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  1. T

    Steve Jobs Action Figure?

    I would rather have an R. Lee Ermey like adonn78 said. Oh, and that quotes Full Metal Jacket. Or a Robert Noyce figure would be cool. The Jobs action figure is incredibly detailed though.
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    Vote: DC'er of the Year for 2011

    I have a lot of reading to do...
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    No ends at the end of the Cat5e cables?

    yep agree with the first few, just need RJ-45 connectors and a crimping tool. This should be fairly simple to solve too funny! (redneck networking)
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    FX 4100

    After everything I have learned here on this thread I would have to give the Phenom II X4 960T a go. I have the 980, and other than how cheap the 4100 is and the OC capabilities I sill favor my Phenoms performance; seems to be more responsive using Win 7 x64 U. Definitely going to put mu 4100...
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    The 31 Types of Facebook Users

    looks like I'm "The Narcissist". Nothing too extreme, just keep in touch with true friends.
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    FX 4100

    very good! I see what your saying! thank you! im old school when it comes to this stuff. not for long though
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    FX 4100

    I read on valves site a few weeks ago they are in the process of getting steam and steam games linux ready where you wont need POL or WINE. as long as they release counter-strike on the linux platform i will be happy and to...
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    FX 4100

    +1, thanks man, i agree. I still have a lot to learn, that's why im here Thanks for the feedback pelo, it's much appreciated. Reading your review links now. Thank god the system im on now is Phenom all the way :P might see what i can get out of Ubuntu with my 4100 set-up. I'm hearing their...
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    FX 4100

    Koolance just calles it anti-freeze. technically its colored water. I believe it would be the radiator that makes it so cold, has nothing to do with the water. do you guys have nothing better to do than just try to find something wrong with others beliefs? ok so I could be wrong, just going by...
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    FX 4100

    here is stock settings before OC 2 days ago. Have a lot of work to do at the moment so no time to put under load with new settings and take screen. nothing to prove and hate getting off topic
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    FX 4100

    did you take koolance anti-freeze into account while making your physics calculations? sorry for getting off topic pelo, thank you for the great links
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    New computer help :(

    The temps is the first thing that threw my red light. You are talking about 60s and 70s f and not c right? with no blue screen or errors displaying and the system just shutting down is usually temperature related
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    A Picture I took - 2012

    That picture is straight up beautiful Smitty
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    FX 4100

    pelo is right in every way. although, the only reason I purchased my zambezi is because in all honesty it's an overclocking beast. I have mine @ only 4.2 right now idling at about 7c and 18c under load. I could easily get it to 5Ghz with the koolance cooling block I'm using, but it does...
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    What to do with front firewire port?

    hmmm good question. Maybe a fan RPM controller knob or LED toggle switch? That's all that comes to mind other than hollowing it out and growing a flower
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    Top 10 New Year's Resolutions

    My main new years resolution is to get up and walk away from my PC every once in a while; I'm going for at least once a week... NOT! never I say! No but seriously I don't think I have any but to game more and acquire more hardware. And perhaps donate something, that always makes you feel good...
  17. T

    Is it ok to clip my PSU?

    I agree with Magnus. But if you know exactly what your clipping and you know for sure you can get rid of it; then I would suggest wire nuts, not electrical tape. That could possibly prevent fire much much better ;) Perhaps checking out a modular PSU in the future would be beneficial ;)
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    Beware of OCZ Rebates! I wish I had know this.

    @ NoOther: no blame at all toward them. if anything hats off toward them, for thinking of a sneaky user agreement and/or card holder terms leading to the raise of profit directly caused by that very fact. No doubt it happens. I can definitely see your point though, regardless.
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    Beware of OCZ Rebates! I wish I had know this.

    Very glad i read this before I turned in my $30 rebate after purchasing a modular 700w PSU off newegg. I'm not very responsible so I'm not even going to take a chance. I got a decent deal so no worries here. Thanks for the input guys ** send me cash or im not interested :)
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    Portal Christmas Tree

    yes this is the best christmas tree I have seen yet! beam the tree up scotty! cheers
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    noob question: form factor?

    I wouldn't go any smaller than microATX just because of the given PCIe slots (at least dual x16s). (and AM3+ support) ;) though I could be wrong cheers
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    the start icon not work when i click on it ?

    is this an OEM clean install your talking about? is the notebook brand new? perhaps try a sys restore to factory settings or last know good configuration? Cheers
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    Is the Gigabyte GA-H55N-USB3 a good motherboard?

    I think it mainly depends what you need your mobo for and how you intend to use it. With that said, this mini ITX form factor board does support intels sandy bridge models which is a plus. If your looking to purchase this mobo for strictly business, school and/or leisure use only it will be...