Search results

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    WTB: 2.5" SATA Hard Drive

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    WTB: 2.5" SATA Hard Drive

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    WTB: 2.5" SATA Hard Drive

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    WTB: 2.5" SATA Hard Drive

    This will be going in my PS3 so it needs to be SATA and you must be willing to ship to Canada. I'm not picky about capacity but I'd like something either 120GB or more. heatware: afirawker ebay: rob.hider Show me what you got!
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    MacBook (white) 13"

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    WTB: Sennheiser HD-555 or HD-595

    I'm looking to purchase pair of Sennheiser HD-555s (or 595s depending on the price). Seller must be willing to ship to Canada. Heatware account is afirawker. -Rob
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    Am i supposed to hear any difference between 192 vs FLAC?

    I've noticed a difference between audio encoded @ 192 and VBR 128-320. However when comparing VBR 128-320 and FLAC it's all the same to me. Personally I like to download EAC albums in FLAC format, burn the FLAC files to CD and then convert them to 128-320.
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    Roberty's For Sale Thread - Updated Regularly

    I'm going to bump this thread for you just because it's so damn old :p
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    Older Athlon System FS:

    I have a Gamecube I can sell you. It's in excellent condition however it's only the console, box, and cables. No controller or memory card would be included. Tell me if you're somewhat interested and maybe we can make a deal. EDIT: I meant to say trade instead of sell. Would shipping to Canada...
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    FS: CPUS, Mobo, RAM, Video, Systems Cleaning Out Office/Computer Room

    I may be interested in the Dell Latitude. Let me know if you're willing to ship to Canada.
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    FS/FT: Jackmelots' Stuff Thread

    I'm looking for some SDRAM for my sister's old computer. Let me know how many 64/128MB sticks you have and their make/clockrate. I don't think I want the whole lot but I will want 1 or 2 of the sticks. Let me know if you're interested.
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    WTB: 9600np/pro/XT

    Must be willing to ship to Canada. Heat is under afirawker.
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    CD-ROM drive problems

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    HSF Control Question

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    Suggest A Decent Monitor

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    How do you compile code??

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    System not working, need help!

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    Best TV Tuner Card

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    FS/FT: 10 CPUs, so much Ram, Parts, and so much more!

    PM me if you're interested in selling 2 or 3 of those 128MB sticks of SDRAM
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    Which is crapping out here. My PSU or HDD?

    I don't see how the CPU temps would relate to HDD failure...but I guess I can try it out
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    Which is crapping out here. My PSU or HDD?

    I have 2 internal HDDs and every few weeks they'll start taking a shit. I can hear one of the drives spin down and after a few seconds it will spin up again. A few months ago I got a WD 250GB HDD and that seemed to be the HDD that was spinning down because when I heard the noise I would check my...
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    Parting out rig!

    What case is that? Can you post pics of it?
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    Check your PM
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    How much for either or both of those 256 sticks of Kingston RAM shipped to Canada?
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    WTB: Sapphire 9600XT fan

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    WTB: Sapphire 9600XT fan

    I'm getting tired of this loud ass fan making so much noise in my case so I'm looking to buy a replacement fan for it that is quiet. Heat under afirawker. Must be willing to ship to Canada and accept payment via paypal. EDIT: This is what my current fan looks like...
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    DNS issues with my Netgear router etc

    For some reason msn connects and the websites load, but torrents are still deathly slow. :(
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    DNS issues with my Netgear router etc

    I have the most updated firmware. What DNS server would I hardcore into the router?
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    DNS issues with my Netgear router etc

    On second thought it may not be a DNS issue because when I ping it comes up with an IP address for the site but it can't make a connection. I just restored the router back to default settings as well but that didn't make any difference. Any ideas?
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    DNS issues with my Netgear router etc

    For some reason or another after hooking up my old Netgear RP614 router I'm having issues using MSN messenger, loading some webpages, and slow torrent speeds. I tried a bunch of port forwarding methods to get msn messenger working but to no avail. Then I tried to goto but the...
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    FS: ATI x700 Pro 256mb, Zalman VGA waterblock, Intel Pentium D 820 w/ mobo and win 2k

    Is the x700 AGP or PCI? Do you ship to Canada?
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    Wtb: Hdd

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    Wtb: Hdd

    I'm looking for something around 40-60 gigs. Has to be on the quiet side but it doesn't have to be too quiet. Needs to be shipped to Ontario Canada. I have references under afirawker @ heatware. Email is but I check PMs more often then email.
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    Free Johnny Walker Valet Tray

    it keeps saying there is a problem with my postal code