Might wanna show of your work before you talk crap like this. If you can show footers that are curved to your clients than man give me some of your "highend" clients please! Anything below or above Eyesight looks curved simple as that and its pretty bad.
If your doing some low end crap work...
This display looks very nice. I have been trying an LG Ultrawide for a while (mainly doing work), photoshop , indesign and alot of web coding and design. But I did not like the curve messing with mind and showing lines curved (especially footers).
But while I did like the bigger workspace this...
Look if you do a fair amount of design, web work all I can tell the curve is not going to help you, everything straight looks bad. For example footers of a web or even if you use photoshop or illustrator in the middle of your monitor like you would with a 27" you can see the lines not being...
Yes thats what I thought but I am just tired on any forum people only think about gaming. Even if you ask advice, they say take that the Dell is better. Curve is almost nothing etc etc...
No it is more than enough for any decent graphic designer/web developer to have problems.
Clients also...
Dude what do you want me to say different that I bought the monitor and it is stupid bad for photoshop, indesign or any other graphic work.
Straight lines are not straight, are you frekkin dumb?
After using the curved for like 4 days now I might take your advice and get the flat one. At first I was going to get the dell U2715h because I really like the thin borders also.
But the ultrawide really helps me for work, having a web on left and some code and photoshop on right etc...
Nah I know flat one will be better but I think its not worth it.
So now again I am left thinking what I will buy... either a 1440p or a 4K it is than, but can't decide.
Just got my LG ultrawide , I must say its a really nice display but I don't understand how LG or any other company can promote this for professional graphic/design use.
It is pretty much not useable because of the curve.
So I will be sending it back and picking something else, either staying...
I am thinking the same as you, as I need a new monitor I thought alot about going 27" 1440p , an ultrawide or 4K...
From what I decided so far is that I am going to order an LG ultrawide or Dell this week (dont know what is best), if I like the ultrawide for work/webdesign/remote work etc...
I think I am gonna try an ultrawide and if it doesnt work will get the dell U2715h for now and wait till more 4K screens comes out and everything settles down a little. Especially on the windows scaling, programs catching up etc...
Sure if you would be making 4k app designs all the time it is...
Well for sure I don't want to go 40" 4K, thats just crazy. You can't work properly on that. Sure for a gaming aspect and movies I can understand, but having a TV on my desk no thanks. I don't think thats the correct way either.
So I am still to decide if I want to get an ultrawide and 4K later...
Hey, thanks for input
Yeah thats the thing there is nothing future proof.
It is hard to say what will fit my need as both have downsides...
Basicly I am trying to decide if I wanna pickup one of these LG ultrawide or a 4K monitor... I also thought about just getting the dell U2715h (currently...
Hey I think you guys are putting me on right track and might indeed be right, I have been reading up for 2 days straight now on either getting a 4K or a 21:9, today I was like ready to pick up the 21:9 ratio but indeed as you are saying its something that probably wont stay for long, sure its...
Hey thanks for your input, I know about the Windows + Arrow keys to snap. But when doing photoshop work it would really be nice to have it not full screen and in the middle of the screen, same when doing for example CSS on a web etc.
But found this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-9XdLEfFp4...
Any of you who bought and love an ultrawide doing any webdesign? I really love the workspace it gives and thinking of getting one, but have huge doubts on photoshop and webdesign having to resize all the time, splitting is not really an option if its not in middle of your screen.. especially on...
Well for sure not going 40". It is TO big.
I just can not decide for my work what I wanna go for.
Ultrawide : I would pick one of the LG's or Dell ( don't know what will be best ). Going to check in a Retail store tomorrow how it looks.
4K : 27" to max 34" range I guess, though everyone is...
hey man, thanks for the input but I really think 40" is going to be to much for me even it looks really nice for the price.
I am really thinking if I should get 1440P or 4K, ultrawide is out of the picture especially curved. I think photoshop and indesign drawing lines it is going to look very...
I am at the point of buying a new monitor for my new rig I am building.
The use is mainly graphic design/web design, coding, e-mail, browsing, movies and some light gaming (like world of warcraft and league).
I think I decided I am not going for an ultrawide because and...