As for the military and homeland security systems running on antiquated hardware and software... It still works, and it will works for years to come, because it is actually reliable. Also... they are pretty secure, especially the stuff that matters (classified systems) because they are air...
People typically don't get denied for no reason. There are a multitude of reasons why he could have gotten denied though. Having foreign contacts, having foreign bank accounts/investments, unreported foreign travel, being in too much debt, or having something go to collections... someone that...
Negligence, pure and simple. Why anyone wouldn't have a system this important air gapped, like the military does, is beyond me. They must have been wearing purple, because they were just begging to be graped.
Mine can do 95Hz with no flicker, but has the dim backlight after waking issue. I might be returning to Acer after the holidays. I am with the guys that demand quality for a 1300$ monitor. The overclocking isn't the issue for me, but the backlight is frustrating.
I know the college that I went to sent out monthly notices that if you were caught pirating through the campus network, that you would get discharged from the school. I think the colleges are getting pressured by the big businesses because a lot of the pirating happens to come from that age...
I has the same issue with my Asus Maximus VIII Hero board. The solution that fixed mine was to set the boot device to windows boot manager, and not the 950. Once you get booted back in, don't forget to go to Samsung's website and download the driver for the 950. But yeah, mine is working great now.
Sure, he is given protection for whistleblowing on that one program (the one that everyone hears about), but not for the other stuff he released. The stuff that they want to go to trial for, and not a public trial, because of the nature of the info.
It is a moderately priced SSD that fits in my M.2 slot, and it matches my motherboard ;). I am hearing good things about it in reviews so far, I don't know why there is so much hate for this thing.
I actually just got mine delivered last night and was confused at the lack of audio ports. The good news is that it synced right up to my wireless Visio soundbar setup I have. I am pleased to tell you that it works just great. Less wires to hide for my home theater projector setup.
Now is the time buy that 6700K at microcenter. It is 319, and you can't find that price online anywhere I have seen. And they give you like 40-60 off of a compatible MOBO as well.
I know this isn't exactly the right place for this, but I guess it kind of made sense in my head. I have been looking for a new desk for a while now. I had my heart set on the IKEA Galant. To have a similar setup to one of the earlier posts. Well that desk is infinitely hard to find and I don't...
It's finally here! Only one available at a massive price gauge... makes me sick! Odds are you wouldn't even get this one until official release anyway. I just wanted to post this to you guys so you can have a laugh...
I would want some kind of desk designed for gamers/enthusiasts. It would be height adjustable, come in an awesome variety of colors, and have RGB lighting!
It really makes sense for them to strech out the 500 series since it crushes current software for single display 1080p users. It is never worth it to wait for tech, if you need it, BUY IT!