via RMA with Asus. Same issues from their new board and my original.
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    So I've been continuing to troubleshoot this issue. I've now tested 3 sets of memory all SK Hynix ICs. I was unable to get any of them to remain stable even after changing the CPU. Trident Z RBGs 3200 and 3000 CAS 16. I even tried pushing 1.4v on the memory. All of them either black screen...
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Update - Just finished rebuilding into a new case (Moiught as well if I'ms tripping everything out again because of CPU testing. I put a new Ryzen 2600x in there and I'm hoping there will be some resolution this week with some additional memory testing with this new CPU. Here's to hoping it's...
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    So it passed for 30+ mins @ ~2128 mhz or 'auto' on the MB under LFF. It's got to be memory related. I'm doubting it's the actual sticks though....
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Ok I've continued testing....down-clocked the new memory sticks and running LFF. I'm assuming this is going to pass. If it does then that would mean the it's something to do with the memory, but having changed out 2 sets of sticks I'm starting to lean on it potentially being the on-board CPU...
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Ran LFF again and core 3 failed after 4 mins....
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    And SFF passed for 30 mins without fail....WTF.
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Large FFT Core 11 failed after 8 mins. That should confirm CPU correct?
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Well today I bought a new case, 2 DIFFERENT types of RAM (3200 same as I currently have, and 3000 same brand and listed as compatible with the mobo), and a new Ryzen 2600x. I plan to try and figure it out before Disneyland on Sunday :) On a side note I was just trying to stress the system and...
  14. S

    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Update - Tried running an industrial grade extension cord to another plug in another room (One that was on a different circuit in the house).....system still locked up. How would I read the voltages of those plugs if the system is still running? There's no place to stick a multi-meter into the...
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Yea the PSU was just replaced so I don't think that's it. I'll double check the next time it locks up but I'm 99% sure the Caps Lock button doesn't work since all the power to the keyboard cuts off since the LEDs go out. Not sure I could even check that since there's no indicator. Mobo was just...
  16. S

    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Well another update. After 2 days of just working on the PC (Excel, Chrome, etc) I was able to test both sticks one at a time in the system. Both eventually locked up or crashed. One other odd thing I notice when this all happens is that the keyboard and mouse lose functionality, i.e. my...
  17. S

    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Update: Last night I had the system locked up again under no load. I pulled out one of the mem sticks with the intent to test today if one was possibly bad. This morning while just browsing the web the system rebooted for no reason (same issue as last night). So I swapped out the memory stick...
  18. S

    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Well I've got the manual timings and voltages setup again, this time back at 3200. Been out of town for work so haven't been able to test this weekend but will try to later this week. Any suggestions on how to test it outside of Prime95 and memtest? Shouldn't be the case since I just...
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Agreed but the SS replaced the TT after the system was built and it was happening with both so the SS can't be the cause unless BOTH PSUs are bad. That's why I was thinking it could potentially be the draw from the wall outlet or something crazy like that.
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Yea I bought it so I'd hit about 50%-60% usage and keep the stress on the PSU low which would hopefully keep the rails tighter and caused less issues. It wasn't much more than a regular 800-900w PSU either. I don't think the PSU is the issue because I was also testing the system on a 1000w...
  21. S

    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    I've run mem tests and Prime SFFand LFF to stress the memory with no issues. I've ran it at the 3200 and manually set timings/voltage and at default for the board which is 2133 but I get the random crashes/reboots with all of them. This was the first thing I suspected too. Just did this when I...
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    Tried everything! Random shutdowns and black screens - Need help!

