Add me to the list of people that had a H220 pump die on him. CPU was overheating so I open up the case to see what was going on and almost got a face full of steam. Turned computer off immediately and then notice a slight burning smell.
On the plus I tested every component in the computer...
Update after taking Necere advice.
Video card is still slanted but I can physically push it to a straight position now. Before this was not possible. The reason it still slanted is the tube going from radiator to video card I made slightly to long so it applies downward pressure on the...
I completely missed the fact that the AC inlet could be moved over. Thanks!
That definitely would of saved me some trouble.
It amazing how flexible of design you came up with.
It a risk but I think it a much smaller risk then many people would believe. They make those PCB's fairly strong. I seen sagging video cards run for years with out issue. Defiantly not something I would recommend or risk someone else money with but it a risk am willing to take with my own...
Here a link to pictures from my build (Swifttech H220, Asus Impact, EVGA Geforce 780 Hydro Copper).
You can see what I mean by video card slanted and not the cleanest cable management. I am happy anyway since everything works perfectly so I guess the PCI_E express slot and the video card can...
brute force (am only half joking)
Only camera I have is my cell phone but I try to take some pics tomorrow. From front and top. wont be a perfect view but there no way am unskewing the radiator after all the trouble I had installing it.
It is not a pretty cabling job. I was too impatience...
First time posting here. Wanted to thank wahaha360 and Necere for this awsome case. I received it December 21st in Maryland (dispatch 26) and built my new computer the same day. Got everything up and running now.
My build is nothing unique but for those who curious this what I am running...