Key point right there. Attack subs LOVE unescorted carriers.
To add, our navy has been doing this for a long time (blue water ops) and under actual combat to boot. China, not so much...
And governments DON'T do shitty things? In my experience, there is nothing more hazardous to one's freedom of expression and freedom period than government. They are a necessary evil but need constant restraint to keep them from going all banana republic right in front of you.
US law applies to the US and is not applicable to Europe. I would laugh my ass off if it came about that Android makers had to license Lightning in some flavor from Apple so that we had a unified standard.
Not to be picky, but fascism is literally the OPPOSITE of no government. I believe anarchy might be the word you're looking for? And best not to assume what level of training some of us might or might not have for kinetic situations. ;)
Upgrade or clean install? I did an upgrade and have regretted it ever since-some serious issues with network slowdowns over time as well as apps like Steam just quitting and unable to start without a restart of the system.
We get it. In your eyes, US is the source of all evil in this world. While I will not argue that we probable should not have been out there solving all of the rest of the worlds problems for them, I have to ask: who else would do it? We have been shouldering the bulk of NATO's defense protecting...
Sovereign country.
There were Russian in Ukraine because Ukraine was brutalized by the USSR for 80 years.
What they do in their sovereign country is no one's business but their own. That would be like us invading Mexico because US citizens are regularly brutalized by both government and cartel...
This was a 4 way deal between the US, the Russian Federation, the UK, and Ukraine.
Are you insinuating that more than one of the signatories broke the deal? If so, please feel free to point out who and how.
You realize that Ukraine signed an accord between the US, Russia, and the UK that in exchange for turning over the nuclear arsenal that they inherited from their time of occupation by the USSR, all of the signatories promised to respect their sovereignty, right?
Respecting their sovereignty...
If you're buying the business and/or engineering machines, you're going to get that tank. Standard consumer grade, not so much. This is true for all of the manufacturers (except Apple-they don't really do the different grade thing)
The TikTok part was incidental. Most of my issue was the lack of discernment in your sources. I will not deny the HUGE homeless issues here in the US (I live close to Portland, OR for God's sake!) but for the vast majority of the home less, this is entirely self inflicted.
It's amazing how when...
TikTok? Seriously? Is that where you go for information these days? And the day that I take what Chinese people (who ONLY see what their government wants them to) say as a guiding light is they day you should just shoot me, as it would be an indicator that I have lost all reason and have given...