    Wow it's been forever since I've been on here! This past year I had both a videocard and some RAM die and I decided to completely redo my entire build. I decided to go with an AMD chip this time after some reviews and bought a Ryzen 5 2600x. Here is the rest of the specs: Asus ROG x470-F...
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    EVGA 770 GTX Overclocking issues

    78.8%. Yea I was hoping for more out of it. It's still viable for pretty much everything I can throw at it so I was just hoping there might be a couple things I may have missed since I've been out of the game since the 5xx series.
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    EVGA 770 GTX Overclocking issues

    So over the holidays I was finally able to upgrade from my 560ti 448 core into a new EVGA 770 GTX SC ACX Dual Bios. And so far it's been fantastic! Much faster than what I was running... But here's my delimma. I've been holding off on overclocking it until I was able to get a waterblock on...
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    2,535 VRam Memory Overclocking on 560 ti 448 Classified?

    So I've been playing with my new toy trying to get it OCd to max. EVGA 560 ti 448 core classified. Slapped a XSPC 480 gtx water block on it and it's been amazing so far. I'm not planning on doing any volt adjustments beyond maxing out the voltage in afterburner. So at 1.1v, I'm still...
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    Random P55/i7860 Stability issues

    I've got all the power saving options disabled. So it's not sidestep or anything like that. So far at the recommendation of a member over at the EVGA forums, I've bumped the vDIMM voltage up a little bit to 1.6. So far so good, guess only time will tell though.
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    Random P55/i7860 Stability issues

    OK so I've been having some strange stability issues as of late with my system. First off here's the setup: CPU: i7 860 @4.0ghz (20x200) HT Enabled Mobo: EVGA P55 FTW (Bios Version v59) Vcore 1.35 PCH 1.175 CPU PLL 1.8 CPU VTT 1.3 Dram 1.55 Memory: 4gb Gskill @...
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    Water temps something's wrong

    Not too worried about the overclock, just wondering why the temps aren't registering properly, software, loop setup, maybe I'm just stupid? :confused: I've noticed that similar systems temps are in the 30's/40s under load. 20c is just odd imo.
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    Water temps something's wrong

    Ok, here's my setup. CPU: X3110 @ 3.8 1.425 vcore in bios Mobo: DFI X48 LanParty Cooling: Danger Den TDX CPU block Danger Den Extreme Ice II with 2x120mm fans Danger Den Laing 12v pump Bay Reservior 1/2" ID 3/4" OD tubing My idle temps run at about 38-45c (according...
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    Cleaning Water Blocks,Radiator, Pump, and Tubes

    What about using vinegar? I've been told that vinegar may cause damage to copper, but w With an aluminum radiator, it would get the buildup of 4 years out of there pretty good right? What about alcohol? Any opinions on that?
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    Memory Chip Identification Help!

    Quick question as I haven't been keeping up with the latest memory chips when it comes to 2gb sticks. Curious which chips are used in these memory sticks? and what kinda of overclock could I expect in a DFI x48 board do you think? I'm just trying to identify the chips in each module if...
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    Maximus Formula

    The x48 is just a higher binned x38, nothing new with it besides higher fsb support.
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    Newegg Steppings

    I checked Tank Guys they're backordered atm. So I'm hearing the next best bet would be clubIT?
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    Newegg Steppings

    Anyone know if the current stock on Newegg is G0? How are the steppings comming out of there laterly in the last month or so?
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    Any working DS3 (rev 1) Vdroop mods?

    Did you use a pencil or conductive ink?
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    I'll take two :D

    But dear it cooked it in 22.675 seconds instead of our old slow toaster which took 2.700 seconds! :eek:
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    I'll take two :D

    For the toasters of tomorrow? :cool:
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    Any working DS3 (rev 1) Vdroop mods?

    That one is actually supposed to work for the revision 1. There have been a few people who have reported it working just fine. I'm still looking for one on this revision 3.3 :eek:
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    Lian Li PC-A16

    Nice case! I personally prefer the PC-1200 or the PC-2000/2100 for the designs :D
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    DDR2 800 vs 1066

    I assume by 12 to 15 you're talking about the ram timing. To answer that question you would hardly EVER see a difference, even in something as critical as a synthetic benchmark like mbench or sisoft sandra. Second question is if you'll need to tweak the memory @ a 400 fsb and an e6600? Well...