The only issue I have had was when it updated to a new build and refreshed settings my GoG copy of Witcher 3 wouldn't run. Apps would attempt to re-install during the refresh and would break at times.
Have you tried using DVI connections? How much clearance do you have up there? Also, no pictures of what the rear of the case looks, I'm curious what is back there now.
Have used Antec power supplies in the past and had great experience using them.
Have not had the opportunity to use their cases and would love to try one out.
Running latest Bugless Beast nightly for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Nova launcher on top. Runs buttery smooth. One of the best parts of ICS? Chrome browser.
Thanks for the input on the power supply, it was definitely under scrutiny whether it would handle the added card.
I had a 1000w silverstone psu that I had purchased from another member here go out on me. Needed my gaming fix and that was the best that Best Buy had on stock. (live in...
I've had this urge to play wow stretched across 3 screens for the last two weeks and I'm entertaining the idea of going that route.
I'm currently running a single galaxy gtx 480 soc in an msi p67-gd80 b3 motherboard.
I play on a 24" 1920x1200 monitor currently and will be grabbing two more...
First thing that ever goes back on my rooted droid after a wipe is TouchDown by Nitrodesk.
If you need exchange access this is what you want. Stock Exchange support is a joke imo compared to this.
Negative press surrounding this panel around here but for me it would be $682 shipped.
I've been gaming on a Dell XPS Gen2 for quite some time. Looking to maybe score a fast system at a 'used' price. Don't want to spend more than $2,000 but $1,500 would be a better range. Highest my laptop ever scored for 3dmarks06 was 3718 just to give a comparison.
Current laptop specs are...
I've since upgraded to the following:
NVIDIA GeForce Go 7800 GTX 256MB as well as
2.00GByte (2x1GB) DDR2 PC4200 SODIMMs
Hitachi Travelstar 7K100 HTS721010G9AT00 100GB 7200 RPM 8MB Cache
Won't be upgrading until Core Duo 2 is out. No real reason. :D
I've since upgraded to 2gb of ddr2 533mhz running dual channel
also upgraded the graphics card from a 6800 go ultra to a 7800 gtx 256mb
it's more than capable of "gaming"
unless you get a fat percentage off coupon, its cheaper to get the stock config on ram/hd and but it from newegg or something.
I play games with the laptop sitting on my lap all the time, never gets too uncomfortable.
look at some pics of it torn apart... very good cooling.
oh man, the UPS guy finally came.
All hooked up now and I'm definately having no regrets coming from a dying KDS monitor.
A little bleeding in the bottom left and top right, I dont even notice it really.
One pixel stuck on red about about 2 inches from the left of the screen in the middle...
Rescheduled Delivery meaning tomorrow?
Dell just sent me an email this morning at 6am about my 2005FPW.
Status: In Transit -
Rescheduled Delivery: May 19, 2005
Shipped to: STANWOOD, WA, US
Shipped or Billed on: May 17, 2005
Tracking Number...
Been waitin for weeks for it to drop again...
No regrets on my soon to arrive 2005fpw!!!
For all those still hesitating...just do it, you know you want to.
OK quick scenario in a sentence, my friend just got a laptop for Christmas and now I'm envious and want one to play with.
I love my iPod but don't use it as much as I thought I would.
As a result it has not been off the charger much and when it has, I've always had it inside the case it came...