The demo does have ultrawide support. Change your resolution to native resolution, save, and then restart the demo. The menus will not be in ultrawide, but the game is.
My biggest problem is I cannot for the life of me get my wheel to feel right, or even somewhat realistic at all.
Thanks. I've had a Rift for a week now and didn't know Echo Arena was free. Went and grabbed it.
The newest beta version of Oculus will automatically pick up the Steam VR games and add them to your Oculus library. You have to play them once first, but that's how I added in Elite Dangerous. No...
Thanks, bought one a couple days ago. Looking forward to its arrival. I've wanted a camera with great optical zoom for a while and you can't beat 90 bucks.
Yup, we got tagged a couple of times and it hit up the mapped drives to the servers. Same department both times... We keep backups, so we restored the files and all was well. People like to click on e-mail links quite a bit. They learned the hard way to stop doing it when I told them "sorry...
Thanks, snagged the last one near me. Box was dented but I'll take my chances and return if it doesn't work.
Also was given some entertainment while in line, in the form of a disgruntled old man wielding a half eaten banana and cane, in a neck brace, yelling that he needed to be helped...
I can't complain about mine at all. It was time for a hardware upgrade at work just before the original released so I waited it out and I picked a 128GB Pro instead of a traditional laptop. I have the official dock as well (when it came out, had so/so luck with universal USB dock) which is great...
No, you've got it backwards. He's saying he doesn't want to spend more than a dollar for each hour he can get out of the game. So if a game is 20 hours long, he won't spend more than 20 bucks. In your case, if you bought Dark Souls for 50 bucks and got 600 hours out of it, you're paying 8 cents...
I picked it up when Castle Crashers went on sale for 90% off the other day. They had the Can't Stop Laughing bundle that includes both for 90% off as well, so I got both games for $2.49. But I checked the flash sale for Castle Crashers earlier to see if they had done it again and so I could grab...
I wish they had it listed on Newegg's site for that price. Best Buy is willing to price match what it's currently listed at, so at least I'll get twenty bucks back.
Got it! Thank you guys very much! I set it to Original and it didn't make a change, but then I went into the AMD settings and noticed it was running about 7% underscan. Everything is great now!
Ok, so update on my 29UM65. I do notice a little bit of glow in the bottom left, but it's not bad. Less noticeable than on my Dell 23.
Here's an issue I'm running into though, if anyone else has come across it because Google does me no good. Some games only want to run 1920x1080, and I'm okay...
I bought a 29UM65 the other day and I think it'll need some getting used to. I was used to 1920x1080 on a 23" so it's a bit overwhelming for now. A handful of the games I play aren't going to do the 2560 width, but I can do 16:9 on them if I want to play them. The games that do take advantage of...
You'd think, but I imagine it depends on the size of the bag of money they're presented with. There's no good reason that Titanfall isn't being released on PS4, while it's simultaneously released on 360, XBOne, and PC.
Yeah, no official announcement has been made for a PS4 version, but Kazunori Yamauchi (president Polyphony Digital) has said We actually do have a PlayStation 4 version in mind, but for this holiday season, we thought it would be best for users to release on PS3 for now.
Well, since I'm one of the few that enjoyed D3, I'll be picking this up as well. Crusader looks neat. I did recently get back into D3 after not playing for several months, since it didn't have the saying power that D3 did. Seems like good loot drops way more often. And I'm looking forward to...
Have you had a chance to play it? I had the opportunity to play someone's beta and I thought it felt fairly close to other Elder Scrolls games. Really, like a multiplayer version. Granted, I didn't have a whole lot of time with it to form a better opinion, but it was more "Big world, fairly meh...
When I was working for Circuit City, if you had a bag it had to be checked before you left. A couple people had been caught stealing, so I guess they just thought it was best to assume everyone was.
Not to the same degree, of course, but I'm pretty sure I remember day one patches for Diablo 2 and the LOD expansion. Those were just bug fixes now. It's unfortunate though that the mentality of "ship it now, fix it later" is so prevalent now though.
Diablo 2 had a fairly similar endgame...
Hah, that part made me laugh the most.
I'm looking forward to the next gen consoles. I'll always be both a PC and console gamer as long as they're both around, most likely.
I jailbroke mine almost exclusively so I could stop using Safari. I just don't like it. And I hate that every time I click a link Safari opens, so I have to copy the link, close Safari, and paste it into Chrome.
I'm interested in putting Siri on my 4, but haven't gotten around to doing it yet...
Well, I'm trying to get mine replaced under warranty because the backlight bleed on the lower right is really starting to get to me.
I sat on hold for 45 minutes before my phone was about to die and I hung up. Then I went to their forums since I'm not in a dire hurry to get it replaced, and...
Hell if I know what's going on. I opened a ticket, waited about ten minutes, saw the "holidays = 2-4 day response time" message, figured what the hell it's going to end in three hours anyway, and tried one last time. Went through. What a pain in the ass, but that made my night. :D
Looks like I'm going to miss out on this one. I keep getting the "Order not complete" error, even though I've bought through them in the past. Called both of my CC and my bank and they said the charges aren't even attempting on their end, so it's something on GMG's end holding it up. Oh well, I...
I had a plush microfiber chair before I got this mesh one. I loved it until my cat tore it apart. Still have another one at an unused desk too. The problem with any cloth or leather (especially leather) chairs I've owned is that they aren't as breathable, and I end up with a bad case of sweaty...
When I bought all new office furniture earlier this year, I ended up with two Realspace Pro Quantum Mesh chairs:
Look for coupons too, since they go out every once in a while. I ended up getting mine for around...