I used to be a pretty hardcore windows user, gaming college and work. And I always hated macs, saw windows as way superior as far as performance. What made me begin to change my mind was getting stuck using a Mac Pro in college for 2 semesters at a lab. Then, all of the kids were working on...
Xbox One S is pretty much an XBox one that is smaller, with capabilities to play 4K content. Outside of that, spec wise it's inferior to the regular PS4. I just picked up PS4 pro myself since I bought a 4K tv and I want to game at higher resolutions. One of my main complaints with the regular...
There is a promo code you can sign up for that would drop it to $699, plus will get you a free le pro 3 phone as well.
Or, I did get two codes to get the price down to $499 without the phone. I used one for myself, I have one more code that is valid until 11:59pm pst on 11/28. If you're...
Hey all,
This year has been crazy good when it comes to 4K TV deals. But, I think this one takes the cake. I told my family about this TV, ended up buying me one as well. Theirs came in, it is absolutely amazing! The sound and picture quality are both exceptional and it has HDR.
It Also has...
Update... so, went back to the lusby location and issues still persist even with 10.0.3. Tested again with other T-Mobile iPhone, it works great there, just this phone. Ugh... again, works great everywhere else.
Yea, just updated few minutes ago. I am hoping this would fix it. I was all over Northern VA and DC today, not a single problem. That was pre update. I really think this issue was isolated to only certain areas. Maybe certain bands?
Tell me about it, I use my phone for everything. I love iMessage, with data being like this it makes it extra difficult to use. Yesterday morning I woke up to no texts, one email, one other notification. I knew something was up because 1 email overnight is literally impossible these days with...
Hey all, I have finally received iPhone 7 Plus this Saturday after preordering it ages ago. Overall, super quick and nice camera. However... major issues with cellular. At my house in D.C. everything seemed okay, but the second I drove out to Maryland to my parents summer home in Lusby, issues...
Just played some SP while the game was downloading. I have no idea what the complaints are about, it is amazing! Graphics are stunning and combat is exceptional! 2160p runs amazing on i7-6700, gtx 970 with max settings.
Hey everyone, I am selling Dell XPS 9343. The laptop is in excellent condition, as new. It is running Win 10 Home, fully activated. Wonderful laptop, good performance, with pretty great screen. Battery life isn't too shabby for such high res display as well. I really like how thin the screen...
Check this out. Before and after the reshade mod that takes out the blur and makes colors a bit more vivid. I don't have the game yet to test, has anyone tried?
I was reading couple of early impressions of the alpha/beta and it looks as if the console versions are somewhere between medium/high settings graphically on pc. Also, there might be DX12 support in the PC version down the road? I love gaming on MB/KB and I am very close on purchasing parts for...